

Seth rushed into the surgery room to see Sierra, it was filled with medical personnels and a thin piece of clothe placed her. He assumed it was because of him, otherwise she was naked, the thought of other people seeing her body evoked something unpleasant in him, normally nakedness meant nearly nothing to werewolves but the thought still didn't please him, since it was a matter of life he'll let it slip.

There were so many tubes connected to her, she lay there motionless, needles stuck into her, different beeping machines and blinding light. Some parts of her visible skin with Open tear wounds, they were several inches short. He looked at her and felt his heart squeeze. She was so vulnerable and weak. Where was all the snarky and sarcastic comments she would make at him, he missed the jabs and fights. He needed her to be alive, they had scores to settle. He stood beside her taking her hands in his.

"Privacy please." He said softly to the nurses and surgeons. They nodded and left after receiving a curt nod from the chief surgeon.

"I'm here, Sierra." He said to her. She stirred in her unconscious state, her fingers moving slowly.

"Seth." She called weakly, her voice was barely audible.

"Sierra." He replied.

"I'm having horrible nightmares. They won't go away." Her words breaking, she struggled to speak. Her eyes were still close but he could sense her emotions, she was terrified, it was super strong. This was the first time he felt her fear, raw fear.

"Don't be scared, you're tougher than any woman I've ever met. You'll get through this, I need you to not fight it. Stop struggling so much. The drugs is doing this to you, it isn't real." He comforted quietly.

"My body hurts." She said again.

"It'll end soon. I need you to be strong, your pack needs you to be strong." He persuaded and she groaned in pains.

"I'm trying." She replied. Quivering and chattering her teeth.

"Calm down, I need you to relax. Think of all the things that makes you feel the most happy and fulfilled." He said caressing her palms softly. She was calm, she'll groan a bit but she calmed down. He naturally slipped his hands out of hers and went out to the medical personnels.

"She's calm. Inject the anesthesia again." He instructed them. They got back in ready to continue the surgery. He sat down tiredly waiting patiently for it to be over, he couldn't be calm until it was over. Asher did himself good by not speaking to him at all, he waited for a while before he left. Seth was left alone and he was pleased the pest left. It felt like eternity, four hours had passed. This was a major surgery, they needed to be very careful. Hating the smell of blood around him he decided to go out for a change of clothes and quick shower.

He left to the hotel he was currently staying in, quickly showering and wearing fresh clothes before making way to the hospital. As he got there the surgery was still going on, it was six hours now. He only grew more concerned and worried for her.

Two more hours and he saw the surgery light go off, he breathed out , he didn't know for how long he held his breath in anticipation. The doctor came out looking utterly exhausted and sweating.

"How did it go?" He asked immediately.

"It went well however we faced some challenges. Whenever we tore the bullet area and tried to remove the bullet, the wound would try to heal itself. I had to give her a drug to slow down the healing, there were so many bullets. It's a miracle she's still alive." He exclaimed In astonishment.

"How many bullets?" Seth asked.

"Fifty three." The doctor replied.

"Complications?"Seth asked.

"None for now, we'll wheel her to intensive care. Her system will start healing itself soon enough, leaving little to no scar on her" He said before bowing and excusing himself. Seth stared at the door in anticipation. After what felt like forever they wheeled her out . She was pale and lifeless. He followed them to the private ward. They carried her gently and placed her on the bed, carefully hanging the drips and setting the heart monitor machine carefully. They did a double check to make sure everything was fine before bowing and leaving.

He let his eyes train on her, he took notice of her face, ashen, a few discolorations from Dexter's hit. Plasters all over her skin from the places they had pulled out the bullets. She wore a flimsy hospital gown. Her hair a scattered mess on the pillow.

He sat at the chair next to her taking her hand again, Sierra was a very strong and brave woman, that he'd noticed since he knew her. He admired her courage. Seth knew things had changed between them, it wasn't the mate bond this time it was real. The matepull didn't need to act on them but he noticed the sparks forming on it's own.

He knew this wasn't good for him , he needed to be clear headed when it comes to the dealings with Sierra but all of that didn't matter now.

"Seth" She called in a painful moan. Even in her unconscious state all she thought of was him.It made him feel good, Sierra felt it , the connection and pull. It was more than mateship.

"I'm here, always here." He squeezed her palm gently.

"My head hurts so badly. My whole body hurts. I hate it." She complained. Her eyes tightly shut.

"You'll heal nicely." He assured her.

"Don't leave me." She pleaded weakly.

"I'll be here all night." He replied.

"Thank you. you'll help me chase the shadows, they are after me. They keep calling me a disappointment."

"You're not a disappointment. Your achievement scares people, makes them feel threatened. Your mind is lying to you." He said truthfully.

"They run away when you're with me."

" That's why I'm here with you." He said bringing her hand to his lips and placing a chaste kiss on it.