

  As we drove into the night, the speaker gave off directions to The blooms courtyard.

  Putting the last curl in place, I asked, "I wasn't able to reach April Thorne, were you?"

  He shook his head, saying, "No. Her line kept going to voicemail."

  A sigh escaped me. "There goes our plan of buying our way in."

  "Don't worry, I'll think of something," he assured.

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  My mouth gaped open in shock while watching Vaughan drag the couple's unconscious forms back into the car they came in.

  "This," I hissed. "Was your plan?

  Just shortly after coming here, we'd parked at a corner in the spacious lot. Vaughan had come out the car to briefly scan the environment, and then proceeded to make a beeline towards? a couple at a distance alighting from an SUV. I'd followed him, right up until the time he'd asked them their names.