
Alpha Prince Eclipse

Alazne "You ask me how I am bleeding even though my blood is dripping from your claws" "You demonstrated how to stab someone in the chest, but you still asked where I got the knowledge to do it." "You destroy the light inside of me, but you ask why I have so much darkness around me?" "Now that I am who you have made me to be, embrace it and take pride in it" Eclipse "I will never be able to take pride in my accomplishments. A cruel joke from fate is that happiness I will never experience with you. "If I have extinguished that light in you, I will return the way I came and light it again." "Being consumed by the gloom of the past, we have unknowingly turned into shadows of each other." "Yes, you were made by me today, but I promise to make the best version of you tomorrow."

Gold234 · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Simmering Anger

Eclipse, with his eyes blazing with fury, gave his father, siblings, and Raja a scorching look, sending shivers down their spines. His rage was palpable, and he was seething with anger, but somehow, he managed to maintain his composure. His family had never seen him so mad before, and the intensity of his fury was unnerving.

Despite his simmering anger, Eclipse maintained his silence and began walking towards the Southeast side of the lifeless forest. His family followed him in silence, sensing that any misstep would provoke him, and they would face the full brunt of his wrath.

As they walked, Eclipse's demeanor felt familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time. They could not recall ever seeing him this furious, to the point where he was not even talking to them or venting his anger. His silence only added to their unease, and they wondered where he was leading them but they prayed his patience doesn't thin out but clearly his patience was thinning.

After two hours of walking, the men were exhausted, except for Eclipse, who showed no signs of tiredness. They continued walking for another twenty minutes, and suddenly, they found themselves standing in front of a beautiful greenhouse. The greenhouse was filled with flowers of all colors, and it stood in stark contrast to the lifeless forest that surrounded it.

The sight of the greenhouse in the middle of nowhere left them puzzled. It was like a white dove standing amid dark clouds, and they could not help but wonder what Eclipse had in store for them.

Eclipse's voice was barely above a whisper as he asked the question that was on everyone's mind. The room was silent except for the sound of Eclipse's labored breathing. His eyes were fixed on the woman in front of him, and it was as if he was trying to bore a hole into her soul.

The woman looked up from her desk and raised an eyebrow at him, her expression unreadable. Eclipse's tone was dark and menacing, and his words left a bitter taste in the air. It was as if he wasn't speaking to her but to someone else entirely. His eyes blazed like an inferno, and his companions shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other.

After what felt like an eternity, Eclipse finally broke the silence. "Where did you keep my mate?" he repeated, his voice barely above a whisper.

The woman sighed and leaned back in her chair. She knew that Eclipse wasn't there to chat and that he would not leave without an answer. The others in the room wondered where he drew his patience from because the Eclipse they had known for years was not a clearheaded man when someone he loved was in danger but if only they knew what lay beneath her calmness, he felt like spilling blood.

"Your mate is on the run with my lord and lady," the woman finally said, her voice calm and measured. "They went towards the west coast."

Eclipse's eyes widened, and his companions exchanged glances. They knew that the West Coast was a dangerous place, full of treacherous terrain and unpredictable weather. The fact that Alazne was on the run made it all the more perilous.

Without another word, Eclipse and his men exited the room and headed towards the west coast. They knew that tonight was bound to be colorful, but they didn't mind as long as they could get back to Alazne and get Eclipse to calm down before things escalated.

After ten minutes of walking, they heard the sound of frantic footsteps in the distance. Eclipse's heart raced as he realized that he was getting closer to his mate, and he quickened his pace. He could feel the adrenaline coursing through his veins as he prepared to face whatever lay ahead.

The thick fog obscured his vision, making it nearly impossible to pinpoint the source of the footsteps echoing around him. Halting in his tracks, he signaled for his companions to follow suit, their movements shrouded in the eerie mist. Closing his eyes, he focused solely on the sound of the approaching steps, discerning the underlying tension in the erratic heartbeat and the swift intake of breath emanating from the left.

Without warning, a figure collided with him, their impact jolting him back to reality. Inhaling deeply, he recognized the familiar scent before a trembling voice called out his name. "Eclipse," she whispered, her voice laced with fear, prompting him to open his eyes in shock.

"Alazne are you okay? Did they hurt you? Inquiring about her well-being, he gathered her close, relief flooding through him as she reassured him. Resting his hands on her face, he expressed his fear of losing her and vowed to protect her with unwavering conviction.

Apologizing for the danger she unwittingly attracted, she revealed her assailants' malicious intent, triggering a surge of protective instincts within him. Offering reassurance and tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear, he made a solemn promise to safeguard her at all costs.

Upon her request for assistance, he whisked her into his arms, determined to bring her home safely. As they made their way back to the royal pack, a sense of relief washed over their families and friends, witnessing their unbreakable bond. None of them had the time to think about why that woman let go of why answer easily and why it was easy to rescue Alazne.

Upon returning to their home, Alazne's unexpected request for help with her bath left everyone dumbfounded, including Eclipse. Quietly acknowledging the trust she placed in him, he guided her upstairs, their companions observing their silent interactions with a mix of curiosity and support.

Recognizing the significance of Alazne's trust in him, Eclipse tenderly bathed her, ensuring her comfort and well-being. Adorned in his shirt and shorts, she exuded a sense of vulnerability and strength, a testament to their evolving connection.

After attending to her needs, Eclipse prepared for his own shower, determined to unravel the mysteries surrounding the threats to their happiness. Observing the dynamics within the group, he remained vigilant and protective, ready to confront any adversaries that dared to harm his beloved mate.

As the evening unfolded, Alazne's safety was reaffirmed, her trust in Eclipse evident in the intimate moments they shared. Despite his silent reservations, the love and care he showed her underscored his unwavering commitment to her well-being and happiness.

Watching her slumber peacefully on his lap, Eclipse marveled at the depth of his emotions, grateful for the chance to love and protect her. With a tender gaze, he vowed to cherish and safeguard their bond, knowing that their connection was a rare and precious gift to be cherished.

The rest of the night passed in a blur as Eclipse stayed awake, keeping a watchful eye on Alazne as she slept peacefully in his arms. The next morning, he made sure to take extra precautions to ensure her safety, never leaving her side for even a moment.

As the days passed, unknowingly, Eclipse and Alazne's bond grew stronger as Eclipse faced the challenges and dangers that came their way, unknown to Alazne. Eclipse was determined to protect her at all costs, and Alazne trusted him completely, knowing that he would always be there for her just as he had promised.

Together with his pack, they navigated the power struggles within the royal pack, as Eclipse worked tirelessly to uncover the truth behind the threats to Alazne's life. With each passing day, their love only deepened, however Alazne didn't know that Eclipse had broken through her walls.

In the end, it would be the packs unwavering trust and love for each other that would help to triumphed over all obstacles, solidifying their bond for eternity.

Eclipse and Alazne would have to stand side by side and, be ready to face whatever challenges the future may bring, knowing that as long as they had each other, they could overcome anything but, for now, Eclipse understood that his mate wasn't ready to hear the truth, and he was okay with that. He would never push her into something she wasn't comfortable with. He was content to protect her from the shadows, keeping her unaware of the supernatural world surrounding them.

Alazne was busy at her restaurant, working on important papers in her office with Agnes, her capable COO. Agnes's efficiency and positive attitude had impressed Alazne in the past weeks.

When Eclipse entered the office and greeted Alazne, she turned to him with a questioning look, "What is that?" Eclipse cleared his throat awkwardly as he looked at what he held. She couldn't help but admire his beauty, though, lately she was also plagued by strange thoughts about him. Despite this, she enjoyed his presence.

"I'm here to whisk you away for a break. You've been cooped up in your office all day, so I thought we could enjoy the evening outside. It's almost six o'clock," he said with a smile, prompting her to tilt her head curiously. Eclipse chose to keep the destination a surprise, adding an air of mystery to their excursion.

"Okay," she responded quietly, closing her laptop and preparing to leave. Eclipse mirrored her actions, and together they left the office, bidding Agnes farewell.

As they walked through a forest with lush greenery and fragrant flowers, Alazne couldn't help but be enchanted by the surroundings. Eventually, they arrived at a charming cottage surrounded by a shallow blue lake, its serene atmosphere enhanced by the soothing sound of a nearby waterfall.

Alazne was awed by the scene, she was speechless and could only get one word out, "Waow".

Eclipse smiled knowing that she was indeed surprised and even awed by what he prepared for her but just to be sure, he asked, "You like it?"

Alazne shock her heard, "I love it. It's beautiful. It's so breathtaking". She said in one breath, licking her lips, an action which made the dark prince swallowed his saliva.

"Yeah, breathtaking indeed," Eclipse mumbled yet something about the way he said it made Alazne aware that he was not referring to the cottage nor waterfall and lake. He led her to the entrance, inserted in his key into the lock quickly unlocking the door before escorting her inside the cozy living room.

Eclipse quickly set the table with dinner, they both ate in comfortable silence. After eating, Alazne went upstairs to take her bath, she was done bathing within twenty minutes, she slipped on the white dress shirt Eclipse left on the bed before walking downstairs.

Eclipse couldn't help himself from swallowing when he saw her walking down the stairs, he slowly stood up and met her halfway pulling her into his arms and burring his nose in the crook of her neck, inhaling her scent like the addicted man he was.

"Eclipse?" She questioned uncertainty thick in her voice yet her body was reacting to his in ways she failed to grasp as the only response she got from the man was a soft humming, her arms rest against his chest gently trying to fend him off but to no avail as she felt weakened in his arms.

"Alazne, oh Alazne, I... I... can't, cannot," she heard him groan painfully, confusing her more than he already did. Before she could ask what he meant, his lips were on hers causing her to gasp in surprise, he took advantage of that and plunge his tongue inside her mouth moaning at how delicious she tasted, she moaned softly as his hands squeezed her ass cheeks tenderly, her fingers run through his hair and, he deepened the kiss.

He carried her, wrapping her legs around his waist and making his way upstairs without breaking the kiss, he closed the door behind them and laid her on the bed with care, "You are so breathtaking". His words made her blushed in embarrassment.

He crashed his lips against hers in a searing kiss, savouring her taste in every sense of the word, he run his fingers on her skin tracing her every curve, his lips burned her skin as he started kissing her exposed skin, he wanted to stop but he couldn't, she was driving him insane with her moans and positive response. He couldn't hold it in anymore, his control was thinning by the second.