
2)'Guan Shen', Shameless

"Yang Tie" was testing his 'Electric Eyes'. But he suddenly heard the sounds of the door opening. So he instantly closed his 'Electric Eyes' to avoid any troubles.

2 people came inside. These two people were naturally the same people who had seen through the opposite wall. They were both ladies..

One was white dress and a white cap. She had a plate with some medicines on it. She is a nurse of the hospital.

She had the face of seductress and perfectly build but little immature body. She had two large balls on her chest and a round big buttock. She is a natural beauty. A single gaze from her can instant kill.

Other was wearing a costly formal dress. She had the face of the of a ice queen . she also had a round big buttock. So big that anyone would want to instant smak that round big… but would dare not do due her ice cold face. She has a perfectly build and mature body. She is also a natural beauty.

But one was seductress and other was ice beauty .

Ice beauty stood at the entrance of the room. While nurse went toward's 'Yang Tie'.

'Yang Tie' eyes lit up while see this beauties. He instant wanted to use his 'Electric Eyes'. He was a virgin high schooler. So getting aroused by beauties is natural . But rejected this thought . (god's sake).

Nurse stood beside the bed of 'Yang Tie'. "how are you feeling Mr 'Yang Tie'." She asked.

"Ehh! I am fine". His blushed a little. It was his first time talking to a girl and of course a beauty from so closely.

"What is your name?" he counter asked in her eyes.

"Ehh!". Nurse was little startled. When anyone first met her everyone would cast a perverted gaze towards her. But he was the first one to look into her eyes to ask her name. *badump* her heart beated for a instant.

It's not that he was hitting on her. But he did not know how to girls properly.

"My name is 'Guan Sen'." Nurse replied.

"ohh! Nurse 'Guan' which hospital is this? Are we still in city." he asked.

'Guan Sen' was a little disappointed. He was only looking at her as nurse. "of course we are in city.!! What are you talking." "this is top hospital of city 'APS' hospital. We are now in 'North Eastern' part of city. "

"oHH!" he exclaimed.

North eastern part of the city was not far from home so he felt relieved. he didn't have to take public transportation.

"is there any pain on your body??" 'Guan Sen' asked.

"Still a little!!" 'Yang Tie' exclaimed..

"ok! Take this pills and rest some more.""afterwords checking you condition yours bandages will pe unwrapped and you will be discharged". 'Guan Sen' explaned.

"Ok". He replied.

"Ehh! Nurse "Guan"..!!"

"What is it 'Yang Tie'?" 'Guan Sen' asked.

"when I was admitted was there any packet found?". He was still thinking about his pay check.

"packet??" she thought for a second. "yeah it's in the drawer". She opened the drawer of the table beside the bed and took out a packet.

"is this it?" she asked.

"this! Yes this is it." He became happy. 'Guan Sen' handed the packet to him.

"EHh! Nurse 'Guan' what time is it now? How much time did I spent in hospital?". After the accident he didn't know what happened. So he wanted to know.

"well you were brought here yesterday night. And now is today morning. You spent one day. Your luck is very good that you didn't have any major injuries." She replied.

"yeah!!" he spoke.

"now let me take your blood for blood test for reports ". She told to 'Yang Tie'.

"yeah " he replied.

She took the syringe and a blood collector injector from the plate she brought earlier and went closer to him to take blood.

As nurse 'Guan Sen' was too close to him, a sweet female scent rushed into his nose which turned towards the big 2 mounds and round buttock of the Nurse. During this he subconsciously activated his 'Electric Eye's'.

His vision went past through her clothes. He could see her brand XX.

"pinky pie" he unintedly said it. And when he said it his blood started rushing in his body . his breathing became little ragged . and his little brother started reacting. If this continued he blood may rush out from his nose.

This temptation was too much for him. After all he is a high schooler virgin…

"haa!?" at first 'Guan Sen' didn't understand his words. But afterwards she his ragged breathing. Then she noticed his eyes and also saw something under his pants stand erect.

Her face became beet red.

"Shamless" she screamed and went few steps back.

He now noticed he was doing something indecent so he retracted his gaze. And closed his 'Electric Eyes'.

"hehhe ! sorry nurse 'Guan'". 'Yang Tie' apologized.

"It's ok". She has seen too many scenes like this and after all he was a high schooler. So she didn't mind much.

"it's done". After she took the blood she stored it carefully.

"Nurse 'Guan' who admitted me here?" 'Yang Tie ' asked . he still didn't know after yesterday's accident what happened actually. So he wanted to know.

"that!! She did that". 'Guan Sen' pointed toward's the person standing near the door. (We have completely ignored her)

What 'Yang Tie' saw was a ice cold beauty was standing there at the door.

He again subconsciously activate his 'Electric Eyes'. (it seems it is quite active towards beauties (till now)).

But he got shocked again. He could see through nurse 'Guan Sen'. When he tries to see through her

"ouch!" he has a severe pain in his eyes and head. And 'Electric Eyes' automatically got shut off.

The ice cold beauty went towards 'Yang Tie'.

"you are 'Yang Tie' right?" "working at 'swad'…?" she spoke smilingly.

But it gave 'Yang Tie' shivers.

To be continued….