

  After I'd finished showering, I emerged from the bathroom, a load of hot steam escaping into the room.

  I went in search of what to wear for breakfast, the young omega steadfastly at my heels. She began pelting me with rapid questions.

  "How did you do that? I had no idea some werewolves had telekinetic abilities. Why had the Alpha been chasing after you? Are you a hybrid? Half fey? You know, I think you might be because you're really pretty. Do you kn..."

  My patience, all the while, had been stretching quite admirably to contain my annoyance. I tuned out her voice as I selected a pair of jeans and a beige blouse.

  When I proceeded to wear them, she suddenly fell silent. "You can't wear that, Miss."


  "For one, Greta would have my head. And two, everyone would be dressed to the nines. It's the Carnival of Lanterns!"

  My patience snapped. "So what?!"

  "So," she stressed, "you've got to dress like them; or else you won't be part of them."