
Alpha True Love

Strawberry_Lord · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

The Peace Treaty

This will go back before London arrived but then it will skip to where London arrived, thank you! Also warning this may have some violent actions

THIS IS A BIG WARNING, disliking one gender will be in this, I do not dislike any genders, I do not treat people like this in life, please dont take it to heart.


Alpha Lupa

I was sitting in my office as a scout informed me that a human has walked up to the castle GATES'S HUMAN?!??! How dare they walk into my domain without being invited! WHO DO THEY THINK THIS IS?!' he growls as he was yelling inside his head and then suddenly the door opens and he looks up at the human, he growled abit and then stopped his eyes returned to the green eye color they are.

"Alpha Lupa" the younger male said, he walks in the middle of the room, he was looking at me but not dare look into eyes, which I thought was just amazing, humans were such interesting creatures to me, he chuckles abit and then stops, "I will hear you out, and I will either make a judgement or kill you" he said to the human male and the male just simply nodded in agreement.

I started to get annoyed when the male stayed quiet for longer than he thought, "SPEAK OR I WILL MAKE YOU SPEAK!!!"he yelled at the human, the human jumped slightly, he was startled, "yes yes, sorry Alpha Lupa, I have a peace treaty....a young female girl..." the male said and Lupa growls and he flipped the table, he had no interest in females, females were only there to clean up after his pack, he killed every she-werewolf that ever was in his pack and he never allows to breed with a human female, if you were caught, you were killed or turned into something worse, the human jumps abit "I do not want a female, females are trash! They are greedy and do not know when to stay in there rightful place" he said calming down abit, the human blinks "I will give you my youngest son, he has yet to be married off and is very quiet" he said.

Now that made me have more interest in it than the female, he then thinks "the male, I want him, make sure he is at the gate, nothing with him and he is alone before midnight" he said and chuckles with interest, the human left, he was looking out the office window, he grunts "kill the worthless human and put a note of what I said to do in his back" he said and one of his gurads walked off.

Sozo and Kida had entered Alpha chambers "you have called us Alpha" Kida had said, he looks at the two and smiles "the human village has promised me a human boy, I want you to go and fetch him in one peice, if you fail, I will rip you both apart when your back" he said and Sozo and Kida nodded and left.

He sighs as he was quite alone, he didnt know what to do and he doesnt have a mate yet, he thinks "send in a male servant" he told one of the maids that were cleaning "tell him that Alpha wants him in his chambers, and wear nothing under a rode" he ordered harshly at the females

He looks at the shorter male and closed the bedroom door before him "rode off and lay on your stomach"he ordered and watched the male, take off the rode, he licks his lips and smiled as he climbed over the male back and he kisses his back and then he caught a scent and he growls and grabs the younger male throat "you smell of so many others, you must be the packs bitch!"he growled and squeezed the male neck, the male gasps trying to breath "a-alpha p-please!" Male said tears forming in the male eyes.

He growls his eyes black, which meant he was angry, "your suppose to wash the other scents off before you show up in my chambers stinking like a whore!" He growled, and then he took out his cock from his pants, he rubs himself until he was hard, "when I'm finished, you wont be able to even sit" he growls in the male ear and then he squeezed and then suddenly hear the neck snap in half and he blinks and let's go of the neck, he looks at the lifeless body, he growls and called in another servant.

He had killed about three servants just being angry and he told the maids to clean up the bodies in his chambers, he looks out the window and noticed the three horses and he smiled abit.

"He is quite cute"he said out loud and he knew that he said it out loud but he didnt care, he was the Alpha and nothing he did would ever chnage that.

I head down the hallways and outside, to meet this London guy, what I find was surprisingly different than I could hope to imagine.