
Alpha Prince Eclipse

Alazne "You ask me how I am bleeding even though my blood is dripping from your claws" "You demonstrated how to stab someone in the chest, but you still asked where I got the knowledge to do it." "You destroy the light inside of me, but you ask why I have so much darkness around me?" "Now that I am who you have made me to be, embrace it and take pride in it" Eclipse "I will never be able to take pride in my accomplishments. A cruel joke from fate is that happiness I will never experience with you. "If I have extinguished that light in you, I will return the way I came and light it again." "Being consumed by the gloom of the past, we have unknowingly turned into shadows of each other." "Yes, you were made by me today, but I promise to make the best version of you tomorrow."

Gold234 · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Broken Bond

Raja took a moment to compose himself before speaking, "I...I can't be around you anymore, Alazne. It's not right." His words hit her like a ton of bricks, leaving her feeling lost and confused.

"Why are you suddenly saying all this to me? Are you cutting off ties with me?" she asked, her heart sinking at the realization that Raja was breaking their friendship. Raja nodded in confirmation, avoiding her gaze as guilt washed over him.

"I'm sorry, Alazne. But I can't be your friend anymore, you deserve better. We don't belong in the same world," he explained, his voice laced with sorrow.

Alazne felt a mix of emotions swirling inside her - guilt, anger, sadness. She never intended to hurt Raja, but she still couldn't understand why Raja was suddenly saying all these things to her in the middle of strangers and friends.

"I...I don't know what to say," she whispered, feeling torn, her heart hurt, if this is how heartbreak feels then she never wants to experience it.

Raja gave her a small, sad smile before turning to leave, knowing that their friendship may never be the same again. Alazne watched him go, feeling a deep ache in her heart at the loss of a dear friend.

"Raja, you promised me, remember this. You said you always be there for me as my brother, you promised to be that friend for me or have you suddenly forgotten?" She said causing him to halt his steps, she walked around him and came face to face with him.

"You don't understand but this is the right thing to do," Raja said massaging his temple, he was hurting too but he couldn't go against Eclipse.

"You are not making sense to me, what in the world can you not tell me? Was our friendship something to be dumped in ruins? When I became your friend, when we became sworn siblings I promised myself to always be there for you, no matter what," she said looking at him with a sad smile.

"Can you not make this harder than it already is? Please, I'm doing this for your good," Raja said pleading with her but she just scoffed at his words.

"I'm not letting go, do you hear me? You can go think about it, I am patient, I have a lot of patience for my brother," She whispered making Raja sigh, he felt terrible.

"And don't try to keep your parents and sister from me because if you do, I will not be, please with you," She said in a very serious tone making him release another. She watched as he walked away without looking back.

Eclipse and the others could feel the sadness and dissatisfaction oozing from Alazne, and Raja as well, his figure appeared defeated as he walked away, everyone knows the kind of man Raja is, he is loyal and honest with everyone around him, he was not a man who loves breaking trusts but there was nothing he could do about his relationship with Alazne.

As she turned to find Eclipse waiting for her, a mix of emotions flooded her senses - uncertainty, guilt, but also a glimmer of hope for the future, that maybe, just maybe Raja would come to her and be her brother just like he has been for the past two weeks.

Alazne walked toward Eclipse with a smile, she would not cry amid these people but it doesn't mean she wasn't hurt by Raja's rejection. Eclipse and the others gave themselves a puzzled look, this girl has strong willpower against every issue. When they got to Eclipse's home, which was the pack house, the living room was spotlessly clean as if nothing happened, well, that's the speck of having Witches among them.

Meanwhile, Raja walked into his parent's home with a sigh of helplessness, the thought of the broken friendship he now has with Alazne was heart-wrenching for him, he didn't like the fact that he was the one who broke their bond and the promise he made to her but Eclipse won't forgive him if he was to defile the royal rules and regulations which to him is simply bullshit.

"Ohh, you're home, Raja how's Alazne doing?" Raja's mother asked as she wiped her hand but Raja just looked anywhere but his mom, he felt guilty. His mom's forehead furrowed when she sensed her son's sour mood.

"What is going on, son?" She asked looking up at the young man who was massaging his temple in distress.

"Alazne is the mate of Alpha Prince Eclipse," Raja said in defeat making his mother's brows shoot up in surprise just as his father walked in.

"She's what? Jane asked exiting the kitchen with a shocked expression. "So what are we going to do about it?" His mother asked, knowing they had to cut off all ties with Alazne because of her status.

"Her status doesn't concern your bond with her. You promised her, to stay by her side always. We all promised her and besides she doesn't know about the paranormal world yet so it doesn't matter," His father said in a very serious tone.

"But dad, the prince has a very dark nature, I'm afraid he might hurt her or worse hurt us if we try to get close to her," Raja said, laying down his concerns but his father wasn't giving up.

"If he loves her, he would not ask her to break her friendship with us for his stupid royal family rules and regulations and that girl is like a daughter to me, I'm not ready to give up my bond with her for anyone," His father said walking out of the house.

"Father is right, I mean she is the only one who has the key to the past," Jane murmured as she went back to the kitchen while Raja's eyes flashed a cold light after hearing the word past.

"Raja, you promised her. Breaking your promise would break her heart and yours. Think about it, you need to do something about your friendship with her," His mother said in a firm voice, she knows her son. He was too loyal to get separated from Alazne.

The past was dark but with Alazne's help they could discover the missing pieces of those moments, only Alazne has the key to that, and breaking his friendship with her would cost him a lot.

Meanwhile, Alazne was in Eclipse's bedroom looking out of the window with furrowed brows, she was deeply in thought, she couldn't put the pieces together, why had he suddenly changed? Everything was fine, they had no problem. He was everything she had never had, their bond was extraordinary and his family became hers naturally.

Every action of his was because he cared for her, he loved her like a sister, they always went to the field to play ball with his friends, and at night they both strolled down the street holding hands and laughing at every little thing they talked about and even when they were on the field, everything was fine but then, his attitude changed the moment Eclipse... damnit, why haven't she thought about it, everything makes sense to her now.

Alazne, put on a robe, slipped on her flip-flops, and sprinted out of the room, her long hair fluttering behind her as she descended the stairs, it was midnight but she didn't care, Raja wasn't someone she wanted to give up on, she would do anything in her power to mend their broken friendship.

Eclipse and his friends who were downstairs looked up when they noticed someone descending the stairs, what would make someone descend the stairs when there's an elevator? They asked themselves in confusion.

When they saw that Alazne was the one descending the stairs, Eclipse stood up to meet her halfway just as she came to a stop at the bottom of the stairs. Alazne eyes stared directly into Eclipse's, she wanted to ask but chose not to because it might only cause a rift between them and she didn't want that to happen.

"I need a motorcycle," She said looking at the people around. Eclipse's companions gave him a questioning look as if to ask if they should give her the key to a motorcycle.

"You know what? I don't want it, you can stare at him for the rest of the night," She grumbled as she walked out of the living room. She needs to talk to Raja before their relationship goes beyond repair. Eclipse's brows furrowed in confusion, he thought everything was fine after they both went on a date together but seems like not.

"What is going on?" Godfrey asked with raised brows. Honestly speaking, he didn't understand what was ongoing at the moment, they all thought she was warming up to Eclipse.

"I have a feeling that she is going to see him," Eclipse mumbled with a sigh.

"Bro, this girl won't allow her relationship with you to break the one she has with Raja," Zane said after thinking about it for a while.

"Sometimes, I think these royal rules and regulations are too much, it is not fair," Christoph added with a sigh, he has been thinking about it and it's not the right thing to do, royalty or not, everybody has the same blood flowing through their veins, they should allow everyone equality to rights.

"I think we should follow her, it's unsafe to allow her to go there alone," Gabriel said standing up, they all walked out of the living room with multiple sighs.

Alazne stood in front of Raja's home, and with a sigh, she knocked on the door three times, the breeze was quite chilly and she felt very cold. The door gently swung open, and the person behind the door looked at her in shock, their eyes widening in surprise but apprehension.

Alazne walked into the living room with a scoff of annoyance, she stood in the middle of the living room with pursed lips as Raja looked everywhere but her.

"What is going on? Like how did we get here?" She asked, needing an explanation for her questions.

"I mean we were fine, we were doing well and happy, you were always there when I needed you and so was I but suddenly cutting me off as if I met nothing?" She said walking around him, a disappointed laugh leaving her lips.

"The Raja I have come to know isn't a man who breaks promises. He doesn't bow to someone because the person forced him to, and leaving a sister behind isn't something he can ever do, I know that much," Raja heard her say just as Eclipse and his friends walked into the living room without knocking which made the girl massaged his temple in dissatisfaction but didn't utter a word or spared them a glance.

She continued speaking to Raja who had his head slightly bowed, "Before you, I didn't know what having a companion feels like, I would not have people near me because I feared that they might break my trust or worse cut me off when I start growing on them, I feared I might let down the walls around my heart and get hurt at the end," Alazne continued

"But I let you in without a second thought because I know I can trust you without fearing to be left behind, you have your way around people, and you remind me of someone, I see that person in you but I like you for you"

"So tell me do I deserve your friendship or not or is something keeping you from being my brother?" The girl asked after concluding her speech, her now blank eyes now staring at Raja.

"I'm sorry but I have not abandoned you nor will I break your trust. You are and would forever be my sister," Raja said still not looking up, Alazne was perperlex to see him like that.

"I know that isn't what you wanted to say, Raja," Alazne said turning around and walking out without another word, Raja was a bad liar and she knows, she didn't want to mention that Eclipse was the reason behind their broken friendship but there's only so much she could take