
CHAPTER 102 Truth of the Past

  Kassandra's POV

  "Fuck! Fuck!" I consecutively cussed as I scoured the floor, my fingertips searching for the touch of my fallen phone. That thunderbolt quicken my system and the sudden blackout added some hecticness inside me.

  Why didn't I know that there is going to be a storm today?! I am so sure that the weather was perfectly fine earlier and this sudden thunderstorm is literally getting on my nerves. Plus the fact that my belly kind of hurts as I continued being on the floor in search of my phone.

  "Ah, got 'ya," I whispered to myself and it was then that I beheld a figure standing in the doorway, framed by the stormy backdrop outside. Though daylight still lingered at two in the afternoon, an inexplicable shadow seemed to shroud the figure's form.

  My heart quickened its rhythm, pounding in my chest with a mix of fear and anticipation. I mustered the courage to speak, my voice trembling, asking who stood before me.