
Age 9/Year 9 [Part One]

My return to school was heralded by many smiles and greetings. Some of the students I hardly interacted with even showed up to welcome me back. Had I really been that popular? Yeah, there were a few 'fangirls' around, but most of the really obnoxious ones had flunked. Those left behind were actually worth focusing one. Still... almost everyone in my class was happy to see me again.

"Right! Calm down, everyone!" Our old, wrinkly teacher roared. "Good to have you back Sasuke, but I do have a class to teach."

My cheeks burned; following Naruko's wide, hazardous waving, I took a seat next to my best friend.

"So, did ya like my notes?" She started to whisper to me only minutes after our teacher started his lessons.

"Yeah. Thanks again." I quietly spoke back, subtly trying to nudge her toward the front of the class. Her notes had been a great way to keep up with the class and distract myself.

They were also super messy, disorganized and full of random doodles. Decyphering them was a challenge in and of itself!

"No problem! so, what sort of cool stuff did you do at the hospital?" A subtle glance from the professor told me he could hear both of us just fine. Part of being a ninja was noticing subtle clues like that.

"Did they show you your insides?" That meant that Naruko had much to learn. I gently elbowed her side and nudged to the teacher, who just so happened to have his back turned.

"Huh? Oh! Don't worry, he's really hard of hearing. I bet I could shout and he'd-" I saw it coming before it hit Naruko square in the face. I  could have stopped it, but then she wouldn't learn this important lesson.

"Guagh!" Her head snapped back- a small, white piece of chalk bounced off her forehead and softly rolled onto our table.

"Miss Uzumaki... I know you're happy to see your friend, but class is in session." His old, stained eyes were boring holes into Naruko's forehead. "Please keep quiet untill lunch or after school ends."

"H-Hehehe." Her sheepish laugh wasn't fooling anyone.

Oh, Naruko. Why couldn't you learn to be just a little bit quieter?


I supposed loud, explosive, and powerful was more her style. Still...

"Sorry, sir! I'll zip it right up!" She answered far louder than before. The teacher simply sighed, gave her a warning look, and then returned to writing on the board.

Only a few more hours...


A part of me wondered if I'd have made a great teacher instead of a ninja. Sure, I had so many advantages for the later, but seeing Naruko follow my instructions perfectly was kinda fun. She didn't learn everything on the spot, but the sheer determination and desire to get better was a sight to see.

Anyways, after class had finished, I absconded with Naruko to our usual training spot. This continued on for the remainder of the year. It was slow, hard work, but I focused on shoring up Naruko's ninjutsu and book smarts. Both were challenging for their own reasons, but at least she made progress with her ninjutsu. She wasn't lagging behind the class anymore and was actually sitting at a comfortable spot.

That wasn't good enough for me, though.

Sadly, she didn't quite make the top ten by the end of the year. Still, she was really close. As for her studying... it was a nightmare. Sure, you pulled her out from almost flunking, but there was a lot of work to be done. By the end of the year, she was passing with a steady sixty-percent. Considering last year she managed a fifty-one, it was a success.

Oh Naruko...

[Reward: Naruko's Nunjustu skills trained! | Naruko's Intelligence trained!]


"W-Where are we going, master?" Little Yue asked, wings softly carrying her through the air.

I smiled, an anxious wave rolling through my bones.

"It's a secret." It's also something I want to give her.

The little fairy nodded, meekly following my lead. Both of us went deeper and deeper into Konoha's business district. There were shops of all kinds around us. Flower shops, clothing stores, and a few ninja utility shops. Anything and everything one might want could be found here.

Yue's eyes leapt from store to store, curiosity and awe flickering within her gaze. And then, finally, we arrived at our destination.

"Hey, big brother... do you know where I could find a place that sells scale models of things?"

"Hmm? No, but I can find out."

As always, my brother never lets me down.

"H-Huh? What is this place?" I gently raised my finger, asking for Yue to take it. The little fairy descended, planting her soft rear on my⁶ index finger.

"It's where we'll find you something nice." Her eyes widened and she immediately snapped her head toward me. "It's your gift. The gift for always being by my side."

Her eyes burst like dams, flooding her face in rivers of tears.

"I-I no! Y-You don't need to do that."

I chucked and hushed her, planting a soft kiss on her forehead.

"I know, so let's go find you a nice house. You pick, ok?"

She hickuped and gave a little nod, following me into the store.

I had already scoped the place out. They had three houses available.


I was left practically penniless, but Yue's smile threatened to burn down the store.

"R-Really?" Her voice trembled at the thought. "A-Are you really going to b-buy this for me?" She hovered around the small replica house. Its doors were just a tad bigger than her and opened as one would expect. All in all, I'd need both hands to lift it al the way home.

Though, considering my lack of muscle and my wound... maybe asking for help wouldn't be such a bad idea.

"It's yours." I whispered, a smile tugging at my lip. Turning to the shop owner, I pointed out our choice and asked for it to be rung up.

"Good selection." The elderly man said as his employees lifted the house and took it into the backroom for packaging. "If you don't mind me asking, what does someone your age find interesting about our work?" He was referring to his store; curiosity and intrigue sparkled in his gaze.


"Well, it's for a friend- no, for family." Cause, what else Is Yue to me? The small fairy flutters closer, eyes looking up at me with soft warmth.

"Familly, eh?" The owner hums, stroking his chin gently. "It's always good to think of family."

Yeah. Where would I be without mine's?


It takes about a good ten minutes for the people in the back to finish and bring out a box that's about as big as me are. In short, there was no way I'd be taking that home. Sure, with chakra it'd be easy to lift it up, but there just wasn't any leverage. I'd probably break it by holding it over my head or risk dropping it or something.

"Ah, it's not a problem." The friendly old man said. "My boys will take it home for you." I wasn't expecting him to do it for free, yet his sons gladly took my gift all the way to the Uchiha clan.

"You're the clan head's son?!" Suffice to say, they were shocked when one of the passing security officers greeted me at the gates.

Speaking of the Clan- things had changed since my absence. The official story was that unkown ninja's had sneaked into and tried to assassinate the leadership. supposedly, a lot of our clansmen were affected by a strange jutsu that had them 'crazily' attacking their allies. Sure, there was some suspicions from a few ninja, but since all the other Uchiha backed up the claim, then there was nothing anyone could say about it.

Revealing that a small section of our clan was ready to perform a coup would have been incredibly stupid and it'd have a lot of consequences.

I really had no access to the goings-on inside the council and Hokage's inner circle, but things had changed. Those ninja that nearly killed me had to be working for Danzo. The fact that I heard whispers about the few dead Uchiha missing eyes was more than enough proof for me.

It was probably a lot of proof for the Hokage as well.

Sadly, I was just a child. The most I learned was from rumours and such. Itachi and my father were keeping silent, which no doubt was the Hokage's doing.

This was a secret they'd burry to their graves.

"T-Thank you so much, S-Sasuke." Finally arriving home, I placed the replica in my room and let Yue get to it. Her little hands cupped my cheek and she showered it with a barrage of kisses.

I grinned and returned the favour.

"W-Waghh!" Unfortunately for her, she leaned in at just the wrong time. "Gehg wme!"

I spat her back out, a sheepish look on my face.

"Sorry. But, now you can try out that pool?"

She giggled, striped, and jumped into the pool, eagerly awaiting water. Grabbing a cup, I headed for the kitchen.

Maybe I had nothing to do with it, but either way, my family is safe. The future is murky, but I still have to try. It's the only thing I  can do.

[Reward: Became closer with Yue! | +4 WP! | Yue Gained - "Medium House Replica" | -3000 Ryo]


It was finally time. Honestly, the whole situation absolutely terrified me.

"S-Sasuke! G-Go call your brother."

I panicked, eyes darting left and right. My mother groaned and her feet buckled. I rushed to her side, helping her up.

"W-We need to get to the hospital." She moaned.

What were the odds?! Both my father and Itachi had let not ten minutes ago! And here was my mother, about to give birth! I did not want to leave her alone at all.

"Y-You have to." Her free hand gripped my shoulder, nails biting into it. "B-Be a big boy and go call for help, o-ok?"

Taking a deep breath, I nodded and darted out of the room.

"Y-Yue, please look after mom!" The little fairy gave a nod and fluttered back into the house.

Finding anyone from my family would be incredibly difficult, so I went for the next best thing.

"Hey, you! I need your help!" He was just a passing by Uchiha, but more importantly, he was an adult!

"H-Huh? Sasuke-sama? What is-" I was at his side in an instant, fingers coiling around his hand. "My mom's about to give birth! We need to take her to the hospital!"

His eyes burst open.

"R-Right!" The two of us raced back into the house. Thankfully, Mikoto was still ok.

"Come one, help me walk her outside."

Our drafted helper gave a small nod as the two of us hefted her up. Now, I'm not a girl so I have no idea what it feels like, but still, I  knew that giving birth is incredibly painful. Yet... my mother only lets out tiny grunts and such as the two of us dash into the hospital, practically screaming at the receptionist to get her a bed.

Thankfully, they have big ears.

And so, I find myself waiting as my mother goes into labour.


There's not much to do untill she finishes.


It takes about five minutes before I get absolutely sick of just standing around, waiting for something to happen. My mother is in there, doing her best, but all I can do is sit around, looking dumbly at the clock.

I take a breath and stand up, determination flowing through my mind. If I can't do anything here, then I should do something elsewhere.

"H-Huh? Where are you going?" Yue asks, fluttering closer. Her shimmering wings carry her through the air, leaving behind a gorgeous trail of sparks. It's something new and has me curious. She blushes at the attention, diving onto my shoulder.

"I'm going to find my dad and brother." They should already be here. Obviously, they're either very busy or on the way. Still, looking for them is better than just sitting around.

"Oh... they are surprisingly late." She hums.

I nod, stepping past a few orderlies and walking toward the hospital's entrance. Still curious about her sudden change, I ask about the sparkles.

"Sorry." She blushes. "They come out when I'm really happy." Her wings twitch nervously. "They've been doing that since you bought the house..."


"How come I didn't notice?" I'd think something so obvious would stick out like a sore thumb.

"I've been... cleaning them." She stutters out. "We were in such a hurry today that I forgot about it..."


"Is the dust dangerous? Or-"

"N-No way!" She interrupts, eyes widening nervously. "It disappears after a little bit, but it doesn't even do anything!"

Her childish, slightly scared expression has my lip quirking up slightly. Seeing her so panicked over something so simple is just too funny.

"Please don't laugh." She grumbles, tiny fingers prodding at my cheeks. "Besides, I've almost figured out how to stop it!"

Was this like some sort of fairy puberty? I had noticed her body changing little by little. It was hard, her being so tiny, but since I bathe with her every day, the changes did start to add up.

She must have grown at least an inch or two.

Konoha's busy streets come into view as we burst out of the hospital. Holding onto my shirt, Yue leaps into the sky and starts scouting out for my family. I do the same, sticking to the ground. the distraction keeps my mind off what's happening, helping me stay calm and slowing the ever keeping worry.

Even with ninja magic, or 'jutsu' there's still so much that can go wrong when it comes to childbirth. I barely know the specifics, but it's a very dangerous thing, especially for someone my mother's age.

Taking a deep breath, I rush through the streets, eyes leaping from one raven haired youth to the other. Sadly, even with Yue's help, our search bears no fruit. The sun starts to set; defeated, I return to the hospital.


A great sense of embarrassment fills me as I step through a familiar set of doors.

"I heard you ran off." Fugaku hums, eyes looking at me with a mixture of concern and amusement.

Itachi nods, a curious look in his eyes. The ghost of a smile haunts his lip.

"Did you try looking for us?" He asks.

My cheeks burn. Why do I get the feeling I only just missed them?

"Yes. Did-"

Fugaku nods, arms crossing over his chest.

"We arrived not two minutes after you rushed out of the hospital. One of the receptionists alerted us to your sudden exit."

Itachi nods once more.

"I think she said 'your cute son ran off. I think he was crying.' Or so it was."


"I wasn't crying!" That's a lie. Or maybe a daydream. That receptionist needs glasses...

Why's he smirking?

"We believe you," Itachi answers, eyes darting to the door separating us from our mother. Well, there are a few rooms in the way, but we're not allowed past this point. "Someone's coming."

No sooner does he finish, than a nurse steps through the door. Her eyes glide over me and the rest of my family.

"Just to confirm, are you the Uchiha family waiting for Ms. Mikoto?"

Fugaku rises from his chair, a stony look on his face.

"Yes. Can we see her now?"

A smile blossoms onto the nurse's face and she motions to the door.

"Yes. She's finished now, though a bit weak, so please keep your voices low." I can just about feel my heart explode out of my chest. As I follow Itachi through the door and the rooms behind it, each step has my heart speeding up. Eventually, we step into a room that reeks of disinfectant and cleanliness.

"H-Honey." My mom sits in a bed, skin pale as snow. Her lip is curved into the gentleness of smiles. Its as if she ran three marathons back to back without drinking a single drop of water.

The sight shakes me to my very core and has my stomach dropping.

"L-Look how c-cute little Saeko is, h-honey." She speaks to all of you, but the name slams into my chest like a hammer. My little sister.

Before anyone else, Fugaku's at her side, softly squeezing her fingers.

"She's beautiful." He whispers, a gentle smile splitting his face. Me and Itachi follow suit, crowding around our mother like lost puppies.

"Waaaaaa!" The tiny bundle in her arms begins to shriek, arms wildly flailing around in fear.

"Shh. It's ok s-sweety." Mikoto hums, gently poking at her cheeks. She starts to sing a familiar lullaby, one I barely remember. Distant memories from my birth come to mind.

Eventually, my new little sister starts to quiet down. Her little hand reaches out, snagging one of my fingers. She squeezes and as I stare into her Onix eyes, I can't help but smile; she does too.

A comforting silence fills the room. Before ww know it, both Mikoto and our newest family member are taken by sleep.

I'm not sure how to feel, but one thing's for certain.

She's my little sister, and her smile means more to me than anything else.

[Reward: Little Sister get!]

heh.... I'm gonna be honest with you guys, I seriously didn't expect or want any younger siblings. but since I fixed fugaku's and mokoto's stress after the whole befriending naruko business. they got busy and mokoto got pregnant and gm rolled for gender since I really didn't want to pick said gender. honestly imouto's are cliche and over used in stories but meh guess it's Destiny.....

Btw she's kinda a exp of Saeko from Highschool of the dead and no I won't be romancing the imouto....ugh

Leekz01creators' thoughts