
Alpha Ares Sadistic Mate

In a kingdom of powerful were witches. The jealous sister of the queen and her daughter, Mary, plotted to take the throne from the Queen and her daughter. A series of events spawned, leading to the queen's death and one of her daughters, who was already a mate to the mighty Alpha Ares. The queen's sister and her daughter conspire to eliminate the queen's second daughter, Jamie. Rather than kill her since she is just a little girl, they wipe her memory and send her to an orphanage home meant for humans. When Jamie turns twenty, fate pushes her to Lory, Ares's sister, then after that, she meets Ares himself. While adapting to the Alpha and her new residence, she has a series of dreams which exposes her true identity as a girl that holds so much power, which leads to a war between her new family and her former kingdom because they are all connected.

Efuadreams · Fantaisie
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12 Chs

Chapter 1


The vision of the birth of the second queen, as told by the great witch, was something gruesome. So on the third day before the annual celestial event of the mating dance between the sun and the moon, the queen had a dream.

It was as if she saw the future through the eyes of the child she carried within. This dream foretold a war so bloody it threatened to destroy the kingdom. The dream was a terrifying one that held wrath along with it.

When she awoke from this dream, she was drenched in sweat, and her heart thumped loudly. She looked out her window and immediately saw that the dance had started.

The moon was slowly covering the sun. In reaction to this discovery, she felt a significant contraction and instantly knew it was time. She could feel it; in every kick and impulse, it held.

After over ten months of waiting, the strange baby she carried in her womb was finally ready to come into the world. The world that held judgment of its very own.

Another more painful plus muscular contraction held her in its grip, and this time, she screamed so loud the whole kingdom shook. In the next few minutes, the midwife and nurses had barged into her room with the great witch following closely behind.

"What is this child that you carry?" The great witch spoke inwardly to herself. She tries to understand how a child could be so strong when still in its mother's womb.

The power emanating from the room was so great it could barely be contained; the emphasis was so strong that everyone could feel its heat. Never had a child been ready to come into the world just as the dance of the moon and sun, the most powerful event of the kingdom, was going to begin.

This was no ordinary child; this child couldn't be expected. She thought, creasing her brow. This was also going to be a difficult birth. Quickly, she ordered that everyone in the kingdom, aside from the midwife and nurses, be restricted from entering the queen's building until the baby was born. With that communicated, they set to work.

Seventy-two hours later, the queen was yet to be put to bed. They had tried everything within their physical and magical ability but to no avail; the child overpowered them in every way. It was now clear to everyone that this was no ordinary child.

Another thing they all found strange was that the dance of the sun and moon, a mix of black and red, usually lasted for just two days, had slowly entered the third. It was as if it also awaited the birth of this child. The Queen herself looked drained, but even so, she fought hard.

The thought of the kind of power this child carried within had scared her beyond words, but it also made her all the more determined to bring her into the world and protect her from it.

On the fourth day of the strange birth, the Queen, by order of the head midwife, let out one last push that came with a cry so loud it was almost deafening, and finally, the baby came. As she was brought out of the queen, the dance stopped, the sky parted, and heavy rain began to fall.

It rained for one week in the Taurus Moon pack. When the rain finally stopped, the beautiful baby was ordered to be brought to the crystal river by the old witch. There she was immersed in it as a form of baptism. This was a ritual every young witch in the Taurus Moon pack had to go through. Only then could they finally be named.

Finally, the birth was announced. As expected, the news of the strange princess spread abroad like wildfire. With time, everyone added their details of the encounter. Some said she was the devil incarnate because only the devil could hold the dance until it came to the world.

Others said she was prophesied to bring doom to Taurus moon. Whatever side anyone was on, they all agreed that she would be mighty someday. These notions began to raise jealousy in the hearts of many.

If the rumors were true, it wasn't fair for one child to come into such power. The Queen knew that her darling daughter would always have a target at her back every time, and this worried her to no end. She decided to invite the great witch for some advice.

"Show me the blessed princess," the old witch said immediately as she graced the queen's presence. The child was handed over to her, and with a crooked smile, she held on to her.

"What about you that has made the ancestors bless you with such powerful girls?" She asked as she rocked the baby.

"It is a blessing and a curse, one could say. It has made me take extreme measures to protect them. I thought after some years had passed since I had the first, I wouldn't have to worry about the second.

Alas, it isn't so. Her birth has come with even more excellent need for better protection," the queen sighed, and worrying lines suddenly appeared on her beautiful face.

"I guess that is why you sent for me. Unfortunately, I do not have a solution for you" she smiled when she saw the quickness of the Queen's fierce gaze resting on her.

"You are a great witch of our kingdom. Surely you have a solution," the Queen adamantly said.

"Not really. All I know is that concerning your children, destiny must be fulfilled. And oh, fate has played its hand in shaping theirs," she spoke in parables, and that crooked smile never left her face.

"What do you mean?" The Queen asked, confused.

"Do not worry yourself anymore, my queen. These children you've birthed will always be capable of caring for themselves. They may not always have the best fortune, but with time, everything will become clear," she handed the child back to the queen.

Without speaking, she turned around and walked away, leaving the queen even more confused than she was initially.

The only solace she could find was that at least they could take care of themselves if any danger ever arrived. She hugged her second even closer to herself and began to hum.