
Alpha might

He wakes up one morning and decides to become more serious with is life.Then he began imagining what he plans just as he has always done

Shodiya_Oluwafemi · Fantaisie
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2 Chs


The sunlight crawls into the building at the peak of it . lighting up the room.., uhhgg!! Is it morning already so fast,fuck I should just stay in bed for a little bit longer .In the room is a teen with blonde hair a milky white skin like he hasn't been exposed to the sunlight since he was born giving him a pale colour.

Jonathan also known as AJ crawled out of bed to prepare for the day .his eye color like that of hazelnut giving him a striking resemblance to a popular actor.he rushed into the bathroom to escape being shouted at by his great aunt or so he calls the old woman ."I should just bath at once this erection is killing me"imagining a slender girl with dressed in a crop top with a perfect frame and her peaks like they were about to burst out."no no ..I shouldn't be thinking of this now "thankfully graduation is coming soon.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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