
Alpha Lilly

An Alpha female finds her inner Alpha and grows in power. Will she find her mate? Is he her true mate? What are the Rouges planning? Will her over protective Father lighten up? Will Lilly be able to keep her Alpha? Let's find out together. Story excerpt You would probably love my life. Believe me most people would. I have full run of the place all I could ever wish is given to me at a simple request. I train every day with the best fighters. Then I watch tv hang out with friends. Eat what ever I want. Everything you could wish for at my fingertips. So why do I hate my life you ask? I open my door. "Do you need anything princess?" Dalton asks from his perch outside my door. "Will you ever go back to calling me Lilly?" I ask rolling my eyes at his formality. We grew up together and he was my best friend. Now that he works directly for my father he is bound by father's stupid rules. "You know I can't." Dalton says as he looks at the ground "Your father would kill me" "I'm going for a run." I say bluntly and turn my back to him. Dalton grabs my arm. "Wait you have to get permission" I twist out of his grasp and he grabs my other arm. Pulling me into him. "So concerned with my father Alt? What would he say if he saw us now?" I whispered in his ear. That got his attention and he released me on the spot. I step away and stand tall. "I could tell father and..." "You wouldn't" Dalton says with his stupid grin I havent seen seance we were pups. I lean in "Maybe, maybe not, who knows what might slip, Alt. You know I'm bad at keeping secrets." "NO! Come on please. I don't want to lose my position. (or my life) You wouldn't do that to me would you Lil?" I got him. As soon as I heard my name slip his lips I knew I'd won. "Tit for tat Alt. I keep your secret you keep mine. Now, I AM going for a run." Dalton rolls his eyes and reclaims his position at my door. "One hour" he says "or I'll tell your father myself!"

RUHU95 · Fantastique
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32 Chs


"Why did you stop me Mason!?" I yell at him as I reenter wearing a set of extra clothes from the car. "Why wouldn't you let me kill him!?"

"Look at her Aaron!" He responds. I look down at Lilly. She is still shaking. Unresponsive. My eyes fall to the mark on her shoulder and I look away. "She is connected to him! You were hurting her!" I huff and turn my back to them. "What is wrong with you?!"

"She was going to mark him Mason! My mate was going to mark another man!" I turn back to him screaming.

"You're an idiot!" He yells.

"You didn't see her! Teeth an inch from his skin! If I hadn't shown up!..." I am panting from the effort not to shift. How could she?!

"I stand by my statement... idiot...you realize that in the 8 days she has been here he has probably marked her 3... 4... 5... 6... God knows how many times! The fact that he doesn't bear her mark is a testament to how much she cares for you! Stop playing the victim Aaron!" Mason screams and returns his attention to his daughter. He picks her up and begins to carry her out. "Bring him... Well take care of him as soon as his mark fades."

I pick up the unconscious rouge. Outside our warriors are dressing wounds and searching for survivors. It seems as tho most of the casualties were suffered by the rouges. I throw the man in a cage in the back of one of our trucks and lock him in.

"How is she?" I ask approaching Mason.

"Not good." He says placing her onto the back seat. "You still being a punk?" He asks turning to me.

"No... I... I just don't know how to handle this... she... she is marked... she was going to..."

"Her body was responding to his mark." He cuts me off. "You don't know what it's like... you can't possibly understand the feeling of being marked. Emotions spike... the desire to return it when someone's teeth dig in... it is overwhelming... she is incredibly strong to not give in."

"Thanks Mason... it hurts... seeing her like this. Knowing his mark..." I say Knowing how hard she had to have fought him makes me feel better. She is strong. But she's marked!

"Suck it up boy! You aren't the one we need to be focused on right now! She may die so decide! Get in the car and hold your mate or walk away! I won't let you hurt her more than he already has!" I look at Mason and nod. Climbing into the car I pull my mate into my lap holding her tight.

"I love you Lilly." I whisper kissing her head.

Lilly's POV

"No!... No!...Let Go Of Me!" I wake up screaming. Someone is holding me to a bed. "Get OFF!" I throw a punch at my captor.

"Dang it Lilly!" I open my eyes to see Dalton holding his now bloodied nose.

"Alt?" I ask. "How did I?... where am I?..." I start to remember what happened. "Where's Aaron."

"He's talking to the mutt that gave you that!" He says pointing at my shoulder. "Dog won't talk tho... we don't even know his real name. Can't torture him with you being connected so it's been slow going the past few hours."

"Damon... that's his name." I tell him. "I need to talk to him and my father." I try to get up. My dizziness makes me fall forward.

"Take it easy Lil!" Dalton says catching me.

"I'm fine take me to them!" I yell.

"Not so fast pup. You are in no condition..." the Doctor says walking in.

"Shut it Doc!" I cut him off.

"Lilly you shouldn't!" Alt tries to stop me. I push him away.

"Sorry pup." Doc says grabbing my shoulder. I yelp as pain courses through my body and nearly collapse. He makes me lay back down on the bed. I whimper in pain. "You need to stay here Lilly... I need to know what happened." I stay silent and turn away from him. "How many times?" He asks.

I glare at him. I don't want to talk about this I want to give information that can help with the prick in the cells! Why does it matter... Aaron saw it... what does he think? I need to talk to him! I eye the door.

"Not gonna happen!... do I need to put you in restraints?" I growl at him. My head is still spinning. He may be right but I still want to go. Doc sighs. "Let's make a deal. You answer my questions and let me check you out. Then I will get Alpha Aaron and your father in here to talk to you." I guess that's close enough.

"Deal." I say.

"How..." he starts.

"5." I cut him off.

"Did you return his mark?"

"No." I see a shocked look in Doc's face.

"Impressive... now did you?... did he? Ahem... did he mate with..."

"NO!" I cut him off again. No that did NOT happen!

"Good." Doc says breathing a sigh of relief. "Have you eaten?"

"Yes... he took care of me... you know aside from the torture." Dalton laughs.

"Only you could joke around at a time like this!" He says.

"Well other than the mark you seem healthy." Doc says. Suddenly a thought crosses my mind. Why didn't I think of it sooner.

"How's Brayden? Did he make it back?" I ask.

"He's fine... not too happy about you making him leave but healthy and healed." Doc answers.

"Good... my father? Aaron?" I push him.

"Already linked your father. He and Aaron will be here shortly." He responds and then leaves.

"Why?" Dalton asks staring at me. "You lied to me and put yourself in danger! If you would have died it would have been my fault! Why would you do that?"

"The key word is if Alt. I didn't die. I'm here. And you know why I did it! I was protecting Brayden and the pack!"

"We could have helped little wolf." My father says as he enters.

"Daddy!" I smile at him and sit up. He gives me a hug and sits down beside me.

"Talk to you later." Dalton says and leaves.

"Why didn't you tell us? We could have helped you." Father's face is full of worry.

"You saw what he left me right?" Father nods. "Then you know I had no choice!"

"I can see how you would think that." Father's eyes rest on the mark and he looks down. "I'm just sorry you had to go through that... its supposed to be a joyous experience not a form of torture."

"He just wants power." Father looks up at me. "He planned to mate me and then kill you to get the power of the pack." I tell him.

"I figured as much." He says. "I'm sorry this happened to you."

"Its not your fault." I say.

"This happened because you are my daughter... I do bare some blame... I'm supposed to protect you." He responds.

"Where is Aaron?... I need to talk to him... to explain..." I start. I feel guilty if he hadn't shown up I don't know if I could have resisted.

"He understands." Father stops me "I explained to him what happens when you are marked... if you don't mind me asking how many..." Its my turn to cut him off.

"5" I say looking away "I was about to do it... a second later and..." I start to cry and father holds me.

"Shhhh little wolf." He speaks softly. "You have nothing to be ashamed of... you are strong and I am proud."

"Me too." A welcome voice enters the room.

"I'm gonna leave. I love you little wolf." Father gets up leaving me alone with Aaron.

"Hay." He says looking me over as he sits next to me. I see him eye the mark and I cover it with my hand. "No... don't worry about that. In another day it will be gone. Then he will be gone."

"I'm so sorry Aaron!" I say crying again.

"No... don't... you did what you thought was right!" He defends me.

"How can you even look at me?! How are you not repulsed by me!? Just reject me now and get it over with! I'm damaged goods! You saw it!... Saw him!...saw me!..." I cry harder. He climbed into the bed pulling me onto his chest.

"It wasn't your fault. Wasn't your choice. How could I be mad at you?" Aaron whispers to me as he hugs me tightly. "He hurt you and one day...if you'll have me. I will make it right. You will feel what it is supposed to be like. With me."

I continue to cry into his shirt. He just holds me. His comfort makes all my pain wash away.


I wake up in my own bed. I lay there for a moment not wanting to move then jump up.

"The mark!" I run to the mirror "gone!" I smile placing my hand where it used to be. I flinch the spot is still tender to touch. 8 days... I was gone 8 days.

"And well be Alpha in 5!" She's back! Finally talking again.

"I completely forgot about that... do you think we are still doing it?" I ask my wolf.

"We are ready and able I see no reason why not!" She responds.

I need to talk to father.

The shower feels amazing. Hot water washing away my aches and pain. I scrub my skin trying to remove any trace of Damon. I get dressed and find my father.

I slip into the cells quietly. I hear Aaron, my father, and a voice I would love to forget.

"How are you an Alpha?" Father asks.

"You know I'm just that good!" Damon responds.

"Answer him!" Aaron orders.

"So I guess my mark still holds. You know she would be mine now if you hadn't interrupted. Don't you know when you aren't welcome Aaron?" Damon says. Aaron growls grabbing him by his throat. "Temper temper Aaron! I'd hate for you to hurt our little mate. Remember marked!?"

"Our!?! She's MINE you little..." Aaron yells but I stop him.

"Actually Damon." I say as I enter the room laying a hand on Aaron's shoulder. "I am not marked at all." Aaron looks down at me and I slide the collar of my shirt to reveal my shoulder. I see Aaron smile and Damon gets scared. "Anyway he already told me how he became an Alpha sooo.. yea I don't think we need him... have fun boys!" I turn and walk out. I hear what is going on behind me and smile.

Father follows me out. "Lilly!" He says catching up to me. "How are you holding up, pup." I look back to the cells.

"Damon?" I ask.

"If he's not dead he will be soon." He answers.

"Then I am great!... anyway I wanted to ask you something." I sit on a bench and father joins me. "Are you still stepping down as Alpha?"

"Well... the ceremony was set to be in 5 days but I understand if you want to put it off." He says.

"No... if anything this makes me want to do it even more. I can be a leader... an Alpha... I'm ready." I tell him.

"Then that's the plan... 5 days, little wolf... I'm so proud of you!" He hugs me and we walk back to the pack house.

I don't see Aaron again until dinner. He is freshly showered and smells amazing. Most of the pack seems to have come to the pack house today. Even my father came. We sit around the table waiting to eat. As my father begins to speak Aaron stops him.

"Alpha Mason... May I?" He asks. Father looks stunned but then smiles and nods.

"Be my guest." Father says and Aaron stands.

"God thank you for this food... for protecting Lilly and for strength in the pack." He sits down.

"Let's eat!" Father says and takes a bite. I stare at Aaron amazed.

"What?" He asks looking at me.

"I didn't know you believed in anything." I say.

"I do... always have... my mother read the books to me. I guess God just didn't matter as much before... but I see the way you are. your father is. Your pack. I want that so I talked to God... and he answered." He says.

"You just became ten times more attractive." I say hugging him.

"Wow maybe I should have just faked it earlier!" He jokes.

"No... it doesn't count if it isn't real." I say.

We eat well and I head to bed... it's soo good to be home.