

Hazel a 23 years old lady, was forced into pretending to be her twin sister, Harriet,who was one of the contestants for the concubine selection ceremony,organized by the Alpha’s mother for her son. Being selected as the Alpha’s concubine marked the beginning of her woes and troubles. Carrying his child,she was sent away from the pack by her mother and sister who wanted to keep their dirty secrets hidden Few months later, after she arrived to her aunt’s pack , Hazel gives birth to her son, who she named Axel. A calamity struck Shadow pack and the only solution was for the blood roaming outside the pack be brought back home. Plotting and scheming,Harriet’s mother abducts Hazel’s son and gives to Harriet who claims him as her son, and peace was restored to the pack. But long will Harriet’s joy last? Only time will tell how this web of lies and deceit will be untangled.

solo_Ohwofasa · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

Chapter thirteen:The ALPHA Heart


"But who confirmed my story?" I asked myself that question repeatedly.

 "Never mind, I will talk to my mother later. For now I have something much more important to do." I said and grabbed a black cloak.

 Alpha kain had his eyes on me, I can not afford to make a mistake or I am dead meat. Wearing the cloak, I exited my chambers and luckily no one was outside.

 Run-walking to the big gates, I took a left turn and followed a crooked path to the other side of the palace walls.

 I stood at the edge of the forest, my breath coming in short, anxious gasps. The night was cool and still, the moon hanging low in the sky. I was alone, save for the shadow that stood in front of me, cloaked in shadows and his face well hidden.

 I knew what I was about to do was wrong, an unthinkable crime, but I could not help myself. I had to see it through, no matter the consequences.

 "You are late," The figure said, its voice sharp and accusing. I stepped forward, and I felt my heart leap into my throat. I knew who it was, I knew what this figure in front of me was capable of. I silently prayed I did not offend him, and I felt a rush of fear and anticipation.

 I was going to make a deal with the devil, and I now am going to know what I am about to get myself into. "My apologies, I was delayed." I said, my voice low and rough, like gravel on a road. I swallowed hard, my mouth dry. 

"Why are you here?" The figure asked, his eyes gleaming in the darkness.

 I hesitated. I knew what I was doing was wrong, but I did not care. I was desperate, and I would do anything to get what I wanted. Even if it meant sacrificing Hazel's life. 

"I want you..to make Alpha Kain, the Alpha of Vixen Pack to love me wholeheartedly. To trust me and listen to me and me only." I said, my voice trembling.

 "And are you sure you can bear the brunt of what you are asking for?" The figure asked, his voice low and dangerous sending chills down my spine.

"Yes.. I am sure."I said, my voice firm and steady.

"What are you willing to offer? What will you give me in return?" The figure asked in a sinister tone.

"I can offer you Hazel's life. But in return , I want the Alpha's love. I want him to love me, listen to whatever I say and trust only me." I said.

 The figure was quiet for a moment and his eyes burned into mine. Finally he spoke, he spoke, " it is a dangerous thing you ask of me," his voice deep and menacing. Love can not be bought, nor can it be forced. Alpha's Kain heart belongs to no one but himself. To ask me to command his affections is to ask me for the impossible."

 I felt my resolve wavering, but I steeled myself. I had come too far to back down now. "I know the risks and I am willing to take them. I want Alpha Kain's love , and I am willing to pay whatever price you demand, I am fully ready to do anything." I said, my voice steady.

 I gulped, my eyes on the figure who studied me. I became nervous, I tried to think of what was on his mind, but his eyes were unreadable.

Finally he spoke again, "you must understand that this is not a simple matter. The alpha's heart is a complicated thing and you can not force his affection, if you try to do so, you might be biting off more than you can chew. There are forces at work here that you do not understand and they can not be easily controlled."

 My eye narrowed, "was he trying to scare me or what?"

 "I am not some naive child, I know what I am asking for and I prepared to deal with the consequences,"I said, my voice like ice. "I simply want what is owed to me." 

 The figure let out a low ,rumbling laugh. "Oh Harriet, you are owed nothing." He said as his laughter died down, his voice low and mocking. "You are simply a pawn in a much larger game, and you would be wise to remember this. You should not eat more than you can chew for Alpha Kain is not a man to be trifled with."

 "I am ready to deal with the consequences." I blurted out, without thinking twice.

"Alright then, since you are truly determined to go through with this. I have a task for you, a task that if you succeed, you will earn what you desire." The figure said, his tone breeding no argument.

 My breath was caught in my throat. "What task?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Go.. I will let you know when the task has being assigned to you. For now, go back to the alpha and be a dutiful Luna. Do not do anything that will attract his attention and suspicions. If you mess anything up during your waiting time, a task may not be assigned to you." He said, his voice low .

"And what happens when I do not get a task?" I asked, my voice breaking.

"When you do not get a task, you become another person's task. And you will be taken back, but not in one piece." The figure said, and slowly disappeared into the shadow.

 My legs felt like jelly and my stomach churned, I felt like I was going to faint anytime soon.

I just got myself into a deal with the devil. I have no choice but listen to him, or I will become an example to the others.

"What task would be assigned to me.. and would I even be awarded a task?"