

The two ladies are surprised to see a small old man holding a wooden stick with his two hands. He appeared out of nowhere. The ladies are looking at the old man while hesitating, he looks very weak and he will not stand a chance against the shadow. His hair is only growing at the side of his head; it is white just like his beard, a long beard that touches his chest. His eyes looked tired it feels like he's about to fall asleep anytime.

"I don't think you can help us, sir, we appreciate your kind gesture but it is dangerous for someone like you." Arunna said

"Yes, people nowadays rely on the appearance of the person but not his skills. I guess I'm really old."

"I believe you don't have a choice since no one wants to help you ladies. I am the only option you have."

Arunna and Kaleena looked at each other and nodded

"I think we don't have any other choice, come with us sir," Arunna said

Arunna and Kaleena jump on to their horse and the old man brought his own horse, it is a white muscular horse that with a silver mane. They rode out of the city to save Lord Ulric.

After some time they arrived at the fight scene there is blood everywhere, the trees are broken it looks like it was cut by a sword. There is no one at the scene. Arunna and Kaleena dismounted and so the Old man. The ladies are shouting their father's name while going around the forest. The old man stands still in the middle of the place where Lord Ulric was last seen and closed his eyes.

After some time he opens his eyes and smiled

"You must not worry I can still sense the aura of your father, he is still alive."

"We should head back to the city, for now, we cannot move without a concrete plan, plus it is still dark we should continue our search in the morning." The old man said

"Our father will be dead by then if we head back now!" Arunna shouted

"Don't worry child I have an idea on who's the one who took your father."

Arunna and Kaleena had no choice but to follow the old man's suggestion. They head back to the city.

"You can stay at my house for the night we will move out in the morning so be ready."

Arunna and Kaleena agreed

They arrived at the old man's house it is a small house that has tattered walls and a broken roof.

"How can we rest here safely?" Kaleena asked Arunna softly

"We won't stay here for a long time it's just one night, Kaleena." Arunna replied

They went inside the house there is almost nothing inside just one wooden table in the middle of the house and a single broken chair, there is one bed, and a filthy kitchen. The old man looked at the ladies and smiled

"Well, I apologize this is the best that I can offer you if you want you can rent a room at the tavern but I can't guarantee your safety there."

"It is alright this will do since we don't even have money with us we can't pay for a room at the tavern; we thank you for this kind gesture." Arunna smiled at the old man

After some time

Kaleena was already asleep in the bed; Arunna is beside her on watch and staring at the old man

"I understand that you don't trust me fully yet, I am also a merc, they call me old man Ed." The old man smiled and looked at Arunna

Arunna was surprised by the expression of the old man when he smiled she suddenly felt a warm aura surrounding her it makes her comfortable and relieved. It feels like she is assured that she is in a safe place.

"What are you old man?" Arunna asked

"I'm a simple man with a simple small home."

"You should take a rest we will have a busy day tomorrow."

Arunna agreed and laid down beside her sister

The morning comes

The old man is outside of the house waiting for the ladies; Arunna and Kaleena went out to see the old man sitting on top of his horse ready to ride out anytime. Arunna and Kaleena mounted their horse and they immediately went out of the city to the forest. They arrived at the forest it is sunny when they entered but it is getting darker and darker as they go deeper into the woods.

The old man looked at the ladies

"You should stay on your guard ladies you don't even have a weapon with you. But do not worry I will protect you" the old man smiled at the ladies

Kaleena felt the same aura Arunna felt last night when the old man smiled at them. She felt the assurance of safety within that smile.

After some time traveling inside the forest, they found a cave, a cave that has markings on its wall. Dark energy is flowing from the cave it is so strong that Arunna and Kaleena got scared immediately they can't move; they are sweating a lot they feel like someone is staring at them inside the cave.

The old man dismounted on his horse and told the ladies to stay on their horse and don't do anything.

Suddenly the shadow came out of the cave to attack the old man, the old man easily stopped the attack with his wooden stick, he blocked the sword of the shadow. Arunna and Kaleena were surprised at what they just have witnessed. They saw an old man block a strong attack easily.

The old man smiled at the shadow

The shadow immediately pulled back, it is in a defensive position it is staring at the old man waiting for the old man to make a move.

The old man gently lifts his wooden stick and hit it on the ground a huge shock wave is coming from the ground where the shadow stands.

The shadow immediately jumps to the side to dodge the shock wave, the shock wave almost destroyed the whole cave, the shadow immediately charges in to launch a counter-attack aiming at the neck of the old man, the shadow is so fast that Arunna and Kaleena can no longer see it.

The old man slowly turned his head facing the direction the shadow is coming from he then smiled and a huge shock wave from above hit the shadow destroying the ground. The shadow is on the ground not moving severely injured and blood is flowing out of its body. The old man slowly walks toward it

"Where is Lord Ulric?"

"Why is a thug of one of the Worst Ten here?"

"Should I end you here right now?"

"Answer me, Midnight"

The shadow was shocked that the old man knows his name he looked at the old man with a surprised face; he removed the dead soldier's face of Brocton revealing his true face for the first time, his face is full of blade wounds and his eyes are huge with black iris, his face is so dry and his lips are pure black. His cheekbones are clearly seen he barely has flesh on his face.

It is a bandit thug who wears a black cloak that covers his entire body, he has a hood that covers his long black hair, and he is holding a long sword with crooked ends on his hand. This is the first time Arunna and Kaleena see what the shadow really looks like they are surprised this is the real identity of the person who massacred their whole caravan.

"That person is no longer with me." Midnight replied while laughing hysterically

"To think that old man Ed himself came for me, it is really an honor to be killed by you." Midnight smiled and bowed his head

The old man replied, "The honor is all mine."

The old man smiled and a shock wave coming from above hit midnight in the head and sliced his body into two.