
Alpha x Alpha (BL)

[ NSFW chapters: 5-6-7, 24-25, 63-64-65-66 ] . Alphas are naturally attracted to Omegas; that's a fact of life. Liam is an alpha male, one of the best in his generation, so why is he head over heels for another alpha male who lives next door? Alphas are supposed to be attracted to Omegas, so it makes no sense for Liam to swoon over his best friend Mar. Besides, Mar's already courting a female omega, so it's kinda hopeless. Hope came up again when the female omega broke up with Mar. Mar the alpha male is single again, so Liam's gonna shoot his shot. Wish him luck. Meanwhile, Mar is hiding secrets of his own. No matter how much he tries to deny it, he finds himself falling face first into Liam's comfort. It's both of them against the world, but they're not as alone as they thought. Will they survive as their families and their lives are falling apart piece by piece? ______ A/B/O, Omegaverse, World building, Family Drama, Slice of Life ! Please keep in mind that this book's A/B/O dynamic and biology is the author's interpretation, so it might be different from what readers of this genre are used to. !

Twelve_Cats · LGBT+
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74 Chs

Chapter 24: Bath

They continued where they left off.

Slender fingers were in platinum blond hair, and slender fingers were also digging into Liam's back while the taller alpha was standing in the bathtub. He's pretty sure the bathroom is contaminated with their scents and pheromones, but he didn't care as his tongue moved in perfect synchrony with his companion.

"Fuck... I wish the bathtub had a shower." Mar mumbled as soon as their lips left each other.

"So we can pretend that we're kissing in the rain?" Liam chuckled as he continued teasing. "And standing in the sea at the same time without any real danger?"

"Damn right." The black haired alpha lowered himself into the bathtub, and his slender fingers reached for the generic shampoo that's given in every room. "Come on now, we gotta get ready."

The platinum blond alpha nodded as his companion took the entire basket of soaps and handed it to him. Their legs hit one another when they're both seated, but it's for the best.

Their predicament reminded Liam of when they were younger, two innocent pre-teens in the same bathtub playing pirates. They've come a long way from playing with toy boats and water logged hats with a nanny on standby just in case anything happens, but still they're in a bathtub together now.

Liam poured some shampoo directly into his hair and began washing away the saltiness sticking in the fine strains. He used to hate the beach; he hated the sand and the sea, but not seafood. Tuna and shrimps are cool, but every grain of sand that made its way into the alpha's shoes and clothes and bury deep in his hair are a nightmare. The salt water sometimes damaged his clothes, they made T-shirts lose their colors, and a few pairs of really nice sneakers became unwearable if he's unlucky enough to get them soaked. One may say he should've worn a swimsuit or take his shoes off before he took a swim, but let's face it, he didn't choose to be pushed off the dock into the sea nor he chose to be thrown into the incoming waves or have his face smashed into the sand by no one other than Rex.

This time, he chose to go into the salty water with Mar, and he's well prepared. He's wearing all white and took off his socks and shoes before even letting them touch sand. With how much he hated the beach, it's a wonder he didn't turn down the opportunity for a vacation in a quiet and beautiful place where he's given a friend and some money. It's so fucking surreal to have the memory of himself crying with his childhood best friend Mar and little baby Blue in the piano room a few steps down the hallway from where the are right now, and the next morning after they had their crying session, Rex violently kicked Liam off the dock.

Rex kicked Liam off the dock more than once without any reason other than malicious intent in the platinum blond alpha's eyes. It got to the point where Rex threw Liam into the sea when the young alpha was just chilling on the beach with Mar. Rex said, "They even got you a friend to forget about it," to Mar. Now that he looked back at it, the pilot was probably doing what he did to chase Liam away, because in his eyes, Liam is "friend given to Mar for him to forget about his mother's death". Maybe he is going a little soft on the pilot...

"You're thinking too hard again." A soft laughter came from the black haired alpha, snapping Liam out of his long train of thoughts.

His bubbling shampoo was running down his forehead, and Mar wiped a few lines away before they could get into Liam's eyes. The taller alpha sighed and washed away the shampoo by dunking his head into the water.

"You know..." Purple eyes half covered by black haired greeted the platinum blond alpha when he's done washing off the shampoo. "Let's distract you a little."

"Heh..." The taller alpha grinned sheepishly. "With what?"

Just as he finished that sentence, plush lips came on his again, and Liam welcomed them by opening up his mouth and allowing his tongue to roam. Slender fingers gripping the alpha's shoulders, and Mar moved himself on to his companion's lap. Those heavenly thick thighs wrapped themselves around Liam's waist.

The taller alpha gasped as a rod hit his stomach, and he knew his own dick was getting excited.

"Oh, you... Oh, you; oh, you." Slender fingers cupped Liam's cheeks, and the platinum blond alpha yelped as Mar whispered, their face an inch apart. "You look so stupid when you're lost in your own little world inside your head, but I can't help but find it cute."

Liam wasn't given a chance to reply because one, his face is held captive, and two, his best friend is vigorously kissing him. His hands were aimlessly wandering down Mar's back, and soon his thumb settled into those glorious Apollo's dimples. His erection was out and about, but it's imprisoned underneath Mar's ass as he's straddling his companion.

William Velison Junior is an alpha male, the best of his generation, also the busiest because he's the son of two alphas who dominated their field of science. His mind is always running and his blue eyes are ever observing. However, when he's with Mar, he's melting underneath the black haired alpha's touch and enticing scent. His mind went blank, with nothing to think about when he's focused on pleasure and the way his best friend's tongue ran over his lips before teeth bit down on his bottom lip, hard enough to send pain but not hard enough to leave any bruises.

Blue eyes were half open as he breathlessly tried to keep himself from full-on moaning. The last thing he wants is anyone investing strange sounds coming from a room of two alpha males who are "best friends."

Idk if any of you actually read this, but this author plans to write this entire book for free and relying on gifts to function. Anyways, thanks for reading this far! And thank you for all the gifts.

This author has received invitations to go premium, but this book won't go premium until it's completed. Thanks for reading this far, I hope to see you in the next chapters.

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