
Aloof Enchantress and Runaway Prince Roams the Kingdom Together

In her previous life, Laija suffered all kinds of hardships. So much that she hated her life and kept wishing to die, never to be born again. This was the only wish of her heart. But after dying, she woke up in a new body which even possesses magical powers. So, Laija had been travelling the strange kingdom alone. Without any intention of befriending anyone, she quietly enjoys the solitary journey, discovering the new world at her pace. But then, along came a meddling blond haired man who claimed to be a runaway prince. Because of him, Laija got unwittingly acquainted with many people as well as lots of places. They roamed the kingdom together helping people here and there. Laija even had to make use of her wit and cooking skills. But everything did not stay simple, because of her exceptional appearance and power, which could not be kept hidden, she ended up catching the attention of the ambitious royal family in the capital. She also learns the truth of her body's identity. Despite everything, past, present and future, Laija rediscovers what it means to love and care for others and receive back the same. This new life, she had a different wish, the wish to live.

stardust_lily · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

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Laija was nervous and sweating already, standing alone, being gawked at by innumerous pair of curious eyes.

She was never good with a crowd but against her better judgement, she decided to face this uncomfortable ordeal for the sake of the woman who reminded so much of her own helpless mother.

Laija swallowed the lump in her throat and prepared to speak.

Parting her lips, she began,

'Citizens of Aurvina, I have a favor to request of you all.'

'You are the saviour that extinguished the fire and saved us, you can ask us anything.' A middle aged man in the crowd said, his tone warm and agreeable.

Laija pursed her lips. Without a doubt, she knew the request she was about to ask of them was not going to be easily accepted. She decided to say it.

'I will take your word for it then. My request to Aurvina is for the criminal who started the fire to be released and reunited with his family.'

The crowd gasped in shocked and dismay. Some even looked outraged.

'Why??' 'Impossible!' 'What is the meaning of this??' 'Ridiculous!'

Were the audible murmers the people were saying with equally disagreeable looks on their faces.

Laija expected this kind of reaction so she continued to say in a calm tone,

'I'm not asking you to forgive him or forget what he had done. Only, let him be punish in ways that will not have him isolated from his family.'

A man dressed smartly appeared and said to her,

'Milady, his sentence have already been passed. It would be unlawful to change it.'

'Milady, you are our benefactor of formidable talent and magic. But even so, we cannot allow any criminal to be shown any leniency of any kind.' Another man, similarly dressed regal like the others joined in.

Laija understood that they were probably officials who worked in the City Council. What the two men were saying were reasonable statements but Laija cannot give up.

She spoke again, 'I understand the importance of following law and order but there are times when one must be shown mercy. Please show compassion for the man's poor wife and sick child.'

The crowd was quiet for a moment. But the brief silence was broken by one of the men.

'It is impossible. On behalf of the council, I reject your request, milady.'

'In that case, I will make another request. Please investigate the matter on why the man's employer paid him so poorly for his labour and thus motivated him to commit said crime.' Laija said firmly.

The man was immediately tight-lipped at her last sentence. And the crowd began to stirred again. As if on cue, a voice shouted,

'The young lady is right! My friend committed the criminal act in retaliation!'

Every one turned to the direction of the voice and saw a tall man with an unruly beard. Behind him, a thin woman and small malnourished child stood weakly.

The man continued, 'We, branded as outsiders by the citizens of Aurvina continued to work earnestly for this city. But because we are not natives of these land, we are treated poorly and paid meagerly. For years we have toiled for the welfare of the land, endured the discrimination in silence but we can't take it no more! Show us a little compassion, this city is our home too!'

After bursting out his dissatisfaction, the man broke down.

There was a pregnant silence. However, the crowd's faces began to appear sympathizing. But no one said anything. Some people were even beginning to leave.

'Wait!' Laija was anxious. She needed to do something or else the matter won't get anywhere. So, she did what she knew best.

A large circle encased over the crowd. Then, the magic dome like structure dissipated into simmering silver dust. Laija was confused because it was the first time she had seen such a phenomenon. But she had no time to wonder because she had something to say to everyone. She calmed her mind and thought about what she was going to say.

While the crowd was in awe, she began,

'When I heard the story of the blind girl who meets the sea deity, I only thought it was nice fable.'

As she was saying these, the magic dust she conjured up began to form shapes and depicted the scene in her mind. The people watched with their mouth agape as the story played out in thin air.

Laija continued, 'The tale of a girl who did her best and earns the love and favor of the sea deity. Indeed, a very sweet story.'

The illusory magic showed a silhouette of a girl picked up by the figure of a deity and taken to sea.

'However, it is not only the miracle story that brought this land to become so prosperous to what is now today. I was told, in the past there was a certain lord who welcomed people from other lands. They worked together so well that the lord made a promise to let them dwell here in the city, to always support one another so that altogether, they will bring Aurvina to newer heights.'

Laija waved her fingers and depicted the scene she imagined in her mind, of the silver shadow of a man welcoming some more men, all of them working side by side and at last, the city growing and thriving.

Laija uttered, 'When I arrived here in Aurvina, I was taken in by the beauty of this place. It is unlike any other places I've visited. But learned that's not all, I think it is you people who makes this land special.'

'I think the spirit of the Mivrana festival was not only celebrating the beloved story of deity and human. It was also about each and every one who loves Aurvina as a home. And who struggles for home together has always been family. No matter what anyone says.' Laija finished awkwardly. But the last scene, her illusory magic show was two sides coming together and forming the beautiful city. Then, the magic completely dispersed.

Being witnesses to these wonderful, mystical play, everyone's feelings and thoughts were deeply affected.

For a while, no one said anything, they were overwhelmed by what they saw as well as her words.

Then, a voice suddenly said,

'Fair, kind, clever and utterly beautiful. Someone like you could only have been sent by the mysterious work of fate.'

An old woman clad in fine attire, who looked to be about sixty in age was the one who had interrupted the silence.

She had a modest expression on her wrinkled face as she continued to say,

'The message this milady spoke of, even show us, is the one we Aurvina people have forgotten for a long time. Our ancestors were generous and witty but we have become self- centred and foolish, warped by our glory and success.'

'It is time, we reflected on ourselves and remembered we are all children who loves Aurvina.' The aged woman met Laija's eyes and smiled.

Laija returned the warm smile with her own.

The old lady turned around to face the crowd and stopped her steady gaze towards the two officials and said, 'Well, gentlemen. Allow this one act of compassion. It is request from us all here.'

The men sighed but nodded their heads. 'As you wish, Lady Spencer.'

The crowd cheered. The tall man patted the heads of his friend's wife and child who wept in joy.

Laija was relieved that everything turned out better than she expected. She was going to thank the old lady who had supported her cause, only to find that she had disappeared.

Well, she caught her name so she will thank her later.

Laija decided to return to the castle and catch up on her sleep.

When she came out of her room during dinner, she was greeted by the maid, Martha who said a guest will be joining them for their meal.

At the dinner table, Laija was pleasantly surprised to see the old lady that had helped was seated right across her seat. Lord Hanim introduced her as Lady Romesia Spencer. He also introduced Laija to the older woman.

As Laija sat down, she realised Francis was not present but she did not ask about him. After all, Aniya and Domi weren't present either. They probably had dinner together with Sara again.

The dishes was soon served and the three started to eat.

Later, after the plates were cleared, Lady Romesia started to speak.

'Lord Hanim has told me about all you, Laija. It is a pleasure to meet you.'

'The pleasure is all mine, Lady Spencer.' Laija said courteously.

'Lady Romesia has proposed that her family will oversee the administration in Aurvina. So, she wanted to speak to you, Laija.' Lord Hanim told excitedly.

He continued to say, 'Lady Romesia and I discussed some new policies we are taking up for the welfare of Aurvina. As you have mentioned, we will considered contractual works. We will also be revising our old ways.'

Laija was surprised. 'I'm pleased to hear.'

'It is all thanks to you, Miss Laija. Until, you came along, we had no hope of uniting either sides. What you did, allow everyone to sympathize with each other. For that we are immensely grateful.' The old lady said with a smile.

'I can't say I did much. It worked out because everybody was understanding of the situation.' Laija told her.

'You are modest. I like that.' Then, with a mischievous glint in her grey eyes, Lady Romesia said, 'Why don't you become my daughter-in-law?'

'What?' Laija was caught off guard and almost dropped her glass.

'Lady Romesia, what an amusing thing to say. Your sons are all married to the best women.' Francis said as he entered the dinner hall.

His sudden interruption along with his remarks had the three people in the room temporarily silent. Then, Lady Romesia burst out laughing.

'Vita is right! My sons are married already!' She said while wiping away her tears.

'Where have you been, Vita? We had dinner without you.' Hanim asked him.

'I was out for some fresh air. And I already ate.' Francis answered as he sat down besides Laija.

'You went to meet the ladies, didn't you, boy?' Lady Romesia accused.

Francis did not reply to her. Instead, he questioned,

'So, Uncle Hanim and Lady Romesia, what will you do tomorrow?'

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