
CHAPTER 29: Plan

  "What's going on here?" I bark, the curiosity I had inside of me is slowly changing to anger. How can Estella be secretly married and not let me know, she has been keeping this from me for a long time.

  "I can lay my hands on you now and there's nothing you can say, you say whatever comes into your mind and not what I plan to." I get baffled at how confident he's talking about assaulting a woman.

  Though I'm annoyed with Estella, my spirit fumes with anger on what Damon just said. I rise from my seat, pulling him to his seat so he wouldn't go an inch close to Estella. One most important aspect ofhis life has been revealed. I thought he was a very calm and cool gentleman but I was deceived, how dare he speak this way to a girl who is my escort and even more.

  "You're ill and insane, how would you say that before me." I fire at him.