
Alpha Quirks (BL)

Warning: BL, Boy x Boy, Yaoi Boku no Hero Academia Fanfiction Izuku went to sleep an Omega and woke up an Alpha. Not only that, he's younger, in an Alternate Universe and his teacher smells really, really good. Quirk!Izuku. Alpha!Izuku. ABO Universe.

Rxel · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

Chapter 2

Izuku checked the calendar again. The school week would be resuming tomorrow. He felt a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. He wasn't quite sure how he would handle seeing a familiar face. Would things be different?

The green-haired teen firmly put the thought away. They may not have the same memories anymore, but they were still his friends. He still cared for them, though they may be an alternate self in an alternate universe.

The most pressing question was should he tell anyone that he's not the Midoriya Izuku of this world? He licked his lips, stopping himself from biting on his bottom lip. It was a tell he was reluctant to show, but it was hard to train himself out of the habit.

Would people even believe him, though? What if word got out and Villains ended up kidnapping or threatening those people around him? Honestly, he wasn't even sure if what would happen in the future would happen again. It most likely wouldn't. He couldn't do everything the same, and he didn't want, nor have intention to as well.

Izuku sighed. At least he'd broken his habit of mumbling out loud, even if the tirade still continued in his mind. Mind over matter. He refused to believe he couldn't break his telling habits.

He got up from the bed to riffle through his desk. Homework. He put it aside. He knew he already finished doing it before the school break ended, having done it on the very day school was let out. A couple of fan letters addressed to him, which were bundled up carefully. He smiled. He always appreciated his fans. They were the ones who made his job worth it. He wanted to help others who couldn't help themselves.

Marginally tired green eyes locked onto the secondary gender report kept below the pile of papers. He read through the report seriously, trying to see if he could glean anything else of importance. It looked quite standard, considering his Alpha scaling was off the charts. He frowned slightly, seeing the last note on the report was that he should have an eye kept on him in case of anything that couldn't be predicted because of his scaling.

Izuku placed the reports down and scanned through the rest of the things in his desk. He made haste out of his room. Now that he roughly figured out the timeline, he had things to do. He should do them sooner rather than later. His eyes glittered. He had an idea in the past that might have been able to help All Might, but by that time, although the doctors had deemed his idea plausible, it had already been too late.

No time like the present.

First, he had to go request an absence of leave from the school.

Izuku walked down the hallway of the dorm, heading towards the administration office. His eyes traced the walls and doors of the dorms, taking in their appearance. He felt like he was taking a trip down memory lane. He hadn't seen the building like this for a few years, other than in pictures. It had a complete renovation because some freshman accidentally caused it to crumble down, which was a laugh, because if it could handle Kacchan, then he thought it could've handled anyone else, but apparently not.

A nostalgic smile had slipped onto his lips without his realization. He missed the light-hearted days where he could mess around with his friends and classmates in the dorm. Aizawa-sensei's hidden smiles and his lowkey messing around, All Might's earnestness when teaching, his dramatics and all.

His walking speed unintentionally slowed down, subconsciously influenced by his sentimental feelings. He couldn't help the smile that crept up on his face. Izuku suddenly stopped. There was a scent in the air.

It smelled delicious.

Something about it pinged on his radar, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Does this mean it's from someone he knew? Izuku shook his head. The smell was doing something to him. It seemed like his logical thought process had gone out the window. This was the 3-A dormitories, so of course it was highly plausible that it was someone he knew.

Did changing from an Omega to an Alpha have that much of a difference? Honestly, he thought that it was just the biological functions that changed. He didn't think that it would be able to alter his psychological state that drastically.

Izuku swallowed. His mouth was watering. It just smelled so good. He felt the urge to bite something. The green-haired teen pinched his cheek to snap himself out of it. What was happening to him? Izuku grit his teeth and tried to shove down the surging instincts within him. He'd be damned if these instincts got the better of him. He was always perfectly in control of his secondary gender. Being an Alpha would not change this, dammit.

Before he realized it, his feet were already moving without him being conscious about it, heading in the direction of the delicious smell. Something deep inside him was snarling, growling. Izuku's lips twitched. Was this an Alpha instinct?

The smell continued to get stronger. As he turned the corner, his eyes landed on a familiar figure.

"Aizawa-sensei?" he murmured, inwardly shocked.

He took in a steadying breath and regretted it instantly as the smell only got more intense the longer he breathed it in. He almost felt like a drug addict getting his fix. Izuku subconsciously licked his lips, swallowing. His heart was beating a mile a minute. His throat felt dry. That something that was screaming deep inside him was hammering on his cage, crying and screaming.

Shouta turned around, recognizing his student's voice.

"Oh. Hey, kid," he said, looking lazy and perpetually tired as he took in his student. He'd gotten slightly taller compared to the last time he'd seen him.

Izuku made sure he would be able to talk without stuttering before he replied. "Aizawa-sensei, can I have a moment with you?"

Shouta frowned behind the mass of cloth that wound around his neck, inwardly wondering what was going on. Midoriya seemed a little different. He couldn't quite put his finger on it. He was different, but the same. His eyes still seemed as sincere as ever, however, so he'd give him the benefit of doubt.

He led his problematic student down the hallway into an unused room. As he turned around to ask what his student wanted to talk about, he saw a flash of green before his back suddenly collided the door.

Slightly blindsided, he was about to use his Quirk reflexively before he realized Midoriya was pressed flush against him.

"What?" he blurted out. This was proceeding out of his expectations. If it was a Villain masquerading as Midoriya, then he or she would probably be trying to kill him. If it was the real Midoriya, then he wouldn't be doing this. What was going on?

Izuku panted. He slammed a hand on the other side of Aizawa-sensei's head, having to do something to stop his hand from reaching out for his teacher. He struggled inwardly with the new instincts inside of him, never having had to deal with this before. He didn't know what the Alpha inside of him was screaming about, but his teacher just smelled so good. The other's Alpha pheromones were sending shivers down his spine.

Izuku tried to get a grip on himself, reflexively breathing to try and calm himself before he realized his mistake. The green-haired teen immediately lost the battle and buried his nose in his teacher's neck, unable to get enough. His throat felt extremely dry. He wanted to sink his teeth into his teacher's neck and claim him for himself. He wanted to leave his scent on him, wanted their scents to blend together until no one else would recognize their individual scents.

He wanted to dominate.

"Sensei, you smell so good."

Shouta froze, his body going rigid as his most problematic student buried his nose where his bonding gland was before brushing soft lips on it. He had to shove his instincts down, his eyes going wide.