
Alpha's Revenge

"You are so damn beautiful," Charles whispered huskily lowering his head. Kelly's eyes widened. She knew what his intention was and she was willing it to happen. Their eyes locked and none had the will to look away. Their blatant hunger for each other couldn't be masked. Kelly smiled nervously and that was like a green light for Charles. There was no stopping him. He began by licking her lips tentatively and at her breathless gasp, he closed his lips fully on hers. There was nothing gentle about that kiss. Charles nibbled on her lower lip, demanding entry into her mouth. He proceeded to shove his tongue inside and began dueling with hers. None wanted to let the other lead. They both fought dominantly, violently, and in a possessive manner. Giving as good as each received. Charles' hands began trailing down her back while Kelly latched hers around his neck pulling him down.  "Fuck!" Charles swore, tearing his lips from hers. Kelly was arousing him dangerously and it wasn't funny. She was making him forget his mission rather quickly and he couldn't afford to make such an amateur mistake. "What's wrong?" Kelly whimpered rubbing her front against his. She lifted her hand and placed it on his cheek. She caressed his face before her fingers found his kiss-swollen lips. She trailed his bottom lip with her thumb, inserting two fingers in his mouth for him to suck. And he didn't disappoint. He sucked on them holding her gaze. Kelly couldn't fight back a needy whimper that tore out of her throat. Charles chuckled taking a step back much to Kelly's dismay. "As much as I want nothing more, than to bend you over this car and fuck you to oblivion, I can't." He murmured in regret making her groan. ********** When the mate of Alpha Charles Parker is killed by hunters, the grieving Alpha sets out on a revenge mission. His plan is simple: lure in the hunter's daughter and kidnap her. But when he meets her, Kelly,  he realizes she is too smart to be fooled easily. So he pretends to woo her, and since she doesn't know anything about the supernatural, she succumbs to his charms. He even gets intimate with her to solidify their supposed relationship. Eventually he does kidnap her. And he shows her who he truly is. A werewolf. He also confesses the reason he was after her. That is before he knows that she is pregnant for him. It changes everything because his wolf had chosen her as his second-chance mate. Will it be too late?

Sarcasticloner099 · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

4: Left Hanging

A month later, the couple was strong and steady. Charles had Kelly eating on the palm of his hand. All the initial skepticism she had, faded and her trust in her boyfriend was unwavering. She had even got to introduce him to Liana. 

"Why do you look this excited? You have already gone out with the man a couple of times." Liana grumbled, watching her best friend daydream about a certain hunk that she was seeing later after work. 

"This may be it for me." Kelly retorted instead. "He feels like the one." 

"That's huge," Liana acknowledged softly. She had never heard Kelly talk like that before. Not even when she was dating Timothy, and he was the longest relationship she had ever had. "So, have you guys defined the relationship?" 

Kelly shook her head sadly. "I can't help but feel he is holding back for some reason." Liana knew the two hadn't even had sex yet, though they have had plenty of opportunities to do so. "And I would rather not come out as pushy." She lamented.

"But if you don't, you might get your heart broken," Liana argued. "What if he doesn't feel the same?" 

Kelly's breath hitched. Though that same question had been hovering at the back of her mind, it hit differently hearing it out loud. She groaned, realizing how stupidly involved she was. Charles hadn't even hinted at a potential relationship! "Cover for me, will you?" She rasped hastily. Liana nodded with a knowing smile. Kelly got on her feet, picked up her purse, and hurried out of the bank with one destination in mind, Charles' cabin. He rented it indefinitely, as he told Kelly, for he didn't have a place of his own and he was tired of staying in motels.

By the time she got there, she had thought and overthought of reasons why Charles couldn't possibly want a relationship with her. She tentatively knocked on his door and waited with bated breath.  He opened a few minutes later, shirtless and sweaty. A needy moan escaped Kelly's lips as her eyes ogled the fine make species. "He- eey…" She stuttered with a nervous smile.

"Kelly?" Charles was definitely surprised to see her there. He hadn't even bothered to scent the air before opening the door. 

"Can we talk?" She whispered unsure. Charles noted how apprehensive she looked. He stepped aside and gestured for her to enter. 

"What do you want to talk about?" He asked once she had taken a seat on the sofa. She hesitated. "Kelly?" He prompted after a lengthy silence. 

"I want to talk about us." She blurted rashly. Charles furrowed his brows questioningly. "I would like to know what we mean." She clarified stubbornly. "Is there even an us?" She frowned. Charles chuckled. Shakily. He had been hoping she wouldn't begin the madness soon, but obviously, he didn't know her. He plastered his practiced smile on and sank next to her. "Of course, there is an us." He assured, leaning to peck her lips. "I didn't want to rush you into anything, that's why I held off labels." 

Kelly sighed in relief, releasing a breath she hadn't known she was holding, and smiled. 

"I hadn't thought much about it, either, until like an hour ago." She confessed. "But I do want to put labels so that I can know what to expect from you." 

"In my heart, you are already my girlfriend," Charles said calmly. "You have been for a while now." 

"Really?" She asked hopefully with glinting eyes.

"Yes, Kelly Sanders." He growled playfully. 

"I don't remember being asked." She mockingly frowned. Charles laughed, grabbing her and moved her to his lap, such that her legs were dangling on each side of his. She draped her hands around his neck loosely, and his came to rest on her waist.

"Kelly Sanders, will you be my girlfriend," Charles asked, looking into her eyes? She nodded. Frantically with no hesitation whatsoever. Her eyes moistened suspiciously. 

"Yes, Charles Parker. I will be your girlfriend." She lowered her head and claimed his lips in a hot kiss, they both shivered. Before long, they began undressing each other with uncorrupted want. Charles rose with her in his arms and led them to his bedroom, where he dropped her in bed and followed, covering her body with his. He was almost penetrating her when his dead mate's face flashed in his mind. 

"Fuck!" He growled, pulling back and sat on his knees. He squeezed his eyes shut, rubbing them.

"What is it?" Kelly asked softly. Charles opened his eyes and something had shifted in them. They were cold. Kelly shielded her naked frame with her hands intrinsically. Charles exhaled heavily and muttered, 

"You have to go, I am sorry." 

"What?" Kelly croaked confused. Just a moment ago he couldn't seem to get enough of her, and now he was kicking her out.

"I said you have to go," be articulated slowly. "I will call you later." He added, jumping off the bed and began picking up his discarded clothes. "I am going out for a minute, let me not find you here." 

"Why?" She asked in a small voice. "What have I done?" 

"Nothing!" Charles growled. "Please just go, I will reach out later." 

"Don't bother," Kelly snapped, getting off the bed too, and picked her clothes shamefaced. She quickly pulled them on and rushed out. 

Charles was left staring at the door. He cursed himself. It wasn't a secret that she was slowly worming herself in his heart which was unacceptable.

'Why did she have to be so irresistible?' He thought grimly.

She dominated his every sense. And awakened feelings he had thought died with his mate. If only he had known that he would be dealing with a walking perfection before embarking on the revenge mission, perhaps he would have come prepared to fight off her charms. But it was too late, and he was already getting sucked into her.


On the other hand, a dejected Kelly decided to go home and bury herself in her bed. She was somewhat relieved that the following day would be a weekend, so she had enough time to wallow in her woes. She racked her brain trying to figure out what it was that she might have done to turn him off, but nothing came to mind. 

She had barely gotten home when she received a message from him. It was a simple, 'I am sorry', which enraged her further. She switched off her phone and threw it in the bag. And that's how it stayed for the remainder of the day. 

She woke up the following morning tired and with a massive heaviness in her chest. Despite her efforts, her thoughts somehow kept drifting back to Charles and his bizarre behavior. As if on cue, her landline rang. She picked up after the fourth ring thinking it was either her parents or Liana seeing they are the only ones with that number. 

"Your phone is off." She heard his gruff voice rumble. 

"Who gave you this number?" She snarled instead. After a brief silence, Charles said he had called Liana to ask how he could reach her. Kelly hung up and disconnected the cable. She couldn't be mad at Liana, since she hadn't informed her of the latest. Deciding to rectify that, she grabbed her purse and rummaged for her cell phone. After switching it on, it pinged like crazy. Tons of voicemails and messages. All from Charles. 

She decided to listen to one when her doorbell rang. Her stomach trembled. She had a guess of whom it might be.