

In order to understand the identity of the nameless one. You must grasp the concept of existence. Souls.. what are they? All I can really say as I look down upon reality in a way your mind can truly understand. Is that a soul in its essence is something immensely powerful. They are unchanging eternal not bounded by concepts and restrictions of space and time. All beings with personhood have a soul. The humans are a prime example. Of a species with souls but their ignorance blinds them. I laugh as they fumble around in the dark unaware of the untapped potential they all have. There was one that wasn't a foolish ape on a dying rock. He has no name, no parents, no friends. For the majority of his early life, he was just a savage. Until he discovered souls. He gained the ability to devour them. Each soul granting him transcendences upon the last. With only one devoured he can exist beyond time. Beyond space. Beyond infinite dimensions of lower existence. He became addicted... over the course of 10,000 years he devoured human souls gaining more power with each. As human civilization evolved so did his appetite. After a while, it didn't have an effect on him. He understood that he was gaining power from it and could perceive new layers of existence with each. However, it felt insufficient. As a being far beyond time and space at this point he realized he could eat the souls of platonic beings. There is a difference between souls of platonic forms and the souls of mortal men. A mortal soul is just an infinitesimals spec in comparison. In order to create an equality, it would take a transfinite or infinite amount of human souls to equal one platonic soul. I don't expect him to have understood this equivalence at the time. So he decided to find one. Ironically time itself was an old man or at least took the form of an old man. It was a battle that I can't describe in words that you could understand or in the amount of time you have left in your life. He devoured him. This new euphoria arose an even stronger addiction. Over time all concepts become one inside him. As you could assume this also became dull to him. He knows of two beings that are beyond platonic souls. Myself and Lucifer. He has no contact with me and is unsure if I actually exist or not and that is for the best. For his sake. Lucifer on the other was reachable. He lived in a realm sitting atop of everything. He needed to grow far stronger to be able to reach him. I can not describe the amount of time it took for him to become the level he did because the layer of existence they exist is vastly above any form of time. After finally reaching the realm of Lucifer he attacked him. Thinking he defeated him. He tried to devour his soul. It did nothing, after a while, he came to the realization Lucifer doesn't even have one. Lucifer bored of the confrontation takes a feather of his all-black wing and throws it to him sending him back down to creation.