

I've heard a lot about love; the bitter, the sweet and the greys in between.

I've also come to a realization that I might have underestimated each emotion a little.

The sweet, like it sounds, comes with a cloudy bubble of happiness. It's like for those few moments, life literally stops and only you exist. You're the only one who can smile, laugh, breathe, be happy and somehow, you don't even notice or seem to care that no one else can do the same because you're all you care about. So you just dance in this cloudy bubble of yours and laugh while no one else can.

Some may argue that this phase only occurs in the fictional world. That only characters in a movie or a book will truly kiss and dance in the rain.

But I believe.

I believe that if you play the right song at the right time with the right person. You too, will kiss and dance in the rain.


Until it stops.

Not just the rain but everything else.

And it's like someone annoyingly hits the pause button in your perfect fairytale. So the bubble starts to fade, everybody else starts to exist, there's a lot of chaos , a lot of tears, and the pain it comes with is almost indescribable.

The bitter times are the hardest.

Personally, I think the craziest and most illogical kind of pain is that which comes from what you cannot see.

I mean, my heart is bleeding, I can even feel it but nothing can prove it or even defend me.

Isn't that just crazy?

And lastly, the in-betweens, where no one is exactly happy but at least there are no tears or indescribable pain.

The in-betweens are the safest.

So just like these three phases in love.

There are three people I absolutely loved recklessly.

My father,

My best friend,


This boy.

Somehow, I loved them with all strings attached and it wasn't pretty.

I would even carve out a fourth phase for it.

But before that, I should probably let you know that...

I fell in love with my best friend's boyfriend, but it's not what you think.