
9. An Arrangement is Made

Kara squinted through her glasses at her reflection in the full length mirror that was tucked away in the corner of her single-bed room. She looked exactly the same as she had the first night she had fallen backwards into the kitchen and the night after that when she had returned only to be greeted with an array of burnt souffles. Her long, comfy blue pyjamas still had an ever so light scent of those charred desserts to them and Kara barely resisted rubbing her nose along the collar to breath in the now reassuring scent.

Kara looked exactly the same.

Same blue pyjamas.

Same hair thrown into a ponytail.

Same thick glasses.

No makeup.

Issue was she was now distinctly aware that she was going to see a Queen… actually that wasn’t the problem… she was now aware she was going to see someone she had a crush on. Someone she had voiced to her sister that she was interested in, which for Kara was rare. She had accepted that her feelings for Lena were romantic. And with that acceptance came the acute awareness that she wanted to be seen as attractive, alluring, cute, sexy…

And in Kara’s rapidly spiralling and panicking mind none of those descriptors encapsulated how she currently looked.

Long blue pyjamas. Visibly dark circles under her eyes. Thick glasses with finger smudges covering the lenses. Makeup free face allowing every spot and blemish to stand out. And to top it all of her messy, greasy hair which could definitely do with a wash to remove the sweat that had seeped in thanks to standing on a field under the unrelenting sun for hours on end followed by running around almost non-stop to get their ‘National City Heroes’ story written and sent to Snapper to go live by tomorrow.

Kara bit her lip and stared helplessly into the mirror, trying to decide if her almost identical pair of pyjamas, except for them being red instead of blue, would make her look better when her laptop began to blare out the skype call ringtone. Kara let out a sigh, shaking away her thoughts as she walked over and perched on the edge of the bed, pulling the laptop towards her and accepting the call with a quick click.  

“Okay, tell me everything!” Alex yelled the second the call connected, her face taking over the majority of the screen as she eagerly leaned forward. Her eyes were bright and her smile wide in joyful anticipation.

Kara chuckled at her sister’s uncommon display of enthusiasm, “Don't worry, your advice worked great.” She reassured with a wave of her hand before letting out a deep sigh of enjoyment, “It was so satisfying , you know?”

Alex leaned back in her chair with a minor grimace and wrinkled nose, “Ugh..  Kara I really don't need to know how satisfying it was…”

Kara’s brow furrowed and she tilted her head curiously to the side at Alex’s reaction. “Huh? Oh, okay.” She shrugged off Alex’s reaction, realising her sister probably wanted the photos she had fervently requested at the end of their prank strategy meeting. “Well, I have pictures so you can see for yourself.” Kara declared proudly.

Alex’s jaw dropped and her face went a sickly pale colour, “PICTURES!” Alex shouted, and Kara winced at the sudden loud volume. “Why on earth would I want to see pictures of that?!”

“What? Why wouldn't you?” Kara spluttered out in confusion. “It was your idea.”

The older sister, covered her face with her hands and groaned painfully, “My idea?!” Alex dropped her hands away from her face revealing a pained expression, “I said go for it, not jump her and make a sex tape to horrify me with!”

Kara’s face went blank as her mind retraced their conversation so far, everything clicking into place. “No! No! No!” Kara shouted, a blistering heat of embarrassment sweeping through her. “Pictures of the prank! Pictures of Mike with green hair!” Kara cringed, falling forwards to bury her face into the duvet she was sat on, and mumbling inanely, “Ugh..  Why… just.. Ugh… gross!”

Alex exhaled deeply in relief, “Oh, thank god…”

“I can’t believe you thought-”, Kara whined into the soft bedding.

“Hey,” Alex called out sharply causing Kara to turn her head ever so slightly to the side so she could see that her sister had settled back down and was rolling her eyes at both of their dramatics, “I thought it would be obvious that I would prioritise your happiness over a prank.” Kara lifted her face up and met her sister’s earnest brown eyes. “Of course, I want to hear about your revenge but... I care far more about my sister’s heart than anything else.” Alex said sincerely, shaking her head in exasperation intermingled with a fondness reserved only for her little sister.

Kara beamed shyly at the honest affection, sitting back up and pulling the laptop onto her crossed legs as it was the closest she could get to hugging her gruff sister at that moment in time.

Alex smiled gently and lifted her eyebrows expectantly as she asked, “So…. How did it go?”

Kara slumped ever so slightly, unsure how to answer, “It didn't quite... go…” She trailed off, gnawing at her bottom lip thoughtfully.

Alex crossed her arms over her chest and pursed her lips tightly, “Did she reject you? Did she hurt you? Do I need to come over there and show that chef the secondary, and far more deadly, use of a frying pan?

Kara’s mind, as it had often come to do during her time in Theonia, imagined the worst possible scenario with her now regular co-star Frank the Executioner. Kara imagined Alex flying a biplane to Theonia, lying in wait with a frying pan in the the Queen’s kitchen only to be tackled by a whole battalion of royal guards who would drag her to the dungeons where Frank was waiting impatiently to meet the rest of the Danvers family.

For the second time in their already short conversation Kara rushed to correct a misunderstanding, this time in the form of a stuttering level four ramble, “No… well, she kind of did but she really didn’t... so… no… See we just had a misunderstanding but it's all sorted out now, I promise.” Alex’s harsh expression softened and the corner of her mouth twitched with the desire to laugh as Kara got distracted with what, she was worried, would become one of her favourite topics, “She… uh..  She was actually, really sweet.” Kara sighed dreamily reliving her day from the moment she had walked into the trophy room to see Lena pacing nervously, “I mean she did this whole thing… this whole, incredible wonderful thing and… Alex…” Kara paused and stared at Alex intensely, hoping desperately that her sister understood the significance of what she was about to say, “Alex, she made herself vulnerable . She was scared and she… she was just…” Kara’s jaw opened and closed but the words just wouldn’t come anymore,

Alex shook her head in genuine disbelief, “God, it's disgusting how absolutely smitten you are.”

“I'm not smitten.” Kara huffed out, flushing brightly with embarrassment.

“Says the girl, who's currently blushing a deeper red than when she got asked to prom.” Alex remarked, able to see through her sister’s poorly executed deception in a heartbeat. “Okay, so are you making a move tonight?” Alex asked bluntly, never one for tact.

Kara swallowed thickly and her hands flew to fidget with her glasses, “Umm… I don't…. No… I'm not.” She admitted with a quiet whisper once she got control of her words.

Alex didn’t say anything for a long moment, and Kara squirmed uncomfortably under her sister’s intense scrutiny. “Why not? You clearly like her.” Alex eventually said, her voice a mix of curiosity and concern.

Kara licked her lips, the wrinkle taking pride of place on her forehead as she struggled with giving a clear answer as opposed to a full on ramble. “Exactly. I like her but… I don't really know her… like not really… not like the details.”

Kara remembered how Lena had declared that she had shown Kara her real self, and though that memory warmed her entire being, she couldn’t help but listen to the scared whispers which kept reminding her how she hadn't even known Lena’s name until two days ago. She hadn’t known Lena was Queen, or that she had a brother… hell she still didn’t even know what her favourite colour was. She had seen Lena’s one-dimpled smile, she had seen Lena coy, jokey and confident and had even seen her vulnerable but Kara didn’t actually know her.  

Kara shook her head trying to free herself of the overwhelming desire to spend hours (days) learning every little thing she could about Lena. Kara was a curious person by nature with an overwhelming thirst for knowledge, but never had she wanted so desperately to become an expert in one particular field.

“You know the whole point of dating is getting to know someone, right?” Alex stated with a tone that conveyed ‘duh’.

“Yes… but…” Kara stammered out weakly.

“But?” Alex prompted.

Kara took a deep breath in and replied earnestly, “I think she wants a friend more than anything… she doesn’t… I don’t think she has a lot of people who are just there for her .”

An unexplainable fury still simmered below the surface whenever she thought back to how many people had probably taken advantage of Lena and her big heart. How many people who had only ever wanted to get to know her for the crown she wore or her royal heritage rather than her sense of humour and compassion. Lena had gone out of her way to apologise, overcoming her own fears and what Kara presumed, past hurts to earn forgiveness and trust of someone she hardly knew. To take that risk, to put herself on the line like that Kara knew was momentous. She didn’t want to ever make Lena regret taking that chance on her if Kara forced romantic feelings on her that Lena didn’t reciprocate.

Lena needed… deserved  a friend first and foremost.  

“I don’t want her to feel pressured to say she feels something when she doesn’t. I don’t want to be one of those people who wants something from her, you know?” Kara explained, almost desperate for her big sister to understand.

Alex let out a heavy sigh, shaking her head in disappointment, “Kara, that’s really sweet and I just want to preface this next part with: you are an intelligent, stunning, kind, successful woman with the most empathetic heart I have ever seen.” Kara blinked rapidly in surprise and confusion as Alex listed out the compliments with ease whilst her face wrinkled with frustration and annoyance in contrast. “But you are a total idiot when it comes to your own love life.” Alex stated bluntly, “I would say there’s a good chance this woman could declare she wants you naked in her bed and you would still see it as a friendly gesture.”

Kara turned bright red and her brain went through a meltdown as her imagination ran wild with the scenario Alex had painted for her.

“That’s not true.” Kara choked out, trying to desperately to focus on the conversation and not the very distracting images playing out in her mind’s eye.

“Yes it is.” Alex said completely unimpressed with her sister’s complete failure at anything resembling self control. “You didn’t even realise you were dating Brian until a year into the relationship.”

“Pfft… that’s not… do you always have to throw that me?” Kara squawked unhappily remembering the awkwardness that had taken place when Eliza had to sit her down and explain to her that she had been dating the boy for a while after she had come home shocked by what she had believed was an out of the blue invitation to prom.

“Kara, what’s the real reason?” Alex asked, her voice switching to a strange mix of no-nonsense detective and soft big sister. It was a tone that Alex only brought out when Kara was going through an overly strong case of denial.

“Real reason?” Kara repeated, finally bringing her emotions back under control (for the most part).

“Yeah, what’s really stopping you from going after the girl.” It wasn’t a question but a demand and Alex’s steely gaze was fixed on Kara unblinkingly.

“She’s out of my league.” Kara muttered shakily, a minor tremble appearing in her hands as she glanced at her still visible reflection in the mirror sat in the corner of the room.

“Not possible. Next?” Alex dismissed without hesitation. Kara adored her sister; Alex was unable to and unwilling to accept a single remark or inference that her sister wasn’t good enough. It was one of the things Kara loved most about her, and she couldn’t really complain when Alex didn’t take Kara’s self-confidence issues seriously as Kara was much the same when it came to Alex. Kara could not fathom Alex not being good enough for anything or anyone either and therefore wouldn’t even entertain the possibility.

“I have a rule.” Kara tried instead with a light shrug as if it shouldn’t have been obvious.

“Ugh…” Alex groaned, leaning forward to bang her head on her kitchen table with a resounding thud to emphasise her frustration. “You made that rule about long distance relationships after a highschool romance.” Alex grumbled, her voice echoing off the wooden surface meaning Kara had to lean closer to the speakers on her computer to hear. “Brian was sweet but…” Alex lifted her head and gave Kara a tender look, “he was never the one . It’s a stupid rule.”

“It’s a safe rule.” Kara corrected, tapping her fingers on the side of  her computer to give an outlet to her nervous energy.

“Stupid rule.” Alex repeated, enunciating each syllable childish.

Kara crossed her arms over her chest angrily, “Name one relationship you know that survived long distance.”

Alex opened her mouth, her jaw hung open for a long moment before it snapped shut and the smarmy expression that had been on her face slowly disappeared. She pursed her lips petulantly, declaring, “There are definitely some out there.”

An awkward silence settled between the two sisters, falling heaviest over Kara who hated uncomfortable moments especially between her and Alex. Alex was her best friend, the person she could tell anything to… an awkward silence always marked a time when there was something hanging over them, something unsaid and Kara never wanted that to be the case.

The words tumbled out of Kara without her fully registering them, as if her fear was waiting for her subconscious to take over to make its presence known. “If I make a move and she is interested… and that’s a big, impossible if…” Kara added, resisting the uncomfortable desire to look at herself in the mirror whilst remembering Lena striding down the stairs for her photo debut with the reporters. “I still have to leave and long distance destroys relationships. I don’t want that. I would rather have a good memory.” Alex’s gaze dipped in sad understanding as Kara confessed, “If I get to know her without the romantic part…. It won’t hurt so much when I leave.”

“Kara…” Alex called out gently to get her sister’s full attention, her brown eyes filled with affection and sorrow. Kara knew if the two of them were together at that point, Alex would be pulling her into that rare tight hug reserved for their dark days and moments when they sought comfort from their sibling’s unconditional love “if you like her as much as you are making it abundantly clear you do... It's going to hurt no matter what.”

Kara hated how true that statement was.

Hated that she was already pre-emptively going to miss being able to see Lena in her kitchen, even though she was here for another week and a bit. Hated that in some ways it had been a relief when she thought Lena was cruel and callous because at least this way she would avoid the much bigger hurt that would inevitably come with saying goodbye.

Kara hated goodbyes, more than anything.

Hated letting go or losing things and people she cared about.

“Alex, can we please just leave it for tonight.” Kara requested with her best puppy dog eyes, knowing it was the fastest way to get Alex to give in.

Alex clenched her teeth using all the resistance she had built up over the years to force out, “But what if she’s-”

“She’s not.” Kara cut in, unable to bear even hearing the suggestion from her sister which she knew was a big deal. Alex would never suggest such a thing without genuinely thinking it could be true… Kara couldn’t help wondering what it was she had exactly said that had made her sister even consider the possibility. “She can't be. I'm… our lives are too different.”


“Please, Alex. Just leave it.” Kara begged the puppy dog eyes act disappearing to be replaced with an expression which revealed the turmoil she was experiencing. Alex’s hardened resistance faltered and disintegrated in the face of blue eyes pleading with her to let it rest.

“Fine.” Alex agreed defeatedly, falling back to slump in her chair, the set lines marking her face softening and a tentative smile settling in place as she gently changed the subject, “Tell me about the prank.”

The two sisters talked for half-an-hour or so, catching each other up on everything. Kara told Alex about the trip to the rugby stadium, explaining how the Queen happened to be present and introduced them to the team.

Kara couldn’t really give an exact reason why she didn’t tell Alex that the chef was the Queen but she thinks it has something to do with being trusted with the real Lena. She was being trusted with something deeply personal, it felt wrong to share that with Alex no matter how much she trusted her sister. It wasn’t her secret and more importantly Kara wanted prove she was worthy of that trust and that meant keeping those conversations the two of them shared between the two of them and not letting the wider world know the Queen’s personal details.

Kara needn’t have worried about her sister pushing for too much information, Alex was thrilled at the story and she gave the required amount of praise but the detective was already plotting CatCo’s next prank even though Kara said one was enough. Alex merely chuckled malovently and made a vague, rather ominous, prediction that Kara would come crawling back for more guidance now that she had experienced a taste of the dark side. It was nearing twenty past ten and Alex had to start getting ready for work, having got up extra early to skype Kara before her shift that morning.

“See you later.” Kara cheered her good mood restored, after talking with her sister about everything other than the crush she knew was already shifting into something else. Alex waved her hand in farewell, when Kara, all of a sudden, caught a glimpse of her reflection out of the corner of her eye in the mirror across the room. “Oh, wait… ummm…” Kara gulped a large mouthful of air, building herself up to ask for reassurance about what had been worrying her the whole night, “How do I look?”

Alex tilted her head to the side and examined Kara carefully causing the blonde to straighten up and move her head from side to side giving Alex a full view. “Like you.” Alex remarked after a long few seconds of close inspection. Kara deflated noticeably at the less than helpful or uplifting statement, that is until Alex added, “And she'll be stupid not to find you beautiful.”

A grateful, slightly less nervous smile lit up Kara’s face, “Love you, Alex.”

“Love you, too.” Alex replied with a fond roll of her eyes before ending the call.  

Kara checked her appearance, once more in the mirror before sneaking out of her room, tiptoeing past James and Winn’s room where she could hear them watching a film on Winn’s laptop for the evening. Once out in the main corridor, Kara resisted the urge to run the path which had been seared into her memory after only walking it twice, and arrived outside the unassuming door only slightly out of breath.

After only a moment’s pause to prepare herself, she lightly knocked to announce her presence, then gently pushed open the door and poked her head inside. Lena was already there scurrying around the kitchen pulling open drawers and cupboards to gather various pieces of equipment and ingredients. She was dressed in sweatpants like every other night, but her NCU jumper had been replaced with a bright blue hoodie with the bold white lettering of ‘SKYLARKS’ printed on it accompanied by an overly-aggressive cartoon version of the bird. Her hair was down, and she had to flick it out of her face when she spun around to see Kara slowly come in and shut the door behind herself. Kara’s heart fluttered at the sight and the model-like action.

All nervousness and anxiety melted away from the reporter in an instant as Lena’s eyes brightened and her signature smile appeared exclusively for her.

“Hey.” Lena greeted, moving forward to lean against the kitchen island.

“Hey.” Kara responded, her feet propelling her towards the dark haired woman as if she was being pulled by a magnet.

“You look-”

“I’m sorry-”

Kara and Lena both blinked, snapping their mouths shut as they spoke at the same time.

Kara blushed a light pink and her hand instinctively moved to adjust her glasses as she gently inquired, “What were you going to say?”

“No, you go, please.” Lena insisted politely, reaching out to lay an encouraging hand on Kara’s forearm.

Kara swallowed and ducked her gaze to focus on the hard floor, trying her best to ignore the electricity that was spreading through her system from the single point of contact with Lena, “I was just… um… I like how you’re dressed.” Kara cringed, glancing up at Lena who looked equal parts pleased and bemused, “You look… Not that you don’t always look… you know?” Lena raised an intrigued eyebrow which only made Kara’s next words even more disjointed and scrambled, “What I mean is that I prefer this version of you. When you’re dressed as the Queen in the dresses and the heels… That’s a great look… but like this, you look… you know? I mean in comparison to you…” Kara grimaced slightly as she looked down at her own attire, “in my pyjamas and… um-”

“Beautiful.” Lena interrupted clearly, the one word echoing around the kitchen.

“Huh?” Kara said in confusion, having lost track of her thoughts and what she had been saying as she talked herself into a hole.

Lena smiled sweetly, and gave Kara’s arm a light squeeze, Kara barely resisting the urge to shiver. “You. In your pyjamas.” Lena spoke plainly as if she was reciting simple facts that could not be disproven. “Beautiful. There is no comparison.” Kara was pretty sure her heart was beating so loudly and quickly that if Lena could hear it she would  be calling in a medical team for fear the blonde was about to experience heart failure. Lena’s expression was soft and filled with affection, her green eyes twinkling. “I prefer you like this, as well.”

Lena released Kara’s arm, stepping away and Kara hated how she instantly felt cold without her touch or close presence.

“Oh… Uh… thank you.” Kara mumbled shyly.

“It’s just the truth.” Lena affirmed, moving back to the countertops to organise the various items she had already gathered.

“Haha… right… umm…” Kara laughed overly loudly, her hands flapping wildly and her pleased grin almost too wide to fit on her face. She cleared her throat, trying to rein in her feelings for the dark haired woman and her desire to spill her heart’s secrets.  “So… Uh… what were you going to say?” Kara prompted, shuffling forward to take the spot Lena had been leaning against a moment ago. Kara would claim she chose that place as it was closeby, truthfully she was seeking out the warmth that Lena’s body had left behind.

“Oh… I was going to apologise.” Lena remarked with a light frown.

Kara shook her head and said earnestly, “You’ve done more than enough. To be honest, you won me over with just ‘I’m sorry’.”

Lena froze, turning back to give Kara her full attention. Her green eyes were piercing, and Kara shifted from foot to foot uncertainly, “Well, I think you deserved more than a simple ‘I’m sorry’.” Lena declared seriously her expression remaining passionate until Kara nodded in understanding. Lena’s face and tone then softened and became more teasing, “Anyway, this is a much more serious apology…”


“Yes, see. I promised you a tortellini that would make a grown man cry but… um…” Lena rolled her shoulders, attempting to remove a hidden weight pressing down on them, Kara’s fingers itched to try and soothe the visible tension. “with everything going on today I literally only just finished work so I haven’t had a chance to even really start cooking.”

“Well, that’s just not acceptable.” Kara huffed out, crossing her arms with faux sternness.

“It really isn’t.” Lena agreed, slumping forwards, dropping the bowl she was holding onto the marble countertop in total defeat, “Oh well, I guess this friendship just won’t work.” Lena murmured, flinging her head back like a character out of a shakespearean tragedy, “I can’t see how it will overcome this stumbling block.”

“We gave it a good go.” Kara commented thoughtfully with a helpless shrug.

“Yes, we did, that’s all we could really hope for…” Lena muttered despondently. The two of them stared at each other for a long few seconds daring the other to be the first to crack. Surprisingly enough, it was Lena who gave the game away first, the corner of her mouth twitching upwards into a small smile that had Kara chuckling. “Why don’t you settle down and I’ll start cooking?” Lena suggested, gesturing at Kara’s now regular seat.

“I can’t just sit and watch.” Kara argued with a light whine.

“Are you any good at cooking?” Lena asked curiously.

Kara’s face went blank as every failed cooking attempt flashed through her mind like an over-the-top disaster movie, “Cooking…. Um… do you include ordering food within the definition of cooking?”

Lena pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes. “No, I do not.”

“Hmmm….” The disaster movie continued to play out in Kara’s mind leading her to nod determinedly and say, “Then no, I can’t cook.”

Lena rolled her eyes dismissively, “I’m sure you’re exaggerating. Everyone can cook, it’s like any skill it just requires practice.”

“Lena.” Kara breathed out, missing the look of shock and awe that swept over Lena’s face, as she tried desperately to explain how much of a lost cause her cooking was. “Your souffles are the equivalent to all of my cooking ‘practices’.” Kara added air quotes around her final word but was disappointed when Lena didn’t react. “The home economics teacher, permanently relegated me to washing up duty by the third lesson in high school. Eliza… uh… my adoptive mother…” She clarified, her hands flitting her, there and everywhere, “complained to the school, they told her to see for herself and get me to cook at home. One ruined frying pan later and Eliza marches back in to tell the principal I can’t be trusted in the same vicinity as an oven.” Kara chuckled awkwardly, “I know bad, right?” Lena blinked slowly, but her expression hadn’t changed since Kara had started talking, “What? Has my cooking inability rendered you speechless?”

Lena shook her head violently, a rare blush covering her cheeks as she stuttered, “No. You… um… you called me, Lena.”

Kara’s eyes went wide and a tight crushing pressure settled on her chest. Fear that she had misread their interactions coursed through her. That was the first time she had said Lena’s name out loud. It had tripped off her tongue so easily and simply. Panic began to build.

Maybe she was meant to call her ‘your majesty’ at all times but Kara didn’t think she could do that.

This woman in front of her was Lena .

Charming, sweet, dorky Lena.

Yes, a Queen.

But she was Lena first and foremost in Kara’s mind.

“Is that okay? Should I call you something else? I thought you wanted me to-”

“Lena is perfect.” Lena cut in, the brightest, most cheesiest grin Kara had ever seen illuminating her face, it made Kara feel like she could fly. “Thank you, Kara.” Green eyes glowed with joy.

“My pleasure.” Kara mumbled, resolving herself to say Lena’s name as often as she could from then on.

Lena skipped forwards, and held out a hand for Kara to take, which she did without hesitation. With a light tug Lena pulled Kara over to the counter she had been working at. “Alright, so your story may have horrified me but I have fought in an actual war so I refuse to back down from this challenge.”

Kara’s stomach twisted uncomfortably at the throwaway line of a war and she had to fight hard to keep her imagination from running away from her like it was want to do. She didn’t want to imagine Lena in actual harm’s way. “Trust me, the war might have been easier…”

“Maybe…” Lena murmured, letting go of Kara’s hand now that she was in position but remaining close to her side, radiating heat that beckoned Kara to move closer so they were actually pressed together. “but this is a challenge, I think I’ll actually enjoy.” Lena remarked, grinning excitedly, “Step up, I’m going to teach you to make pasta.”

“Make pasta? Don’t you just buy it in a bag and then boil it.” Kara’s brow furrowed as she stared at what looked like a miniature, stainless steel torture device setup in front of her.

“Not in this kitchen, you don’t.” Lena curtly replied before gesturing to the intimidating torture device, “Kara meet the pasta machine.”

“It’s not actually called that, is it?”

“Yes, it is. Disappointing, right?” Lena chuckled, enjoying Kara’s horrified examination of the machine. With a coy smirk, Lena gently pinched Kara’s upper arm to pull her gaze back to her. “Now, I’m going to require you to put those fine biceps of yours to work for me.”

“Fine biceps?” Kara gasped, losing all self control under Lena’s appreciative stare and the light brush of her thumb on her arm, before she moved her hand back to her side.

Lena let out a quick breath, and took a small step back, “Only if they manage to get this pasta to the correct thickness.”

Kara smirked, readying herself for a challenge, willing to do whatever it took to get Lena to look at her like that again. “I’ll see what I can do.”

Ten minutes later, an ache was already settling into Kara’s muscles. She threw a pout over at Lena who was chopping up vegetables to make a sauce that would go with their pasta.

“You’re a Queen, once a princess, don’t you have like birds and small woodland creatures to do this for you if you sing nicely enough?” Kara groaned out in a deep whine.

“Uh…. what?” Lena looked up, her brow furrowing heavily with perplexity, “Why would I have that? My singing tends to drive any creature large and small in the opposite direction.”

“I was referencing Snow White.” Kara explained as if it should be obvious.

Lena placed the knife she was using back down onto the countertop, and turned to face Kara, “I’m still not seeing the connection.”

“You know the Disney version?” Kara pushed still waiting for Lena to go ‘oh, yeah of course’. “Hi-ho, hi-ho, it’s off to work we go.” She sang, adding in over the top dance moves and miming swinging a pickaxe to get her point across.

“Is that supposed to mean something to me? Disney? Is he a famous american author?” Lena inquired thoughtfully.

“You… you… you don’t know what Disney is?” Kara stammered out in disbelief.

“Should I?” Lena asked with a minor wince.

“Sleeping Beauty?” Kara tried in vain.

“You mean ‘Little Briar Rose’, a Grimm's tale?” Lena responded, pleased that she recognised the example.

“Beauty and the Beast? The Little Mermaid?” Kara listed desperately, “Mulan? Hercules? The Lion King? Lilo and Stitch?”

Lena clapped her hands together and nodded fervently, “Okay, you definitely made that last one up.”

“No, Disney.” Kara stated, unable to fathom a world without her Disney classics on a stormy Sunday afternoon. “I don’t think I can truly comprehend that.” She uttered, shaking her head vigorously when she saw the worried expression on Lena’s face as if she was scared that this knowledge gap would drive Kara away. Kara put on a reassuring smile and nodded her head toward Lena, “So, something else from your childhood...” Kara tapped her chin in deep thought, “Okay, what about… Dr. Seuss? Roald Dahl?” Lena seemed to shrink further in on herself as she failed to recognise any of Kara’s suggestions, “Please, tell me you at least had Harry Potter…”

“Sorry.” Lena murmured dejectedly,

“No wonder you’ve never found a book you can’t put down!” Kara exclaimed.

“Hey,” Lena held up an accusing finger, “Theonia is very culturally advanced and has produced some critically acclaimed masterpieces.”

“And there’s that term again.” Kara snarked, scrunching her eyes up with mischief.

“Fine…” Lena relented, lifting her chin up into the air in a challenge, “How about this, I’ll make you a deal.”

“I’m listening.” Kara said, eyeing Lena suspiciously.

“Considering how devastated you are about my limited knowledge of the international entertainment available that I have seemingly been deprived of…” Lena remarked, “How about you educate me about that and I’ll teach you to cook?”

“I think you’ve got the tougher end of that deal.” Kara admitted, fidgeting with her glasses timidly as she ducked her gaze to the floor.

Kara felt a light touch underneath her chin and when she looked up she found her favourite pair of green eyes observing her closely. “I get to spend time with you, there is no tougher end to the deal in my opinion.” Lena whispered earnestly, brushing her thumb lightly over Kara’s chin before dropping it down and holding it out between them for Kara to take.

Kara struggled to get a hold of the tremble running through her as she wrapped her hand around Lena’s soft, pale one. “You have yourself a deal, Lena.”

“Ten thirty every night until you leave?”

“Ten thirty every night… until I leave…” Kara repeated, the happiness that had been building within her since she had walked into the kitchen leaving her in one great rush of air upon hearing the reminder that none of it would last.