
almighty one

look onward as a journey unfolds for them to become a supreme being with unknown beings

harmony666 · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

1 the beginning

we begin our story with a mid aged woman who was going home but she didn't notice the light turned red and a white truck hit her (truck-kun)

as she looks around all she sees is endless darkness 'where am I?'as a light

appears blinding her "waaa waaa!"

'what Why did I hear a baby'

"miss the baby is born safely" said the man "let me look at her" the women said as the man handed her the baby " I will name her jasmine" said the woman 'wait a-am I a baby' as she looked at her mother she could only say "ahhh" as she couldn't speak yet

the end

(sorry it's short I don't have inspiration right now) haha