

  The next day came in a burst of bright sunlight and high expectations. Standing beside Vaughan's sleek mustang, we were packed and ready to head out. The werewolves were gathered a short distance away from it, wishing us good luck, their voices loud and loaded with hope.

  Vaughan nodded, saying a few words to them, then he got into the car. I did the same, settling into the smooth leather seats. Beyond the windshield, I watched as the pack's gates lifted. A part of me suddenly got hit with the direness of our situation.

  'The vampire Link would play an important role in the coming war,' the Seer had said. 'A role that might not work in our favour.'

  If we didn't find this Link, we might as well kiss our chances of ever winning the war goodbye. After driving up the service trial, we hit the main road.

  We drove on in silence, with Vaughan staring up ahead, hands tight around the steering wheel.