
Alpha Xander Rebellious Mate

All Emerald Kingsley wanted was peace and quiet and eventually she got it but it was short lived as crises rose up in the werewolve's world and being the only one with the gift of a seer around her help is needed Going back home she finds out that the moon goddess mated her to the Lycan King but she wants nothing to do with him because she never wanted a mate but was this brute of an alpha king going to let the mate he has been waiting for for years off? No, he sets out to tame and win the heart of his wild mate

King_Victory_0020 · Fantaisie
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5 Chs


Emerald breath came out fast and she panted as she ran in the woods. She was running in her human body and have been running for two hours without stopping.


She stopped panting hard and fast . She brought her phone out of her joggers pant and swipe the receiver button

" Hello" She kept panting

" Tinkerbell? Why are you breathing fast like that? what are you doing? Hope am not interrupting something?"

" Zeke get your mind out of the gutter I was running when you called" she easily recognised his voice especially when he called her Tinkerbell

" Running? By this time? am on my way to your house I hope you didn't forget? I was waiting for you but you didn't show up so I thought maybe you have chicken out, I decided to come get you myself" Zeke said

" Damn it i totally forgot but am already coming back home now". Emerald turned around and began to run back as she talked to him on the phone.

Emerald walked out of the woods and saw Zeke leaning on his car waiting for her. He didn't drive his Benz today he drove a red sport car.

" Damn I love your car" she disconnected the call and ran up to his car. She tried to peek through the tinted glass but saw nothing. She turn to him and pouted her small rosy pink lips at him

" What?" He raised his brow at her. Why was she looking at him like that?

" I can't see what's inside" she whined

Zeke shook his head at her attempt to act coy with him as he opened the car with the remote in his hand.

Emerald opened the car door and peeked inside " wowwww" as much as she wanted to get in the car she knew she was sweating she did not want to stain the car.

" Your car is dope " she came out and closed the car's door

" Thanks and good morning you too" he said sarcastically

" Oops" she gave him a sheepish smile " good morning come on in I need to bath and change"

The both of them walked into her house and she led him upstairs to get room.

Zeke looked around her room when he got in. He thought that her room will be pink like other girl's but everything in her room was red.

" You really like red huh?"

" Yup and am also a red head" she walked to her closet and took her clothes and padded barefooted to the bathroom " will be back"

" Hmm" Zeke walked to her bed and sat down ignoring the one sitter couch in the room

Zeke looked round her room. There were drawings of different colours of wolf hanging on the wall. Some were howling to the Moon while some were running in the woods. Was she a fan of werewolf movies?

" You love wolf's?" He called out

" Yes I love wolf and am one" she said cheekily

Zeke smiled, stupid girl, a wolf indeed. He have never been free with any girl like this he really likes her company. He have never visited any girl not to talk of going of entering her room.

" Are you going to sleep in there?" He called out she have been in the bath for over thirty minutes

" Am coming out now" she came out dressed In a big sweater that has a hoodie and stopped mid thigh making a wow escape his lips

" you like dressing like this" it came out as a statement more than a question. That's exactly the way she dressed to the club yesterday when he first met her.

" Yup" she walked to her vanity and sat down in front of her mirror and plugged in her hair dryer to dry her wet hair." It's nice and breezy". She wriggled her brows at him through the mirror

Emerald and Zeke changed their clothes in the bathroom and walked into the boxing ring. Zeke smirked provocatively at her, such a tiny woman.

He have been in the army since he was eighteen and is in the special Force's, he have had so many training he is going to be gentle with her and not hurt her.

The both of them got into fighting position and began to circle each other. People who came to the gym saw a tiny woman in the boxing ring and a muscular guy so they surrounded the boxing ring to watch.

Most of them were amused, how can a tiny little woman go against a man with they kind of physique hell how can she even fight anyone?

" You know that you can give up now right?" Zeke asked with a smirk on his face, he is taunting her. " Many people are here I don't want them to think that am bullying a tiny woman"

Emerald responded with an innocent smile on her face " I don't wanna"

she turn to look around them and yes many people were watching waiting for her to be beaten up with her supernatural hearing abilities she can hear them clearly

Zeke threw a punch when he saw that she was distracted making everyone to hold their breath but she saw his hand moving towards her, she dodged at the very last minute

Everyone gasped in shock, she was supposed to be on the ground right now but she dodged the blow at the very last minute, everyone became interested seems like they have judged the book by its cover, everyone wanted to see what the book contain.

Zeke was the most surprised of them all how in God's name was she able to dodge that blow, yes he did not put too much power in that blow so as not to hurt her If his hand connect with her face but she actually saw it coming. He felt like crying when he saw the expression on her face she was laughing at him. Did he underestimate his opponent?

He did not want to believe that she was that good.


Emerald threw a punch at him and it landed squarely sending Zeke down and making the crowd to roar in shock and excitement. He gasped in shock did one of her punch just send him to the ground?

From the time he joined the army till now he is the best fighter on his team, no one have ever been able to send him to the ground just in the beginning of a fight.

While he was still in shock Emerald sent another blow to him making his head to snap to the side and waking him up.

Zeke question jumped up, now he understood what people mean by don't judged a book by its cover damn the girl can pack a mean punch.

The both of them quickly got into a serious fight punching and dodging, the crowd watched in awe as the two people in the boxing ring showed their skills. Most of the men were terrified how can a woman so little fight like that If she was their girlfriend they will never offend her.

The timer that they set before they started fighting went off exactly after thirty minutes with Zeke on the ground and he concede defeat. The crowd roared with a loud noise especially the ladies they were really happy at the show.

Zeke took more blows that Emerald in the fight, while Zeke was sweating and breathing hard Emerald was calm and smiling mischievously. She purposely made him frustrated during the fight by dodging all of his blows.

Since he really wanted to win the fight an did not want to lose to a woman he kept on sending blows after blows and after twenty five minutes his hands were aching and so she took advantage of it and quickly took him to the ground in just five minutes.

What he did not know was that Emerald was counting the time as that fought. Zeke groaned as he rolled on the ground he could not believe it, he was beaten by a girl his friends will really want to meet her and will have a field day taunting him if he had agreed to take them along with him when he was leaving the house thank God he ignored their pleas.

Another thing that Zeke did not know was that Samantha did not use her energy when she was throwing him a punch neither did she use bee ability as a Werewolf if bit by now he would be dead and in his way to the morgue

"How in God's name did you learn to fight like that?" Zeke asked two hours later as the both of them say in a private room in a diner to eat

Emerald looked at Zeke who was still holding an Ice pack to his swollen face "I started learning when I was still a kid"

Zeke cocked his head to one side " and why did you even learn how to fight if you were not going to join the army?"

"My parents taught me how to fight" Emerald began to cut the steak in front of her

Zeke leaned in close when he heard that it was her parents that taught her how to fight "Are your parents mafioso?"

"Mafia's? No they are not "

Zeke sat back in his seat "then why would they teach you how to fight from when you were still little?"

From what he knew people with her ability either belong to the Army, the mafia or some secret organisation and he knew that she won't tell him which one she belongs to so he decided to drop the topic but he will watch her