
Triantaefta [ 37 ]

Tristan was right on my heels. 

The snow crunched underneath my shoes as I ran up the hill. It was slightly steep but I was running on pure adrenaline so I managed to keep my fast pace. The fact he wasn't in wolf form made it all a little less scary. I knew he would catch me within seconds if he shifted. 

I made the mistake of glancing back at him, and the very brief moment slowed me down enough that he collided into me, wrapping his arms around my body as he shielded me from the fall. A yelp of surprise tore from my throat and I felt his chest rumble with his deep laugh. 

"That's the second time, Tristan! How are you so fast?" I kneeled over him and quickly stood up so the snow wouldn't soak my clothes. 

The white snowflakes stood out against his midnight black hair, and he was a sight to behold as his azure eyes gleamed with his smile. He stood up and swept me off my feet. "If you didn't look back, I wouldn't have caught you."

I wrapped an arm around his shoulders and examined his face. He didn't even break a sweat and we were running for five minutes. Once I caught my breath, I cracked a smile. "How were my breathing and heartbeat?

He slowly smiled. "Much much better. You controlled it well. Use the control you have over your body when you fight. If you can control yourself, you won't give anything away." Placing me back on my feet, he took a step back and a challenge sparked in his electric blue eyes. "How about you take me on? For real."

My eyes narrowed suspiciously and my smile widened. "And you won't go easy on me?"

A glance was thrown my way as he walked towards more even ground and pulled his jacket off. "Within reason. This will test if you picked things up as well as I think you have."

The excitement surged within me and I followed after him, tugging my coat from my body as I set it down on the snow. He stood in front of me and I swung first, making sure to not put too much pressure. He narrowly dodged it and gripped onto my arm, quickly twisting me around and wrapping an arm around my neck. He applied some pressure, and I almost froze up before I remembered what he had taught me about that chokehold.

Taking a forceful step forward, I pivoted with my other foot until I was facing him again and pushed away with my hands on his chest. I bounced lightly on my feet and smirked before we walked around in a circle. We studied each other closely and I steadied my breath as he stared at me with a pure concentration in his eyes. 

Deciding to think smart and not hard, I tried to slip into his mind to see what he was thinking of doing next. I kept my eyes on him so he wouldn't catch me off guard. 

He spoke in my mind as he lunged forward. 'You won't be able to slip into your opponent's mind when you fight, Kara.'

I narrowly missed his loosely closed fist, his side of his fingers grazing my cheek as I quickly stepped towards him instead of away. My move managed to catch him off-guard because I gripped onto his shoulders and kicked his legs from under him with all of my strength. He collided into the snow with a low grunt and I blew out an incredulous laugh.

An impressed grin covered his face and he sat up with a low chuckle. "You manage to surprise me every day, Kara." His brilliant eyes staring back up at me as I extended a helping hand out. He stood up and pulled me into a rough hug. "I'm so proud of you, baby."

I wrapped my arms around him and grinned up at him as I lightly pressed my fingers to his back. "I didn't hurt you too badly, did I?"

He peered down at me and a short laugh fell from his lips. "You definitely almost knocked the wind out of me, but no. I'm fine." His hand curved around the back of my head and his fingers gently dug into my curls. "You're ready for the fight tonight. Do you still feel the same way?"

I slowly nodded with a quiet sigh. After two months of vigorous training where I fell down seven, it was time to get up eight and stay standing. I knew I had to step it up as a Luna and finally show my loyalty to the pack. Going through with the initiation fight meant I wanted my place beside Tristan. They couldn't pledge their allegiance to me until I officially expressed my wishes to be a proper part of the pack and showed that I would be able to protect them too.

The part I was anticipating desperately was the moment a connection would bloom between me and every single member of the pack. I knew it was a huge responsibility but Tristan had been right when he said leadership came from within. I wanted to lead with him, and I wanted to feel connected with everyone. I wanted to form a bond that was as strong as the one between Tristan and me. 

"I'm a Luna. I should start acting like one." I stepped onto my tiptoes and rested my forehead on his. Closing my eyes as the tip of my nose brushed his, I smiled softly. "I want to be your Luna—officially officially."

My name was written in the History of the Kings and Tristan and I had completed the mating process but I wasn't properly part of the pack just yet. 

"You will be." He spoke gently. "By tonight, you'll essentially be Luna Kara Vasilakis."

I opened my eyes to him grinning brightly. I mirrored his expression and pressed a strong kiss to his mouth. "I can't wait."


Brielle handed me a hair tie and leaned on the counter. "We have never had an initiation fight as important as this one." She cracked a small smile. "You're the person everyone has been waiting for."

My face warmed and I tied my hair up as a bashful smile covered my face. "I hope I don't disappoint as Luna." I thought about Tristan's mother and how she was such a strong woman. "I hope I'm the Luna everyone deserves."

Brielle came around the island to pull me into a hug. "You are, Kara." The loyalty shone in her eyes. "Everyone here loves you already."

I squeezed her tightly. "That's reassuring." I sighed in relief. "It's taken me a long time to come around to the initiation fight but I want this—the pack—I want it all."

We hugged for a few more moments before she pulled back with a sweet smile. "It's always been yours—you just had to finally meet your mate."

At the thought of Tristan, the warmth flooded my chest and Brielle laughed, staring at me with a wide grin. I knew what she was going to say before she even said it. 

"You're so in love with him, Kara." 

I blew out a laugh and lightly pushed her shoulder. "Shut up, Brielle." We both knew the effects of the mate bond and being deeply in love with your mate was a given. In the past two months, Tristan and I had become so much closer. 

My soul was tethered to his and he was quite literally my soulmate. We felt each other's emotions and heard each other's thoughts. He had my mind, body and soul, and it was still so crazy to think that once upon a time, that was the last thing I wanted to happen. Falling in love with Tristan was the last thing I expected until I was thrown headfirst into his world. 

He had told me that his world had been dark, void of any light and true love until I came along. I thought we were too different to ever be good together. I was the summer, full of life and vitality and he was the winter, cold and dead. Together, we had become spring, blooming into better and happier people. The Underworld had become my home, and contained in it was everything I had ever wished for. 

"I'm happy for you, Kara. Truly." Brielle brought me back into the room and my oak-brown eyes settled on her. "This pack's future looks bright."

I smiled and stood up from the stool. "I think so too."

She clapped a hand on my shoulder after checking the time. "Let's get you initiated, Luna."

Taking a deep breath, I reached for my coat on the hook and pulled it on before stepping out the door. I locked up behind us and turned to her as we walked towards the gates. I almost passed the sentries when they all stepped forward in unison. 

I stopped in shock but they didn't say anything. I stared at their unmoving expressions for a long moment. 

Our solemn gazes met before I turned to the sentries. "You don't speak, do you. Why?"

Brielle cleared her throat. "Møller had their tongues cut out for not swearing their allegiance to him. They were prisoners before Tristan freed them and because of that they chose to be guards—to protect the one alpha who treated them with kindness."

I could tell that they were all in a mindlink with her. I wanted to be able to speak to them too. To know their story and love them as Tristan did. They were fiercely loyal to him, and anyone who would lay down their life for Tristan had my loyalty too. 

"Thank you," I spoke gently, smiling softly at them. "For being so loyal and protecting him."

For some reason, I knew for as long as they lived, no harm would come to Tristan. 

They all nodded in unison and I turned back to Brielle. "Let's go get me initiated."

short chapter since I wanted to get this one out, leading up to the fight next chapter :) it's Kara's time to shine ;)

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