
Alpha Prince Eclipse

Alazne "You ask me how I am bleeding even though my blood is dripping from your claws" "You demonstrated how to stab someone in the chest, but you still asked where I got the knowledge to do it." "You destroy the light inside of me, but you ask why I have so much darkness around me?" "Now that I am who you have made me to be, embrace it and take pride in it" Eclipse "I will never be able to take pride in my accomplishments. A cruel joke from fate is that happiness I will never experience with you. "If I have extinguished that light in you, I will return the way I came and light it again." "Being consumed by the gloom of the past, we have unknowingly turned into shadows of each other." "Yes, you were made by me today, but I promise to make the best version of you tomorrow."

Gold234 · Fantaisie
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16 Chs


A ferocious roar swept through the entire pack house, shattering the glass windows in the living room, and the room's temperature was freezing, causing the individuals in it to shiver. Expensive large flower pots and other ornaments were crushed into pieces.

The couches were ripped apart, the expensive custom-made tea tables were shattered, and there were dents in the living room walls. Blood had been spilled from a hand, tainting the expensive white floor rug crimson, and the gloom in the living room was palpable; anyone who witnessed the scene would flee.

But sometimes family is different; through thick and thin, they will always be there, watching and protecting you, and at this moment, he thanks God for such a wonderful family, but even with them, the emptiness was more painful than he anticipated.

Emerald's icy eyes looked into the length of the forest with gritted teeth, fists squeezed tightly, causing more blood to spill on the floor carpeting.

"Where exactly is she?" Eclipse's words boomed out harshly, and Agnes, who was behind him, anxiously licked her lips while giving Eclipse and his companions an uneasy glance.

"She is at work, but I am not allowed to go to her office anymore because I attempted to say a few nice things for you," Agnes said with a sigh, running her hand through her blonde hair.

"Is there anything else?" Eclipse inquired, turning around to face Agnes, sensing that she was withholding something from him.

Agnes swallowed nervously, looking everywhere except Eclipse, "One of our elites has been exploring the pack land with her and she appears to love his company," Agnes murmured, her head slightly lowered. Eclipse made a gloomy chuckle, his body emitting a very evil aura.

"I want to see it," Eclipse mumbled. Agnes looked at her wristwatch and sighed as she read the time.

"I am sorry, but she is not in her office right now; she is probably watching them play football," Agnes said with a sigh.

Eclipse whispered "Nice" and nodded. The young woman was so harsh; was she attempting to kill him with anger? Eclipse exited the living room and headed into the park, unconcerned by his bloodied and bruised knuckles.

Eclipse went to the restaurant the next day after meeting her for the first time to try and get close to her; he saw the girl and she even did the honor of serving him herself, but after that, she vanished into the elevator and he sat there waiting for her; for four hours she did not step out; Eclipse was so angry that he left after receiving an urgent call from his Beta, who informed him of an urgent meeting with some Alphas from the Werewolf packs.

He returned to her restaurant on the third day, and this time she came down after him. She even had lunch with him when he requested it, which made him happy, but when he asked to take her on a date, she refused without hesitation, telling him she did not have time to go on dates.

This routine repeated for a week; he was persistent, patient, and understanding, but he was also human; he had feelings and was hurt; they were strangers, but there was nothing wrong with getting to know each other; he had planned to begin their relationship as friends, earn her trust and love, and then the rest would have happened naturally, but all of his efforts did not pay off; she simply made everything difficult and impossible.

He had had enough of her attitude and would tell her what he thought: if she could not be with him, she could not be with another man either. Even though his family and friends advised him to stop, he ignored their advice since he was fed up with Alazne's attitude and would not put up with it any longer.

Eclipse's friends held their breath as they came to a standstill in the park. Godfrey stepped past Eclipse and came to a halt in front of him, effectively blocking him from witnessing the scenario unfolding in front of them.

Eclipse massaged his temple as a dark laugh left his lips. He was suffering as she was amid dozens of men playing football, and it had been established that this woman was attempting to kill him with his anger.

"Listen, buddy, Godfrey comforted him, saying, "Listen, buddy, you need to calm down, do not hurry into doing anything that can injure both of you, she will warm up to you at the perfect moment," but who was to say Eclipse would heed his advice? Well, fed up with listening to the same speech for the past two weeks, he shoved Godfrey aside but as he was crossing the street, he did not see a tipper track approaching.

Before anyone could react, the skidding track hit him and knocked him a few feet away. Everyone's attention was drawn to a scream that split the air, and that is when they noticed the young woman sprinting in the direction of Eclipse's unconscious body. Godfrey and the others, along with the football players and onlookers, rush in their direction.

Alazne said, "Damn it, Mr. Man," as she carefully lowered his head into her lap. She panicked as she saw his body becoming blue, and that is when she realized there was a needle embedded in his arm. She tore her shirt swiftly, tying one at the top and the other at the bottom of his elbow.

As the others watched her closely, she took a credit card out of her pocket and split it in two. She then caused a deep cut on Eclipse's skin, causing black blood to seep between the two knots and causing his completeness to return to normal, she wondered who could think of killing him with such a dangerous poison.

Alazne exhaled a sigh of relief as she leaned her back against the trunk of a tree behind her. For almost five minutes, Eclipse's family, friends, and pack members' jaws were gaping as they stared at the young woman who was now running her fingers through Eclipse's silky smooth hair.

"You are extremely stubborn, Mr. Man," Alazne murmured under her breath; she noticed Eclipse standing across the street the instant he arrived; he had a commanding presence that she could feel anytime he was close; his aura was too dark not to detect. Eclipse's eyes flickered open, and he could make out a face in his foggy vision; once his eyesight cleared, he noticed her looking at him with concern.

"Are you okay?" Alazne said, concerned. She did not know why, but she did not like Eclipse's haggard appearance. Eclipse looked at her helplessly; why could not she see that he was in pain? She ignored his every attempt to approach her.

"I'm...in pain," he murmured in a gruff voice, peering into her crystal blue eyes. Alazne's forehead furrowed as she heard his words; she was perplexed.

"Where is it hurting?" She inquired with concern, inspecting every inch of his body.

"Here," Eclipse stated while pointing his index finger to the left side of his chest, which made her chuckle gently. She understands what he means when he points his finger to the left side of his chest, where his heart resides. Eclipse's lips curled into a faint smile as he realized he wanted nothing more than to see her happy and carefree; Godfrey was correct, pushing things would only damage all of them.

"Do you want to go on a date with me? Alazne asked unexpectedly, surprising everyone but Eclipse, who furrowed his brows.

"Do you feel sorry for me because of what happened?" Eclipse inquired, his lips pressed together.

"No, listen, no man in my twenty-two-year life has ever been persistent or patient with me, but you, for two weeks and five days, have been extremely stubborn but patient with me, which I appreciate. "My father often says not to keep patient people on edge because there is only so much they can take," Alazne added, staring into the Alpha Prince's eyes, and Eclipse and his family could tell she meant it.

"But I asked you out for a date first?"Eclipse grumbled, leading her to giggle; everyone around them was captivated by her grin; her aura was so warm, in contrast to Eclipse's, which was so dark and gloomy; nonetheless, for some strange reason, both auras intermingled wonderfully.

"All right, let us go on your date." She finally gave in. He grinned at her, relieved that he could stare at her for hours without tiring; she was stunning, and the pack members could not understand why their Alpha Prince appeared to like the young woman's presence so much.

"I am sorry for everything, Mr. Man," Alazne stated really; She did not like how she had treated him as if he meant nothing in the previous two weeks and five days.

Eclipse sighed and said, "It is fine; I understand. Alazne is a human without the knowledge of the paranormal world so she is entitled to her principles as a human.

"Okay, you need to go home; your knuckles are bloodied, and so is your shirt," She added with a smirk on her lips. Eclipse pursed his lips; he did not want to leave her, worried she would change her mind and treat him even colder than before.

"I know what you are thinking; I promise I will not do anything like that again; now go home and take your bath," she said, assisting him to sit up. Alazne felt there was something special about Eclipse because anyone would have died in that accident, but she did not want to pry into his personal life, at least not yet.

"Come with me right now," he murmured, suggestively. Alazne shook her head slightly; he constantly bargains with her on everything.

"Okay, I wonder how your parents dealt with your intransigence when you were younger," She muttered as they both stood up, laughing at her statement.

"My father is here; perhaps he can tell you how because he knows best," Eclipse remarked, pointing his chin at a man with silk-silver hair. Alazne retreated behind Eclipse as soon as she noticed his father staring at her with amusement.

Eclipse's father laughed softly; the young woman was alluring and beautiful, and it was no surprise that his son did not want another guy near her.

"Come on, let us go," Eclipse urged, tugging her out of concealment.

"Let me say farewell to someone," she added, looking around for the person. Eclipse grimaced in disappointment, knowing it was the warrior she wanted to say goodbye to.

"Hey Raja, come here," she whispered, dragging out a young man with white-purple hair from the crowd. His hazel eyes looked anywhere but at her and Eclipse, knowing that his Alpha prince was not happy with another male being close to his mate.

"I will come to see you tomorrow; tell Auntie and Jane that I will call them." She stated with a smile, but it faded as Raja refused to look at her. Everyone understood why Raja would not look Alazne in the eyes: Alazne is the future queen of the Werewolf and Lycan Kingdoms, and it is rude for a warrior to get close to Royal unless they are your mate.

"Is there something wrong?" "Why are you suddenly not speaking?" She inquired in confusion and anxiety, but the young man continued to refuse to speak. Taking a deep breath hooked her fingers under his chin, successfully elevating it so that he was staring directly into her gaze, Eclipse pursed his lips feeling a sharp pain in his chest, not liking how close his mate was with Raja.

"I am sorry, but I do not think we should see one other again," Raja stated, taking a step back, prompting the girl to exhale in irritation; she did not like the way Raja was speaking, and she felt that he was keeping something from her.

Raja was the only friend she had in this world, and now he wants to dump her as if their friendship meant nothing to him, while it meant everything to her; he was like a brother she never had.

"Really? Why?" She questioned, her voice quivering from the tornado of emotions she was attempting to suppress as she tried to recall where she had gone wrong.

"Damn it, answer my question," she nearly yelled; something about Raja's rejection did not sit well with her soul, and the sensation was too intense.