

Warning: un-beta'ed / un-edited / unproofread

Class ended when the rain had stopped. Penelope sadly walks her way out of the building to the university gate. She looked back at the building, feeling disappointed with herself because she can't find Trevor anywhere. She tried to find him in every corner of the school, even disturbing other classes, so that she can find and talk to him. She cupped her pockets expecting to feel the crest symbol, but failed when there's none. She panicked as she groped again her pockets frantically. "Oh no, where did I put it?" She said to herself as she massages her head frustratingly, then she remembered that she dropped it somewhere in the university therefor she decides to search it for tomorrow, it's getting dark and it's kind of dangerous to find that thing at this late. She immediately thought Trevor afterwards, where he has been? Penelope almost skeptical towards him because first, she can't seem to find him at every corridor or classes in the university. She talks to some of her colleagues about Trevor, she figured out that Trevor is the same year as her because of the green color on his collar, yet they don't even know the he existed in the university much to Penelope's suspicion, but sort of refuting at that supposition because she sometimes see him in the cafeteria, even waving at each other. Another thing he didn't know about Trevor's life, nor who is he? She's in deep thought not realizing she's exiting the university and walking towards the highway. There's a truck approaching her yet still in her deep dwelling not only when the driver horned frantically, pulling out into her reverie, widened her eyes as she stunned on her place and closing her eyes waiting for the impact. Fortunately, someone yanked her waist out of the highway. Turning her around in the process and her back hit the stranger's hard chest. The stranger's hands make their way to her stomach, spooning her wholly. "Are you crazy, Penelope?" the stranger hoarsed into her neck, making her shudder under his embraced.

Upon realizing who's the owner of the voice, instantly squirmed her way out of his hold as she clutches her chest and accusingly pointed her finger at him as the blush started to creep up on her face. "Y-yah! You pervert!" The guy grinned at her. "Huh, you almost lost your life in there lass"

"Don't call me a lass! I'm not a little girl anymore Ayden!" Penelope exclaimed as she huffily walked away from him.

"Uh, do you at least say 'Thank you?', " Ayden protested.

"Thank you pervert! You're just like Trevor." She said and turning on her right, not giving another glance at him, missing the Ayden's face turned into gloomier. As soon as she turned right on the street. Someone back-hugged her, this warmth, yet the cold feeling is someone she missed, the faint heartbeat yet palpitating indicating he's worried for her. She smiled and snuggled closely to him. "Where have you been?" She said.

"Huh, you still dared to smile after that life-threatening almost incident, " he hoarsed as he let go of her. "Sorry I was just thinking."

"Hmm. That was something deep that made you out of your trance and let yourself end your life."

"I'm really sorry, " she pouted and fidgeting with the hem of her uniform again. "You always have that habit huh? Fidgeting and squirming, looks cute" blush creeps into her face as she smacked him in the shoulder. "Ouch, I am just complimenting you, " he said, rubbing his shoulder.

"Y-you should inform me next time!" She stuttered and started to walk. Trevor following her, placing his arm over her shoulder. "Anyway, if you saw me there, why didn't you help me?"

"Oh, because Ayden has been already there to save you." He said smiling faintly. Penelope hummed and decided to continue their conversation.

"Say, can you tell me about yourself, Trevor?" She blurted while walking towards her home. Trevor just kept mummed, not planning tell her soon as they continued to walk through the way. She was about to ask again when he started to talk-"a silent guy, invisible in school, no one cares to the point I don't exist in the university. Yup, that's me, " he said in melancholic tone. She can feel it, the sadness in his tone makes her look up to see his face and saw his devastated face.

"No you're not" she tried to comfort.

"Easy for you to say, but it's not. Even though I am tall, no one dares to talk to me because I'm an outcast" he admitted, releasing a sigh and continued-"yeah, I'm an outcast, we really live in the city, we just move here few months ago."

"Is that so?" Penelope wanted to know more, but refused to open it up, embarrassed that Trevor would snap at her.

"I am still happy and contented despite all of those because you know why? I met the woman I wanted to be for the rest of my life, " he said as she looks straight at Penelope with loving eyes. She spluttered words incoherently as she finds to utter a proper reply yet failed because of the blush on her face distracts her.

"You're so cheesy!"

"Only for you" then Penelope started to think their relationship. 'Is he being obvious or he's just teasing? Probably he's just teasing me.'

Later on that night, she can't sleep and keeps turning around the bed to find a comfortable position to sleep but her mind betrayed her because she keeps thinking about Trevor. To say she's not satisfied about Trevor's confession earlier, like something is Trevor isn't talking about, she observed it in his eyes. Loving gazes, yet sad at the same. What's up with him really? She also forgot to ask about his course and classes or where does he live? Maybe she'll ask him tomorrow and making sure she will not forget it. However, it seems that Trevor is somehow stranger to her even though she was in love with the guy, she blushes quickly at that thought, so she decided to investigate it for herself.


Running through the woods, droplets of rain attacking her aggressively as thunder howl from the agony and pain she's experiencing right now. She just keeps running to God knows where, twigs and branches only added into her suffering as its sting into her flesh, making her scrunched her face and bellowed from the pain. Rustling of leaves can be heard at its made it contact into her shoes. The rain gets worse as she stumbles into the lake, stopping for a moment to look around on her surroundings and then suddenly someone from behind sneaked its way into her as it blackens her vision by blindfolding. She screamed for help as the stranger forcibly dragged her further into the woods.

Penelope violently woke up as she catches her breathe hastily after that horrible nightmare. Placing a hand onto her heart to calm herself down. 'It seems so real' she thought as she take another deep breathe a let it all out. She bids her goodbye to her Ohma as she gets ready for her school. Surprised when she saw Trevor leaning on their gate as he waved at her cooly with a smug grin smother on his face. 'He looks like a prankster' she hissed inwardly as she approached Trevor, poking him on his side. She heard Trevor let out an 'oof' and smirked at herself.

"Huh, what's funny about that?" He retorted as they started to walk together.

"You're so soft ha-ha" Trevor only tsk-ed, grabbing Penelope's hand and briskly walked forward, stumbling Penelope in the process. They talked a lot before they got reach the school. Trevor finally opens up to her, he told her that the reason why their parents decided to move to the countryside because pollution take over the city. He also told her where he lives, much to Penelope's surprised, is he live a few blocks before her home. He also told her what his classes which also had the same schedule as her. She then realized what type of person Trevor is. She is also like him, alone, an invisible, and bored in life. So when Penelope also brings out her life, they immediately clicked with each other. Penelope is beyond happy because finally someone understands her. And then they go deep in the conversation telling each other their secrets. She was about to mention she had a past boyfriend when they finally reached the school.

"I guess we're here, see you later Loffie!" Trevor said as he proceeded to the other building. "Bye!" Penelope said, waving at Trevor enthusiastically.

"Penelope!" Someone said from behind, it's Macey together with Evaine and Fiona but this time Fiona looks more calm and normal, well not like she's isn't normal before. "Hi guys! I miss you all, " she laughed and approached her friends.

"Who are you talking to earlier Loffie? We didn't see him though" Evaine asked with a giggled.

"How do you know it's him?" Penelope blushed.

"Oh come-on, who is a girl who is going to wave to a someone with a blush on their cheeks and love-struck eyes" Macey teased as she slightly tickle Penelope at the side. Meanwhile, Fiona, who remains her stoic expression, not planning to talk them soon as she eyed Penelope as if anticipating her to say something next. "Ha-ha, yeah, um, let's talk about this when it's lunch break! I will confess it to you all"

"Sound great Loffie ooh finally our Loffie is in love" Evaine cackles as they walked together to their building happily chatting again about their life week ago. Penelope parted herself from when she was already on her room, bidding goodbye to her friends as she remind again herself that they're already in 4th year who are graduating soon. It makes her sad that they will leave her soon, but she set aside those thought as she positively thinks that everything will be alright even after they left. Still, she and Fiona are not in terms. She's a little bit irritated with her because of what happened to the cafeteria before, so to end their cold war is to talk to her privately and she's planning to peaked over Trevor's class today as she remembers earlier the he gave her a copy of his schedule, making a mental note about it as she enters her room. A several hours passed, their professor finished their class about discussing the upcoming Science Fair Competition. This made Penelope heart beats faster as she listens intently into her professor.

"The rules and regulations will be announced tomorrow seven in the morning in the auditorium." Their professor ended the discussion as the bell rings signaling it's already lunch time.

Everyone in the university talks about the upcoming Science Fair and many of them are trying to join the competition. There is no doubt Penelope would join this competition and she wants to be the one who will leave triumphant. Determined, she immediately goes to the cafeteria to talk with her friends and found them at the far end of the cafeteria near the window. She smiled when they saw her and returning it back as she advanced towards them. "Oh, you guys already ordered food, that's fast"

"Oh privilege of being a student government" Evaine winked at her as she patted her seat telling Penelope to sit there beside her.

"So what it is Loffie? We are so excited!!" Both Evaine and Macey exclaimed.

"Alright, I'll start, but do not interfere me when I start telling you guys. Oh, by the way I am going to join the Science Fair guys!" they nodded vigorously and happily support her except Fiona, who is looking out the window, not sure if she's looking in the direction where the mini-forest is, Penelope assumed. "Wow, that's great love, didn't know you have an interest in those geek stuff, pardon my word" Evaine praised. "Oh, that's nothing ha-ha so anyway, I met this guy named Trevor Lee, who was a same year as me, I don't know where his classes too, wait-" she fumbled on her skirt but face crumpled when felt nothing. "My god, where did I put it again, this time, " she said, touching her forehead.

"What is it?"

"Trevor's class schedule, oh, never mind so where was I? So yeah, I met him in the forest located at the back of the school, you know that? With the Restricted Sign?"

"Yeah Loffie, I mean, why did you go there in the first place? You saw the sign right? So it is prohibited to go there" Evaine confronted.

"Um, yeah, I know, but I just wanted to relax you know. When I saw the lake there I was mesmerized at the same time tranquil." Penelope reasoned out.

"Hmm. Good thing nothing bad happens to you Loffie but next time, let us accompany you to go there and maybe meet this Trevor guy you're talking about, oh hey do you have a picture of him?" Macey asked.

"Oh yeah, we didn't really have a time for that, and taking pictures is out of my mind because um yeah um-"

"Busy being lovey-dovey with him, but yeah, remind yourself to take a picture with him." Evaine said.

"Alright alright so I should take a picture with him, find his classes, and oh also the crest symbol I dropped yesterday!"

"A crest symbol you dropped yesterday?" All of them question and surprised when Fiona asked it to. They teased her after saying 'oh, she's listening all the time' but she only shut them all. Fiona looked at her with a curious gaze and muttered-"continue Loffie." Penelope happily nodded because finally Fiona and her is somehow in good terms now. "So yeah, first let's talk about Trevor, he's charming guy, so tall like someone between 180 to 190 cm, cute permed hair and clumsy one" Penelope giggled as she pictured Trevor on her mind but the face that her friends are giving to her is indecipherable. Penelope noticed this and asked- "Um, what's wrong guys?"

"I think we know that guy" all of them said and move closer to Penelope "so I guess this crest symbol you have lost is from him?"

"I guess so because yesterday I was going to our usual spot, but I didn't see him there instead saw the crest symbol with dirt and a faint blood" she whispered the last part. Macey and Evaine gasp and closed mouth with their hands, but Fiona is giving her back the hard stare again. Thinking deeply like she's something connecting dots in her mind, but spoke after-"we are going to find that crest symbol you're talking about Loffie, no buts, meet up tomorrow after class in the entrance to the woods, maybe you dropped it there" she said, standing up and left not taking further more explanation.

"Hmm, that's great, I guess gotta go now. See you later guys" and then she left for the cafeteria to go her and Trevor's favorite place.

"Do you think what I am thinking?" Evaine whispered over Macey. Macey is sensing her serious tone, nodded at her. "Well I have a hunch, but Let's follow Fiona, she definitely knows this"


"Trevor!" She called as she sat under the tree, placing her lunch on the grass, enjoying the scenery in front of her eyes. Then, a hand block her vision and smiled at the feeling of his hand. "I know that's you Trevor"

"Ha-ha, you already know me too well, " he laughed and sat beside Penelope. Penelope laughed too, but didn't talk after as she laid down all of her lunch and sharing it with Trevor. They eat in peace as they watch animals from the other side of the lake and fishes who swims on their own. "I want to join the upcoming Science Fair Competition"she blurted. Trevor hummed for a moment and then Penelope startled when Trevor holds her arm tightly with a serious expression on his face. "Don't, " he blatantly uttered. "Huh, why?"

"Just don't" he adamantly stated, refusing to give more explanation. Penelope suddenly irritated as the anger slowly consumes her bit by bit. "You know what? I don't understand. You say you don't want me to join Science Fair because of what? Yet you kept telling me before that past is past and do the thing I really do love and now I wanted to do things I do love yet telling me to stop joining the competition. What's wrong with you?" She snapped at him, not meeting his eyes fear that she might regret what she said to him just by looking at his eyes. Trevor didn't say anything as both of them only hang their head low. A few moments later, Penelope spoke again-"You always like, so close yet far away. Thought that I already fully know yet still don't like you are hiding something about me that you don't want to say"

"I'm sorry-"

"I don't need your apology!" she yelled as she looked away from him. Tears slowly roll down on her face.

"Loffie!!" Someone from afar said that made Penelope wiped her tears and look behind and then she saw them. Fiona, Macey, Evaine and Ayden? Walking toward at her as she also waved back at them. Penelope get up, still not looking at Trevor, and approached her friends halfway.

"Oh, didn't expect you guys follow me through here"

"So where's Trevor? You are with him, right? So that tree over there is yours and Trevor's favorite spot?" Evaine asked with a series of questions as Penelope laughed nervously. "Yeah, he's right behind the tree. Let's go and introduce y'all at him, " she said, but she didn't totally expect that Trevor suddenly disappeared from where he was seated. Furrowing her brows as she rubbed her eyes and look at it once more, but still Trevor wasn't there, then they hear a swished from the bush on the other side of the lake. Assuming that all of them thought it must be Trevor, who sneak his way through deep into the wood. "I guess that's him who ran away" Evaine sighed-"I guess he doesn't want to meet us"

"Yeah, because we kind of have an untimely fought Penelope explained what happened earlier. From what is she's been suspicious about Trevor to confronting him. Thankfully, they seem to understand her too much to her relief.

"Yeah, I was kind of having a suspicion towards him too, even though I didn't meet him but telling from your stories. It seems that this Trevor guy is very secretive" Fiona stated.


"Oh Ohma I'm home" Penelope yelled, walking to the kitchen, but eyebrow creased as she didn't see her Ohma who usually there, making dinner, when she comes home. She head to the living room, laundry room, and to the backyard yet failed to see her Ohma but there is one room, she did not check up to, it is her Ohma's room. It's been a while since she enters her Ohma's room because sometimes when Penelope trying to go inside, she Ohma is already there, preventing her to go inside by scolding her to not sneak into people's privacy. So Penelope sheepishly nodded at her grandmother and go back to her room that time. So she goes upstairs and inch towards to her Ohma's room silently, fear that she's sleeping and might wake her up. She painstakingly opened the door, not trying to produce a noise, she peaked over the room and again her Ohma is nowhere to be seen. 'Maybe she goes to somewhere? And where could that be at this late hour?' Nevertheless, this is a chance to roam around her Ohma's room therefor she rummages her closets and drawers, but only made her dismay as she saw pieces of fabrics, buttons, papers, sewing box and needles. Well a typical grandmother is to sew to waste time, so Penelope understands why her grandmother has her stuff in the drawer. She opened the last drawing below and surprisingly, she saw a black box neatly placed there as if it is something precious and valuable. She opened it and only saw a piece of envelope.

To: Ms. Elizabeth Clarke

From: Hawthorne Hospital

Diagnostic Report

It says on the back of the envelop. Penelope's hand started to shake at sudden revelation she discovered. Right just in time, her Ohms enters her room and vehemently snatches the envelope from Penelope's hold.

"What did I tell you about not sticking your nose at other people's privacy Loffie?!" Her Ohma snapped, much to Penelope's shock, releasing an exasperated sigh as she motioned Penelope to get out of her room. "But Ohma, tell me that you're-"

"Get out Loffie!"

"-Sick, I am your granddaughter. I should know!"

"I said get out!" Hearing her Ohma's screamed the last sentence made Penelope hot tears roll on her face. "You are all the same! Just like Trevor! You all are always keeping things from me!" She burst and forcibly yanked the door closed yet she did not see the shock expression of her grandmother's face at the mentioned of Trevor.

"How did she know him?"

There she was, thrashing around the bed and can't sleep, being indignant at the unfair treatment they are giving. Sighing, she reminisced the things happened before and during the stay in the countryside as she fell sleep. Penelope dreamed about her childhood, where everyone admired her talents. A child prodigy indeed, she was playing piano when someone enters the room. A boy who just came from playing outside, judging from his dirty clothes, lost and puzzled around his surrounding assuming the he entered the wrong room. Then, he heard the most beautiful music he had ever heard so he follows where the sound coming from and was struck to see a little girl fondly playing the piano. He was captivated how delicate her fingers is as she touched every key. The little girl, sensing there is someone behind, looked over her shoulder and saw the lad staring at her fascinatingly. She ignored her after and played the piece again. The boy clapped wholeheartedly as soon as little Penelope finished the piece. At first she disregards the boy's endless blabbers and praises but little Penelope observed his face kind of vagueness, which hard to see his face clearly nevertheless she let out a chuckle at him and that's how their relationship started to bloom.

He attends as the same class as her, they were already in 3rd grade, and they became more attached to each other as they grow up. They were in 10th grade when Penelope first experience 'puppy love' as the his lanky figure started becoming bulky and grows more centimeter. His shoulder becomes broader and his chest becomes harder as his chubby cheeks turning more slimmer. Penelope noticed this and can't help but to blush every time they talk. Her dream move next to where he confesses his love for Penelope in the midst of her popularity. Penelope delighted at that moment because she thought that her love for Trevor is unrequited. In the end they became in a relationship and they happily cherish their love. Yet again, she can't see her face clearly as she tried squinting her eyes.

Penelope woke up with a smile on her face as she finally remembered her childhood memories, but saddens her a little because she doesn't see his face. So many questions are running through her mind. Who is that guy? Is he still alive up until now? Does he still attends the same university? If that's so, what happen to him now? Does he look for her too? She can't believe she dreamed her past boyfriend. She didn't notice her Ohma is already at the door, inviting her to go down. Penelope prepared herself first before going down, eat her breakfast and go right away at school, not forgetting to kiss her Ohma on the cheeks just like nothing happen yesterday but decided to not talk about it.

Upon arriving at the university gate, someone holds her arms and glanced up to see Trevor, looking at her intensely.

"Don't go Penelope please. Don't join the Science Fair" he begged with a small sparks of worry in his eyes.

"Give me a good reason Trevor. A valid one" Trevor kept mummed, contemplating on his mind on what to reply. But he just gave her a thoughtful silent.

"I'm sorry Trevor but I really want to join. This is my chance to be myself again, of who am I. And I love doing this. Just please support me. Trevor" Penelope gave her a bitter smile while Trevor widened his eyes for a second, realizing that Penelope remembered it, and hang his head low. "If that's what you want. You always do things on your own anyway." He said and let go of her hands as he walk away. "We can talk about this later Trevor. I hope I'll see you there." She said and Trevor raises a thumbs up.

She hurriedly goes to the auditorium and luckily for her, the special announcement for Science Fair is about to announce soon as the dean together with the student government to sit themselves in the chairs on the stage and spokesperson is beginning to publicize.

"Welcome everyone. Here we are gathered upon the announcement of the upcoming Science Fair Competition and Exhibition of the university and discuss about its rules and regulations. Therefore, this will be 41st annual Science Fair Competition, which is scheduled to take place about 2 weeks after the applications of participants, the date of registration will be announced later as we proceed into the following protocol.

The Hanwa University Science Fair will obviously follow the university's rules and guidelines as it is issued annually to support students doing independent research with no harm. The purpose of the rules is to protect the rights and welfare of the students and human participants that ensures safe and controlled environment and used of laboratory practices.

Next is the Eligibility, the Hanwa University Science Fair is open to all students who are willing to join and participate. Individual, duo, or groups are allowed to participate as long as they were in the same grade or year, however, we limit the number of students who will participate in the fair because of expected numerous participants will apply hence to filter this out, we set a following requirements and qualifications posted on the bulletin board for better criticize judgement and selection. So better have exemplar qualifications and credentials upon chances of picking as representative in upcoming science fair"

As expected, many of students disagree with that, even booing at the spokesperson, but he remains stoic as he payed them no heed and continue with his statement-"if you ever selected as representative, you will be picking one category you will present on the science fair. Categories are randomly selected for intense and surprising events. So there will be 3 categories with 17 sub-categories. Therefore, it is concluded that only 17 representatives will be chosen for the science fair.

Lastly, application and registration for science fair will start tomorrow morning onwards at the admission office and must be received before the end of the week. For the complete rules and regulation, just visit the university website. Thank you for listening and God Bless" he ended.

Gossips about the announcement, spreads quickly around the university as every student in corridors, rooms, cafeteria and even library talks about it. Feeling the hype for the Science Fair on the horizon. While Penelope swiftly goes to the bulletin board to check the requirements and qualifications needed to apply for the competition. Squeezing in the crowd and successfully arriving at the front.


Note: all students are tolerated to apply an entry as long as they have these following requirements and qualifications:

Qualifications and Requirements:

• Application Form (Download the DOCX file on the university's web page)

• Bring at least 2 to 3 school achievements (e.g. certificate awards, recognitions, and perfect attendance

• Honor Roll inclusion for high grades. (Submit a copy of your last GPA, justifying you are included in the Honor Roll before)

• Participates in school activities or extracurricular (i.e. volunteer or service-related activities, sports, campus governance and academic organization) Or participated Science Fair before.

• Approval form (from your science professor)

As soon as Penelope finished taking notes. She immediately goes to the computer laboratory to do the things she needed to do to qualify for the Science Fair. Application form, checked. Certificate awards and extracurricular, obviously, checked because when she was in High school, she got all of the academic awards. She remembered she keep them at her luggage, making a mental note herself to rummage it later. Now for the approval form, she hurriedly makes her way to her professor's office. Knocking first at the door before she heard her professor saying 'come in' and entered the room.

"I want to participate in the forthcoming competition Ms. Swiftbolt." Penelope said in a formal tone as she slightly bows her head.

"What makes you think that you deserved to be one of the representatives?" Ms. Swiftbolt questioned and stared at her attentively.

"I assumed that you know me already Ms. Swiftbolt" giving her a smug grin-"I always leave victorious in every Science Fair from this school, Consistently." She emphasized that last word. But Ms. Swiftbolt let out a cheeky grin.

"But the last time you joined is you made a mistake" Penelope brows puckered in a frown, waiting for further explanation. A few moments of silence as they only stare at each other, anticipating who will talk first, but her professor is the one who broke the silence-"Ha-ha I'm just teasing you. Here you go my young maiden" and just like that, she get the form on her hold with a complete signature. Leaving the office with a triumphant smile on her face.

Lunch time, when she headed to the forest in a haste as she ignores her friends calling out for her. "She's going into her escapades again." Macey shakes her head as she watches Penelope stealthily goes inside the forest.

"Do you think we should stop her?" Evaine asked in concern. "No, let her be. She will find out soon. Go on guys I need something to do" Fiona said, following Penelope through the woods as her members nodded understandingly.

"Trevor!" She greeted as she saw Trevor sitting already under the tree. Yet Trevor didn't greet her back, frozen in his seat, not looking at Penelope but only starting at nothing. Penelope felt this and release a bitter smile as she reluctantly sat beside him.

"Please Trevor, I don't want us to fight anymore, it making me hurts so much" Penelope plead as she holds his hand. Finally, he let out a defeated sigh as he leans his head into her shoulder. "I just wanted you to keep safe"

"Hmm. I can't see the logic there Trevor, of course I'll be safe. Guards will roam around the event and the organizer, maintenance and professors will check the things needed for the competition if they are safe to use or have defects. You worry too much and that's sort of unreasonable." Loffie comforted as she caresses his face.

"I don't know Loffie, I feel something bad might happen"

"Oh, you're just overreacting." Penelope said as she plays his hair this time. Trevor laughed a little as he said that it tickles. She takes this as an opportunity to make up with him. "Soo let's not fight again, okay?" She tried to reconcile and gladly Trevor nodded, feeling his head goes up and down which made Penelope turned to look at him with a smile on her face. "Really?" He hummed.

"Do you support me for the Science Fair?" Penelope asked again.

"Yes, even if I still doubt about it" Penelope cheerfully hugged him, shaking him on her hold and Trevor squirming, trying to break free. She finally let him go as Trevor feigned catching his breath. "I miss you" Penelope blurted but realized what she said, quickly fussing around, covering her mouth with her hand as she is embarrassed to face him. With a smug grin plastered on his face makes his way into her back, caging her into his embrace. "Yeah, let go of me!"

"Hmm. You said you miss me"

"No, I don't!" The played a little more as they tickled each other, but stopped when the bell rings. "Alright, alright, lunch is over Trevor. We need to go to our classes." Penelope mumbled in heavy breathing, but Trevor halted her movements and cage her again in his arm. "Let just stay here, hmm? I want to be with you." Suddenly, redness pop in her face as she yet again lost for words. 'Ugh, why is he always making my heart go out' and then Penelope remembered that they didn't even in a relationship nor mutual understanding. The worst case scenario will be unrequited love or one-sided. She didn't want and this is the perfect chance to confess to Trevor even if she is rejected. Deciding to ditch her remaining class, Penelope turned around and cupped his cheeks. "What are we Trevor?"

"Oh, what's with the sudden change of atmosphere Loffie?" Trevor joked, but this isn't the right time to joke.

"I am asking seriously Trevor" she said with a determination her eyes. Sighing, he hugged Penelope and bring his head into her chest and again Penelope is found dumbfounded as she hesitate to return the favor but eventually hugged him back. "I don't now Loffie but I am sure I'm obvious enough to perceive that I am absolutely in love with you." Sudden confessions made Penelope wants jump into the air as her fast beating of her doubled, nearing to have a heart attack soon, but a genuine smile stretched on her face showing she was delighted to hear from Trevor that he is also in love with him making the feeling of vain in her heart go away. "I love you too Trevor. I love you too." She repeated as she caresses his hair lovingly. Not noticing Fiona, who's watching her the whole time. She had known enough, therefore absconded away from the scene. Penelope and Trevor spend the rest of the hours of not stop talking about their life and relishing their time as a new couple.

The school's bell rang signifying classes are already ended. The sun is beginning to set as darkness covered the sky, leaving Penelope, still sitting under trees, in a dark with the only source of light are the stars twinkling under the moonlight as it illuminates the forest and the lake shines brightly as stars and the moon reflect through it. Such a beautiful sight.

"Where are you Loffie? We didn't see you return in your classes!" Macey said on the other side.

"I stayed here under the tree." She gushed as she looked down at Trevor, who's head on her lap, sleeping soundly. Macey sensed her happy reply made her amused a little-"okay Loffie, we'll meet you halfway alright?" Penelope agreed and dropped the call. She woke up Trevor from his sleep, saying her friends are here so they bid their goodbye to each other, saying sweet nothings and reminding each other to meet again in this place. She watched him, waved at her and swallowed by the woods. Penelope started to walk her way to the entrance, meeting Macey, Evaine, and Fiona half way. "Let's not beat around the bush and quickly search for the crest symbol." Fiona commanded As they started to search throughout the forest. Yet hours passed and they can't seem to find anything. Tiresome is starting to hit its effect to them making the search terrible. "Ugh, I'm so tired, I think someone picked it up already." Evaine said as they reach the lake, panting heavily under one of the trees.

"Yeah, I guess so, but who could that be?" Fiona agreed as she thinks deeply. "And why he/she have it in a first place? Hmm. I think someone knows the whole situation too." Fiona mumbled, but audible enough to reach Penelope's ear, making her look at Fiona with creased brow. "What do you mean 'whole situation' Fiona?" Fiona just dismissed her saying it's nothing and smiled after so Penelope reluctantly nodded. "Okay let's end it here. So we guess that there is someone who already picked it up" Fiona concluded as she started to walk, calling them to go back. Macey asked who could be the person, but all of them answered her a shrugged. "Fools" a man in a hoodie said with a sinister smirk on the face as a man's watch them leave the woods.


Penelope dreamed about her past again, but this time she was in her senior year. "And the winner is none other than Penelope Clarke!" Everyone clapped as Penelope goes up on the stage to receive her another award as she won again in a Science Fair Competition. They already expected it because of her consistency in winning the Science Fair. She could hear the gossips of her, winning every competition. She smiled proudly as she thanked everyone for giving her a support and of course her boyfriend who kissed her all over her face lovingly, expressing his love and proud as a boyfriend to her which Penelope let a boisterous laugh at him. Still, his face is blank, which made Penelope frowned.

She met Ayden when they are in the same section in 11th Grade taking the same course and surprisingly, they became attached at each other for the reason of having the same passion. She just realized that Ayden also participates in Science Fair Competition but unfortunately for him, he didn't win any single of it. Penelope comforted her as she proposed on being a partner for the upcoming Science Fair and Ayden happily agreed with the proposal. Evidently, they won the Science Fair that time. Ayden this time makes a proposal to be her partner again for the next Science Fair Competition and Penelope didn't argue with that.

Little did she know, there is a upcoming storm that will change the way she live.


Few days just only passed and so many things happened. First, she submitted all of her requirements for the Science Fair Competition and fortunately she was chosen as one of the representatives and they call on the last day before the weekend to discuss about the categories they are randomly selected. Second, a vague from her past started to clear as she remembers them one by one, she thinks this is a sign of moving on and she is already doing it, but one thing she still doesn't remember is the incident and the aftermath. She confronted Ayden that time of why he pretended to not know him and Ayden quickly apologized as he reasoned that Penelope already forgotten her past so there is no point to tell her back then so he decided to start a new friendship with her. She also asked him if he participated in the Science Fair and he did, Penelope pouted at him for not making her a partner but Ayden just laughed at her. One time, she asked him about Trevor but he turned her down as he said didn't know any Trevor before which made Penelope questioned him a little. Nevertheless, she temporarily set aside it and focuses herself for the upcoming Science Fair Competition. Lastly, she and Trevor get closer each passing days and skin ships became a normal thing for them as they always meet at a certain spot, eating and playing each other around even though Penelope sometimes procrastinate into her class nevertheless she didn't complain about it. But still, a feeling in her heart that kept bugging her as he thinks Trevor, he wants to know him more specifically his past so she made a mental note to talk to Fiona about Trevor after the meeting of the representatives. And here they are with their respective guardians together with the organizer, assigned teachers and professors and Student Government to facilitate the meeting in the Student Government conference room.

"Welcome representatives as well as their guardians, as we discussed about the things and know about the forthcoming Science Fair. But before we proceed, each representative first need to select of their researchers randomly. There is a bowl here with 17 papers written on it with a research you're going to do in the competition. We'll start by year level, introduces him/herself on the front as she picks her research topic. By the way, you can see the list of categories with sub categories on the white board so that everyone of you know what are the topics inside this bowl." Fiona stated, maintaining her expressionless face. Penelope looked out of the window, the sun is beginning to set again as a flock of birds formed into a triangular position, flew their way into their own nest to rest or sleep. Then, she looked over to the list of categories written on the whiteboard.


Category A: Physical Science

• Biochemistry

• Chemistry

• Earth Science

• Physics & Astronomy

Category B: Natural Science

• Animal Science

• Behavioral & Social Science

• Cellular & Molecular Biology

• Environmental Sciences

• Medicine & Health

• Microbiology

• Plant Sciences / Botany

Category C: Math, Engineering, and Computer Sciences

• Computer Science

• Engineering: Materials & Bioengineering

• Engineering: Electrical & Mechanical

• Energy & Transportation

• Environmental Management

• Mathematical Science

'Any of them will do' she boast on her mind as she smirk furtively and other representatives started to pick their own research. she was pulled out into her reverie when her name was called. Proudly stand up as she sashayed her way into the bowl. she picks one up and open it. Smirk grows more into her face as she reads her research. 'Engineering: Electrical and Mechanical, my favorite' and walks back into her seat and her Ohma who curiously asked about what she got. Of course, she bragged everything about it at her Ohma, who just chuckled at her boastfulness. They discussed a lot more about Science Fair and some few reminders.

"The university and also the government work together to provide this great opportunity for our students to learn about a topic that interests them and to present their work to others. We all benefit from the work of our young scientists.

Science experiments, collections, demonstrations of scientific principles or apparatus, inventions, and even visual presentations of research are good entries for this fair. The library and the internet are two places to check for project ideas. For example, see at our university webpage for more details.

If the project involves live animals, a No-harm statement must be signed and certified by a eligible scientist, someone who possesses an earned doctoral degree in science or medicine or someone with a master's degree with equivalent experience and/or expertise. and submitted with the entry form. Animal pictures, or any sort of representation is allowed on the fair as long as there is no live animals is intended.

Doctors, engineers, and other professionals from the community who have an interest in encouraging our children will judge and criticize throughout the fair as they will provide individual feedback and evaluation to each participant. There will be Awards of Excellence given by each judge.

And for the last reminder, please submit your research plan 4 days prior of the competition so that the team will go to prepare the things needed for the Science Fair and also to check them up in case there is some defective items. That's all, thank you" the spokesperson ended as everyone nodded in agreement. Everyone started leaving the room and she was still sitting on the chair, seems preoccupied with her thoughts, a sudden pat on her shoulder made her pull out into her musing. "Good luck to us in the competition, Loffie." Ayden said, but Penelope sensed his somehow taunting her which she stared at him with furrowed brows. "Just saying good luck, see you on Monday I guess Loffie." And he walked out the room. Her Ohma called her out as she said they are leaving and Penelope respectfully complied.

"Loffie, good luck in your competition. I hope everything will be done well this time." Feeling the unsettling tone of her voice.

"Ohma, I will be fine. You both Trevor keep saying that as if something bad will happen." Penelope pouted as her Ohma looked at her in bewilderment. "Seems that you are getting closer to that guy."

"Hmm. I forgot to tell you about him Ohma and we're already in a relationship." She blissfully said skipped her way into the gate. "Maybe I should introduce you to him Ohma."

"Hmm. Yeah, I kind of want to meet him."

"Oh, I would tell him first Ohma. Oh my I forgot about something Ohma. You go first, I'll soon follow alright?" Penelope said as she kissed her grandmother's forehead. "Okay, be careful" her Ohma replied. "You too."

She goes back to the conference room, hoping that she's still there, biting her lips as she walk along the corridors. When she reached the door of the conference room, she slowly opens it up and peek through it. Fortunately, she's still there and arranging some paper works. Penelope quietly approached her and Fiona hearing faint footsteps made her look up and saw Penelope walking towards her. She stopped for a moment and asked Penelope.

"What are you doing here Loffie?"

"Can I ask you something?" She asked. Fiona motioned her to seat as she politely complied. Fiona gestured her again to continue speaking-"um, can I have Trevor's student profile?" Fiona hears her resolute voice made her leaned forward the conference table, hand steepling displaying her serious demeanor towards their conversation. She stared at her, forming a frown on her face. Penelope senses this, kept restrained as she sat straight and staring back at her.

"Hmm. It's seems so sudden to request a favor like the Loffie, can I know the reasons behind that?" Fiona said solemnly

"Personal reasons, I just wanted to confirm something."


"I'm afraid I cannot tell anymore further." And then Fiona didn't respond. Awkward silence filled up the room as they stared only at each other as if they are speaking through their mind, but moments later, Fiona releases a sigh as she leans back to her seat.

"And I'm afraid too that I cannot give to you either." Fiona somehow mocks her, mimicking her voice earlier which Penelope scowled at her.

"Please, Fiona we're friends, right? Just this one, " she insisted, standing up and hurriedly draw closer to her. She grabbed Fiona's both shoulder and shake her vehemently, Fiona was shocked at the sudden movement but quickly registered, what's happening so she recoiled back, but Penelope is attempting to reach her again but Fioma swatted her hands away. "I-I'm so sorry Fiona I-"

"Enough! Get out of this room at once or else I will disqualify you on the Science Fair. Go before I change my mind." Penelope didn't utter again a single word as she rushed towards the door and forcefully closed the door. Fiona, who sat back in her seat. Take a deep breathe as she momentarily engrossing herself of what should she do about Penelope.

Penelope ran passed the university main back door and through the entrance to the woods. She wants to meet Trevor, even though she's doubting her a little, but that was impossible since the class is already ended and night is coming by soon. She sat down under the tree as she picked some pebbles and throw it in the lake. Letting all out of her complaints and make herself relief. She then heard a rustle from her side, yanking her head towards the direction of the sound and shivered when someone emerges from behind the tree.

"Why are you so noisy?" The man said, picking his glasses. Penelope recognizes his voice, quickly apologized. "Oh, you're the vice president right? I didn't see much often. Sorry I forgot your name."

"Hmm. Jericho, uh, yeah I just came back from the city"

"Oh, is that so?"

"Yeah, my grandma died." He said monotonously as he sat beside Penelope. "I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing? Is not even your grandmother who died. Anyways she died because of her old age. I guess all of us we'll end up in a same way." He reflected, picking up a small rock and throwing it at the lake. The lake shimmering again under the moonlight.

"Why are you here at this late hour anyway?" Jericho asked.

Penelope, who is talkative person, told everything about Trevor and the past few weeks. Her doubts about Trevor, Fiona's unfair treatment, Ohma's diagnostic report and her recurring dreams about her past life and incident. "Woah, didn't know that you carry so much burden"

"Not burden actually, but yeah, I just wanted to talk to someone." They paused for a moment as they watch the lake glimmers fascinatingly, hearing the distinctive calls of owls and cicadas who's singing, searching for potential mates, resonating through the whole forest. It is a good feeling to hear the sounds of nature as they closed their eyes.

"Say, I somehow resemble you back then when I was a first year college. I think saw you at the opening ceremony with your boyfriend." This made Penelope turn her head towards him.

"Really? Can you tell me more, I wanted to know my past actually and do you perhaps know about my incident?" And a series of inquisition thrown by Penelope which Jericho halted her saying "calm down, Loffie" which Penelope obeyed. Jericho hummed as he thinks deeply, trying to recall what he had remembered since then.

"Well, yeah, I already told you that I somewhat see you at the opening ceremony with your boyfriend. You guys have the are shameless of being lovey-dovey and flirty that day." Jericho hummed.

"Do you perhaps remember his face?"

"Hmm. I kind of vaguely remembered, but I do know that he has big eyes and he's like tall." He visualized and Penelope constantly nods at him, eager to know more.

"So we are like always PDA in thus university. Oh my gosh, I am so embarrassed" she said and cupped her both cheeks. "Ha-ha, that's okay. That is just normal couples do." He said trying to comfort her by some means.

"Hmm, so he's tall and has big eyes huh? Well I kind of have a hunch already, but I needed to make sure to talk about it to him."

"What do you mean 'to talk to him?' I remembered he left the university years ago with you." He said making Penelope creased her brows in interest and curiosity.


"Yeah! It's a news all over the university that time. You guys just disappeared out of nowhere. That's why everyone in our year surprise to see you back again." Jericho explained as he plainly throws another pebble in the lake. So that is why her former classmates are ignoring her? She left them for her boyfriend and it only made her more curious about that guy. But the question is, where is he now? She didn't remember him and her goes somewhere and started a new life. Penelope forgot everything in her past and now she was more determined to seek for the truth. She wants to know everything, she want to remember every single bit of her lost memories.

Right now, all that remains are figments from her past who she trying to get back the pieces together. She thinks that their disappearance is somehow connected to the incident had happened.

"Do you perchance knows his name?" Penelope asked one more time as her eyes twinkles with a glint of hope, looking at Jericho with a expecting answers.

"I'm sorry Loffie, I don't know his name 'cause you know. I don't care about rumors that time. It's just a accident that I eavesdropped before" Jericho said, rubbing his hand on the back of the neck. Nevertheless Penelope thanked him and hope they will meet each other again in the university. "By the way, I remembered that you always won every science fair. You're my idol." Penelope chuckled as they continued to chat to each other.


She dreamed again. She was in some kind of party. Everyone is so drunk and not subtle enough to walk straight. However, she was sitting in the counter holding alcohol on her hand as she swayed her hips left an

d right following the beat of the music. She later on realized that this is a celebration party for her friend who invited her despite of her big loss at the Science Fair Competition. Her friend who organizes the party, sat on the stool beside her and gestured the bartender to give him a drink.

"Hey Ayden, congrats on your victory." Penelope congratulated despite her bitterness on her tone. Ayden chortled as he pats her back.

"Oh common Loffie, don't be like that. It's okay to lose sometimes" Penelope scorned as she look up at Ayden. "Easy for you to say. Friend." Emphasizing his name as she chugged her remaining drink. Ayden notices this, turned around and forming a thin line on his lips as he muttered a few words before leaving-"Yeah, it is easy to say. My rivalry." At the same time, a man walked his way into Penelope. Grabbing her hands as she yanked her away from this party. She can see he is fuming in anger as they walked out the place, still his face is so fuzzy to see.

"What are you doing asshole?" She manages to say as they finally outside the house. It was raining heavily, she heard from the news earlier that there is a upcoming storm, but she didn't know that it was this early. "Huh, where are we going now? It's raining and I don't want to be you! Get off me!" She said, thrashing around to break free from his hold which she managed to do it. She ran to the highway, hailed for a taxi in a process as she swiftly gets herself inside and closed the door. The guy knocking violently as Penelope assumed he's protesting to open the door, but hardly heard the other things he says.

"To the university" she only said as the taxi started to drive to her desired destination.


She woke up with sudden revelation she discovered. So she's not in good terms with Ayden when they were in the last year of their seniority in 1st year college but why? What happens to them two that made them rival to each other? Maybe because of the Science Fair? With that thought, she was more determined to win the competition and pretend that she didn't know Ayden is her rival and she's definitely sure that Ayden knows this and not planning to tell her soon because of course he knows that it's her rival who just pretending to be friends with her but this is only her assumption. 'Huh, I can't believe he's lying to me all the time. He wants to play, then we'll play'

The rest of her weekend consists of researching on her topic as she selected some ideas and trying to innovate a new project that will definitely blow everyone's mind. She spent her weekend only inside her room, researching and experimenting her innovated project while her grandmother never forget to bring her some food and water to keep her alive and hydrated. After she confirmed her science fair project. She immediately wrote her research plan. Satisfied with what she had done. She goes straight to the bed to rest and suddenly thought Trevor of what he's doing now.

"I told you to stop following me!" She yelled as she ran through the woods not knowing where her feet can bring her to until she stop at the front of the lake. The storm seems not going to stop soon as the thunders release a shrilling noise that shook her whole body. After that, heavy breathing can be heard with the sound of rain dropping on the ground.

Her vision blacken when something covered her eyes and forcibly dragged her away into the woods as twigs and branches scratches her skins as it stings her painfully. Then, She was tagged by an another person and removed the cloth that hinders her vision. She saw the guy punched her perpetrator, knocking him down, not missing the tattoo on his right shoulder, a red mark resembling four spears which arrow points in the four different directions; north, west, east and south. Its body connecting everything together. 'What a beautiful tattoo' she thought as she finally closed her eyes and plunged herself into the darkness.

Penelope languidly ate her breakfast after that nightmare she had. She thought that it is connected to her past life in some way which give her a reason on why did she became a dull and lifeless human being but those are not enough reason to explain everything. She needs to seek more, dig further to discover on what awaits for her at the bottom. But right now she needs to focus on the science fair. To bring down Ayden and force him tell everything he knew about what happened in the incident, why they became rivals, and if he really doesn't know Trevor. After that, she will make a plan on how to get Trevor's student profile from Fiona.

Speaking of Trevor, she hasn't met him since Friday and she kinda missing him already. She hopes that he's waiting outside just like what he did before and unexpectedly God hear her prayer as she saw Trevor leaning against their gate with a smirk on his face. Penelope smiled as she sashayed her way to Trevor as they headed in the university.

They parted their ways when Ayden goes into his building. Curious about where he is going, she followed him to the 4th year building as she sneaks on his back, careful not making any noise that would grab his attention. He climbed up the stairs until they are on the third floor, walked through the corridors and enter one of the classes. Penelope quietly peaked over the class and saw Trevor walking passed them and sat at the back of the room, his classmates doesn't even bother he is there and even the professor who continues his lecture. 'So it is true that they don't want to talk to him, but why even a professor? It is so absurd to think that just because he's an outsider doesn't mean they don't want to talk to him anymore. She was about to go inside when a someone patted her back that made her to look over and saw her favorite friend with knitted brows.

"What are you doing here Loffie? You're supposed to be in your class." He said as she tugged her hands and assist her to go downstairs. She was about to retort, but decided not to because really she was late and her professor probably will scold her. "Who are you looking over there, Loffie?"

"Oh, I am just looking at Trevor." She said. Ayden halted his step as he stunned on his feet. Penelope observed this which made her into a conclusion that every time she mentioned Trevor to Ayden, he somehow stopped for a moment or fidget for a little.

"Oh, Is that so? You shouldn't disturb him, Loffie. I guess you guys are going to meet onto the woods later lunch time right?" And then he continued his walk, dragging Penelope in the process. Penelope only hummed as some girl students passed by they bowed slightly at Ayden which Penelope find amusing. When they are already outside. Ayden said that she can't accompany her anymore up to her class. Penelope motioned him it's okay as she bid her goodbye to him. As she entered her designated building, she heard some gossips from a giggling group of girls and ears grow bigger when they mentioned Ayden so she decided to eavesdrop them.

"Have you heard? Ayden will join again the competition!"

"Really?! Oh, this will be his 4th consecutive win. Ah, he's so smart and at the same time handsome."

"Yeah! Let's support him in the upcoming competition" and the groups of girls disappeared along the corridor. Penelope clenched her fist as she walks her way into her class. No more victory will come to him ladies because 'The Gifted Dame' is here to take him down.