
Steps on ice

Vincent flew Eve back to the forest ground, letting her get her footing before uncurling his arms around her body. She let go of his arms, opening her eyes and sending a slight glare. She accused him, 

"You did it on purpose, didn't you?" 

"We both knew the surface of the lake was eventually going to break. It was only a matter of time it would break," Vincent's eyes shined in mirth, and Eve shook her head. "It is good to have you in my arms, jumping like a cat for protection. Though you should learn to keep yourself afloat without me too."

Eve's eyebrows furrowed in question, "By sinking?" 

Vincent shrugged his shoulders, "If that is how you would like to do it," a chuckle escaped his sinful lips. He then said, "You have the ability to control water. What you have explored so far is probably a percent of your abilities. Aren't you curious about what more you can do?"