
Alpha Ares Sadistic Mate

In a kingdom of powerful were witches. The jealous sister of the queen and her daughter, Mary, plotted to take the throne from the Queen and her daughter. A series of events spawned, leading to the queen's death and one of her daughters, who was already a mate to the mighty Alpha Ares. The queen's sister and her daughter conspire to eliminate the queen's second daughter, Jamie. Rather than kill her since she is just a little girl, they wipe her memory and send her to an orphanage home meant for humans. When Jamie turns twenty, fate pushes her to Lory, Ares's sister, then after that, she meets Ares himself. While adapting to the Alpha and her new residence, she has a series of dreams which exposes her true identity as a girl that holds so much power, which leads to a war between her new family and her former kingdom because they are all connected.

Efuadreams · Fantaisie
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12 Chs

Chapter 9

A week passed, and Jamie was feeling a lot better. Her injuries had healed, and she felt no pain now walking.

Lory had been of immense help throughout her recovery process. She hadn't seen Ares once, but somehow. She could feel his presence. Her body still reacted most weirdly every time she thought of him, but she soon learned to be grateful he kept his distance.

She was less afraid now and was even making a few friends. She was still restricted to her room, but she didn't feel that awful about it anymore. She had Lory to talk to, and there was not an abundance of stories to be told by the one thousand-year-old witch.

"You don't look a day over twenty-four," Jamie said suspiciously to Lory, who had brought some cards for them to while away their time with.

"You crack me up so much," she replied, laughing.

"But it's true," she insisted.

"Well, when you've been reincarnated for over a thousand years, it tends to become an unbelievable story. Imagine being reincarnated this time as the sister of a wolf, and you're a witch. Isn't that quite the entertainment?"

She laughed and shared the cards.

"Yeah, about that. How exactly is that possible?" She asked naively.

"Soon, my dear, all your questions will be answered. For now, let's play cards" she easily evaded the question, but Jamie couldn't help but notice the quivering of her lips.

There was more to anything anyone was telling her here, and she hoped she would gain their trust enough to be confided in soon. It was the only way she could leave.

As much as she was beginning to feel at ease here, she still did not feel like she belonged. She didn't think she would ever feel like she truly belonged.

The evening approached, and soon enough, it was time for dinner. Jamie couldn't hide her excitement at the thought of eating. She, who barely went by with a meal a day, was suddenly eating three square meals with even snacks as a side dessert.

Any moment from now, there would come a knock on the door, and the pretty Myra, who she learned was the daughter of the pack's healer, would bring her a meal. It was slowly becoming a routine. She dried her hair carefully with a towel having just stepped out from the shower, and quickly pulled a long shapeless gown over her head.

Lory had been generous enough with the few clothes she gave her, and she was genuinely grateful for that. Jamie smiled when she heard the knob on the door turn, and it pushed open. However, as she turned, Myra wasn't standing there alone. With her were Lory and another woman.

"What's going on?" She asked in fear. She always had dinner alone.

Surely the presence of others meant she was in some trouble. She cracked her brain trying to figure out what she might have done, but there was nothing she could come up with, seeing she was always locked in her room.

"Will you calm down? This is Alice, Josh's sister. She's also a good stylist. You'll be joining us for dinner tonight, and I wanted you to look good" Lory plopped down onto the bed with a smile on her beautiful oval-shaped face.

"Oh. Is Ares okay with this?" She bit her lips shyly. She still could not understand his name alone's the effect on her body, and she had honestly stopped trying to at this point.

"Screw Ares," she said in a hushed tone. Myra immediately bowed her head while Alice threw her face away.

"Yeah, fine, you're loyal to your alpha. I get it. But look around. He's not here now. Besides, don't you want your luna to look smashing today amid everyone?" That got them as they immediately nodded their head in agreement.

"Wait, what do you mean by everyone?" Jamie suddenly asked, apprehensive.

"Well, that would mean everyone in the pack. There's a packed dinner tonight, and I think it's the best time for you to be introduced. I know everyone will be so happy to see you," she clapped excitedly.

"Okay, girls, get to work," she ordered before Jamie could show any form of resistance.

An hour later, they were finally done with whatever it was they had done all this while to her body, and it was finally time to put on the dress. She stepped into the simple green gown, which had a side slit and an opened back.

It matched the emerald of her eyes and even her bracelet. Her head had been pinned into an up with some strings left to fall by her side.

A pair of gold earrings were clasped in her ears, and she was asked to stretch her hands for the bracelet.

"I'll just take this off," Alice said, referring to the emerald on her hands.

The quickness with which she withdrew her hands drew everyone's attention.

"No. It remains," she said, and Alice nodded in obedience. She saw a strange look cross lory's face as she stared at the bracelet, but it quickly passed.

"It's time for you to see yourself now," she said, and she was shown to the mirror. A small gasp escaped her throat when she saw the strange reflection in the mirror.

"That's not me," she said in disbelief, and Lory smiled triumphantly.

"I had a feeling you do not exactly know how beautiful you are. Tonight I needed you to see for yourself. Anyway, give me a few minutes to tidy up. You'll walk with me tonight to dinner," Lory said and dismissed everyone.

True to her words, she was ready and had fetched Jamie on her way a few minutes later. As they walked to the dining hall, Jamie could help the knot forming in her chest. So many thoughts raced through her mind at the same time. "

"What if they don't like me?"

"What if I'm not good enough? What if I only end up in other annoying Ares?" She couldn't help but feel bothered. Not even the reassuring glance from Lory was enough to calm her down.

As they approached, the door to the room suddenly opened, and they stepped in side by side. Every conversation in the hall ceased as every eye turned to stare at the stranger in their midst.