
A Painful Home


I wait till I no longer smell their scents, before sitting in one of the farther corners shaking.

'I want to go home...I want Augustus Glacier..'

I can feel Glacier frown within my mind. 'I know little one, but we must obey until we are let free.'

I frown and close my eyes allowing for my body to relax as I slip into my mind. The world around me suddenly disappears along with the feeling of my body, all of my senses has gone numb as I look around the black void around me. I feel an icy cold wind behind me and turn. A large white dragon with full light blue eyes lays behind me. A deep bite on her neck from before. This is my dragons true form when she is within my mind. I take a seat on a large rock in front of her. Pulling my knees to my chest I rest my chin upon them.

"I don't want to be here..It's too much like the ones before...Glacier.. I just.."

I cut myself off as I bury my head into my arms. I feel an icy wind blow my knee length white hair back and Glacier rumbles softly at me.

"You have made it so far little one, do you truly wish to quite now"

I say nothing as I only listen to my dragon speak. Despite the power she holds, her voice is always soft and caring towards me. She is like the mother I never knew.

"Look at me child."

I obey and lift my head. Glacier stand in front of me in her half form, one I can't control nor have mastered yet. Her eyes like a cats, showing she has not been broken by any alpha. It is bad if a alpha were to see, it would be seen as defiant or as a challenge. Yet I find them beautiful. Her white scales show on half of her body, seeming as if she were wearing a swimsuit of sorts almost. She picks me up and holds me against her like a mother would with their toddler. I frown and wrap my arms around her tightly as she rubs my back in soothing circles.

"You are a strong young women Akiera, yo-"

suddenly I am pulled out of my subconscious by a sharp pain. I growl and hold the spot only to feel a hot liquid. I frown opening my eyes confused as I look at the blue blood...my blood. Looking around confused I see one of the twins standing beside me, a dagger in his hand. I glare at him as my wound heals "What the hell was that for!?" he only smirks and licks the blood from his dagger, shuttering. I notice his eyes glow slightly. I tense and quickly stand only to regret it as a electric and sharp pain runs along my side and stomach. With a whine I clutch my stomach dropping onto my knees. I can hear him laughing at my pain.

"Really think we wouldn't be prepared for a species like you?"

I growl and curl up holding my stomach shaking "What the hell did you do to me"

he only snickers and grabs me by my hair dragging me out. I whine and tug at my long hair trying to pry it from his hands as he drags me from my cell. He yanks my up and grabs the hair closer to my scalp, gripping tightly as he speaks

"You're going to regret every setting foot near that cabin"

I glance and growl seeing his smile as he shoves me roughly into another room. The stench of blood overwhelming. My body tenses as my eyes adjust the the darkness. Different forms of weapons, covered in blood, decorations the walls and floors. I tense as he forces me to the only light shined table in the room. The straps old and a form of leather, the table rusted with the dry blood. Whining I struggle against him, kicking and jerking, but nothing works as he slams me onto the table and strapping me down. I yank at the straps, they groan in protest, but they don't break. He simple watches my struggles. "You can tug all you want. Not even Max can break those"

I growl at him and yank harder. The room becomes colder quickly as frost forms on the metal around me. He snickers watching before lighting a fire near by. Seeing it I struggle more wanting to get away. My body goes tense but doesn't move like I want it too. As if it was frozen. I growl as he approaches me with a red hot blade.


Caesar's P.O.V

Pulling one of the daggers from the flame I smile seeing the metal red and bursting with energy. Glancing at the dragon strapped to the table I smile as I get closer to her. Ever so slowly I inch my blade closer to her side. The frost forming around the tip makes me frowning as her body tries to freeze it. I had immobilized her before hand to prevent my artwork from being ruined. After seeing the blade start to dim I roughly stab it into her flesh ripping it down from the middle of her ribs to her hip. She screams loudly and growls in pain making me smile. I love it when they scream. Yanking the dagger again I repeat the action, creating shallow and deep cuts and gashes along her entire body. Her screams are different from the others. They aren't full of pain, it's more so anger, fear, regret even. I frown no longer enjoying myself. I glare up at her seeing she's passed out. I glance at my watch and see it's been a bit over an hour. "Well you don't last long do you." I sigh as I set the dagger back into the flame behind me. I frown and start unstrapping her. I watch as my hands start to become stained with her blood. It's odd seeing a dragon with blood that's blue, but it's sweet. I smile and lick a bit that has gotten onto my hand before removing her from the table. Picking her up I return her to her cell to re-heal so Max can have a turn later. Slamming her cell door shut I watch. I've never really noticed her features. Her hair is a snow white and reaches to what I believe her knees, from what I've felt it's extremely thick too. Her skin is pale but darker than her hair, her face is perfectly symmetrical and even as well, but a deep scar slows on her one shoulder. Dragons don't scar easily, what I've done to her won't be there by tomorrow. For something to scar means it has a deeper meaning, a bad meaning a majority of the time. I sigh leaving the cells and returning to my younger brothers side. I had to be removed because of my dragon form. Because of that damn girl I had shifted when it is against the rules, but since not much happens around here involving another dragon. I can't help I had gotten angry at her not submitting. I'm a fucking alpha dragon.

Walking down the hall i see Carmine and instantly lower my head frowning. She is our mistress, she found and raised us when we were younger, but she has also broken us, which in a way..makes us her slaves.

"Where were you boy"

I flinch hearing her voice, it is soft but rough and commanding. "The cells milady...with the dragon."

She eyes me for a minute before nodding. "You two have a new assignment."

I perk at the mention of a new mission. We don't get many anymore.

"You both are to befriend the lizard."

I frown "What, why? She's just a stupid lizard milady"

A sharp pain forms in my cheek suddenly, I look down as she growls "Don't you ever question me again mutt. You do as told. Or do you want to be my toy again?"

I tense, we may be know as the torture twins but Carmine, she terrifies me. She terrifies us. Especially when it's us on the table and not someone else. "No milady, It will be done as ordered."

She growl "It better, now get out of my damn face."

I nod and quickly leave, Max at my side