
Alpha Princess and the Tracker

Kara is the Alpha's only daughter, and child. Therefore she is forced to find her mate so she can take over the Blood Wind pack. However Kara's father is too over protective to let her leave to find her mate. After the death of the packs Luna Kara's mother, she gets permission to leave the pack so she can cope with the pain of loosing her mother. **************************** Tyler is the fourth son of an Omega. his mother is an omega and his father was a tracker. His father died shortly after a rouge attack when he was sixteen. Now he has to fend for his mother and brothers ( because no one else will). on top of that he is searching for his mate, someone to love him unconditionally.

DaoistgiBKXK · Fantaisie
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Chapter Two

A month and a half later:

"Do we know where we are going next?" I asked Cain who was sitting in the grass of an abandoned meadow. We have visited four of the twelve packs in this state. Trying to find my mate. Which had me thinking. What if I find him and he rejects me. What if he doesn't want the title of Alpha of the Blood Wind pack? What will happen the?

"Yeah we are headed to Red Moon pack. I already contacted the Alpha to tell him that we were coming. He said he would send some of his trackers and warriors to retrieve us. He makes us seem like we are rouges." He said making me laugh at the last part.

"Alright, let's get moving." I said and shifted into my black and white wolf. For a she wolf I'm bigger then normal because I have Alpha blood in me. After taken off to the woods I sifted and waited for Cain to pass me to lead us to the border of the packs territory. In stead of just passing he jumped over me. 'Show off!' I told him in mind link.

'Have to show off for someone and your the only one here so...'

Okay its official Cain has to find his mate first before he kills me by jumping over me. Once we reached the border we shifted and put our cloths back on. And waited.

Soon after what felt like hours many different wolves started to appear from the woods the stand in front of us. Cain was starring at one in particular, a white she wolf. When I said he had to find his mate first I wasn't serious.

We were surprised when she walked behind a tree and shifted. When she came back into sight my jaw dropped. She was beautiful, long flowing brown hair. Green eyes that were very sharp. Her body curved in all the right ways. She stood about 5'7". Simply beautiful.

"Hello my name is Lily." She spoke. "What are your names?" She asked not taking her eyes off of Cain.

"Um... ah. I'm Cain next in line for Beta in Blood Wind Pack. This here is the Alpha's daughter and my best friend Kara." He introduced us.

"It's nice to meet both of you Kara and Cain." She said. "Please follow us the Alpha is waiting."

We followed them towards the pack house. 'So you found your mate. Please keep in mind we have a mission to up hold. You won't be Beta if we don't complete this.' I told Cain through mind link.

The pack house was huge. I mean bigger then ours back home. Lily had shifted back into human form to lead us inside. We walked through halls and upstairs to a door which I was guessing the office. She knocked on the door.

"Enter!" A strong voice came from under the door.

"Alpha your guests are here." Lily stated.

I walk into the office with Cain at my side. I bowed my head in respect to the Alpha.

"Go a head take a seat." He said. "Your Alpha Drake's daughter aren't you?"

"Yes. But how did you know?" I questioned.

"Power radiates from you as if you were an Alpha. Not just a she wolf with alpha blood running through her veins."

"We are here on business. Alpha we have come for permission to look for our Alpha female's mate in your pack." Cain stated.

"Very well you may stay for a few days on one condition."

"What would that be?" Cain asked

"You don't hurt my baby sister." He said "I know Lily is your mate. Meaning she is going to leave with you when you leave. Am I correct?"

"Yes Alpha that's kind of what I was hoping for." Cain said.

"Very well." He said "I'll have her show you both where your rooms are going to be."

"Thank you. Alpha." I said.

"Your welcome Kara. You may call me Daniel due to the power that radiates from you, I don't think it's appropriate for you to refer to me as Alpha. When you are an Alpha yourself." He said with a warm smile.

After I was shown to my room, I was left alone. Cain decided to get to know Lily a little bit to see if she is okay with travailing with us until I find my mate.

After an hour of sitting around doing nothing i decided to go look around. Try to meet new people. I opened my door and stepped out only to run into someone.

"Well hello there." A deep voice said.

"Julian leave Kara alone." Daniel said as he walked toward us. "So what are you up to Kara?" He asked once he reached us.

"Well Daniel, I don't to be a trouble so the sooner I get out and see if my mate is here the sooner I can get home to my Pack." I explained.

"Your not a trouble or a bother. Your here to do a job I get that. But chill out a little bit. You'll find your mate soon enough." What he said made me smile.

"Thank-you, Daniel."

"No problem. Oh and Julian will show you around. I have a meeting to get to. If i didn't have to be in this one I would show you around myself." He sighed.

It's okay as long as I can kick his ass if he steps out of line." He laughed

"It's a deal!"

So Daniel went to his meeting and Julian and I went around the packs land.

"So may I ask why your looking for you mate, in stead of him finding you?" He asked.

"My father is unable to preform his duties as Alpha, and me being his only child the pack automatically falls on me. So I have to find my mate so that I can take my place as Luna."

"Oh I see." He said.

As we walked, Julian introduced me to a few pack members. We made to the tracker house. Which was on the other side of the plot of land.

"Beta what do we owe the pleasure?" A younger boy asked

"Nothing just showing this lovely lady around. Kara this is Landon, one of our half breed trackers but still one of the best." Julian stated.

Landon was good looking. He had a face that was angled at the perfect angle. His blue eyes perfectly centered his face, and to top it off full luscious pink lips, curved beautifully. This boy was carved by angels.

"Nice to meet you." I said shaking his offered hand.

"Wow, there is a tone of power rolling off you." He spoke up. "May I ask why your here?"

I looked at Julian to see if he would take this one, but he just shook his head. I sighed.

"I'm here in hopes to find my mate. This is my only chance to claim my pack. However until I find my mate it is unable to happen because I'm female." I said.

"Okay seems to me you have a lot of weight on your shoulders." He said. "Follow me I'll introduce you to my brothers.. well almost all of my brothers Ty is off on a mission Alpha sent him on and won't be back until the end of the week."

"It's fine I'm staying here until I meet everyone. So Looks like this is going to take longer than planned." I said.

"Well alright then." He said as we walked into a long training room where two guys were rough housing each other. "Hey guys cool it there is a lady present..." Landon called.

"Landon why bring a girl here? Man you know how it effects the guys." The tallest of the two said.

Landon seemed to ignore him. "Kara meet Harry. The tallest and most talkative. He is also my older brother the oldest of the four of us. Then my younger brother Tony. The third brother." Landon spoke more to himself then to us but I still heard him clearly. "Guys this is Kara female Alpha of Blood wind pack."

"What is an alpha doing here?" Tony asked.

"I'm searching for my mate to I can officially take over my pack I'm here with my Beta Cain however he is a bit preoccupied with another thing to be focused on helping me." I said.

"Its nice to meet you Kara" Harry said while kissing my hand.

I found nothing wrong with these boys. The only thing was neither of the three were my mate. Thoughts of who my mate could be flooded my head. But Tony broke my train of thought.

"How long are you staying for? Who are you staying with?"

Before I could answer Julian spoke. "She is staying at the pack house and she is staying until she meet everyone that could be her mate."

I shrugged at the boys. Why you may be wondering. Because they were looking at as it say "is it true?". That's why. I turned to Jullian. "Can start heading back to the pack house? I think I've had enough adventure for one day." What I said must have been amusing because he chuckled a bit.

"Alright then lets go. Oh and before I leave Landon your extra training starts tomorrow 5:30am sharp. Alpha's order." I could've sworn I heard him groan.

Once we got to the pack house I went straight to the room that Lily told me I could stay. I ended up staying there for the rest of the evening.

Just about to fall asleep someone knocks on my door. I groan as I get up to open the door. "Oh, hello Lily. What may I do for you?" I asked almost surprised it was her at my door.

"May I talk to you?"

"Sure. Coming in." I say stepping away from the door so she could pass. "What did you want to talk about?"

She looked pained. For some reason. "Do I have to leave with you guys? I just can't leave my brother he is all I have." She said almost in tears. "Cain told me if he weren't going to be Beta he would allow me to stay until I'm ready to leave, and he would stay with me. But that can't happen because as soon as you find your mate you'll be my Luna."

"Alright take a few deep breaths and calm down a little bit." I told her and she did as she was told. "Now even though I may be an Alpha female I can't go against a mates word. You now Cain would do anything for you. He would most likely disobey me to protect you. But that's besides the point. I am planning on staying here until I meet all of the unmated males. So you still have some time to get used to the idea of leaving." I told her. "Besides it is not just his job Cain wants to get back to, but his younger sister and parents as well."

"He has a younger sister? How old is she what's her name?" The change in her emotion made me smile

"Her name is Ryan. Its short for Ryanella. She is a year younger then Cain. And a few months younger then me." I said "meaning she is seventeen."

"She's my age!" She said clapping. "Will you tell me about her? Please."

"Well, lets see now. Ryan is always the first person at the side of her Alpha female. She is loyal, very unpredictable. You never know what she has hidden up her sleeves. She is a great cook. When she found out about my mother being ill she came over and cooked for my family." I wasn't finished there was so much I wanted to tell her about Ryan but there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." I called feeling a little to lazy to get up and open the door.

Cain walked in. "Kara are you kidnapping my mate?" He asked me giving me the look.

"She did not kidnap me I came here on my own. Cain why didn't you tell me you had a sister?"

"It didn't seem important to tell at the moment I would have told you eventually." He said "Let me guess Kara told you?"

"Yeah she did. If you had of told me I may not have broken down as bad as I did." Lily told him.

Cain dropped to his knees in front of her and placed his head on her lap. "I'm sorry. I apparently wasn't thinking." I chuckled as the scene I was watching.

"Lily he does that a lot its one of the things you'll have to live with. It runs in his family, he got it from his father." I said. "Oh Speaking of. He mind linked me earlier asking me why you have answered him. Cain please tell me you were going to tell your father."

He sighed "I was going to I'm just not ready yet."

"Well you better hurry up, you know how he hates being ignored." I told him. "Now I hate to be rude but please leave my room so I can get some shut eye."

"Alright, come on Lily let's go." Cain said. "Goodnight Kara."

After they left me in the silent dark, I fell into a not so peaceful sleep. I dreamt of not finding my mate on time. But I was determined to get my pack no matter what.