
All New Sunspot (Marvel)

A man from our world, who is a comic book fan, goes to sleep one night and then suddenly wakes up as one of his favorite and, in his opinion, most underrated characters in all of Marvel. Now follow his journey as he makes a new life for himself in a world filled with superheroes, aliens, magic, etc. MC/Elizabeth Braddock (Psylocke)/Daisy Johson (Quake)

ArifuretaForever · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chapter 16: Raid II

(3rd Person: POV)

Patrolling outside one of the military outpost buildings, guns in their hands, two of the U-Men currently occupying the base were using their hands to stifle their yawns.

Since they were bored.

However that boredom quickly vanished in a second.

Along with the two guards lives.

Courtesy of Roberto who hit them with an intense wave of heat that melted both the guards insides.

As their bodies fell to the ground Roberto moved forward.

The rest of the assault team following him.

Everyone but Logan sporting a disgusted look on their faces.

"Don't feel sorry for them. If the roles had been reversed they wouldn't have hesitated to end any of you." Roberto spoke.

Noticing the X-Men expressions.

"But, aren't we supposed to be better than them?" Kitty asked.

"We are. But being better doesn't mean you can't not take lives. Especially in cases like this." Roberto spoke.

Trying to wake up the X-Men and remove the rose-colored glasses Xavier had placed over their eyes.

"Enough chitchat." Logan spoke.

So everyone went quiet as they entered the building.

Logan then sniffed the air briefly before heading over to a rug.

Pulling it he revealed a hatch hidden underneath.

After this happened he popped out his claws on both hands and used them to tear apart the cover blocking the manhole.

In doing so Logan revealed a ladder leading downward underneath.

Which the assault team then began descending.


Reaching the bottom of the shaft they had climbed down the assault team find themselves in a large reinforced tunnel.

Where a patrol of U-Men just happens to be passing through.

But before any of them could make a move Jean knocked them unconscious with a psychic blast.

"Let's move. Only a matter of time before someone realizes what's happened." Logan spoke.

So heeding his words the assault team began to move.

Running through the tunnel they were in, Logan in the lead, they moved until they came to a door.

Which Logan tore open using his claws once more.

As he and the others stepped inside their eyes went wide in shock at what lay before them.

Numerous children huddled together in cages, glowing collars around their necks.

Jars filled with various organs and body parts, suspended in solutions.

Operating tables coated in dried blood.

It was a scene straight out of a horror film.

Only what the assault was seeing was not a film, but real life.

Turning their heads both Kitty and Rogue vomited.

While Jean and Kurt could barely stop themselves from doing so.

As for Logan and Roberto.

Both them had dark looks in their eyes.

Their rage boiling just under the surface.

Looking for someway out.

"Intruders, get them!"

Which eventually showed up. As several of the U-Men entered the room.

But before they could even make a move Logan was upon them.

Using his claws he tore them apart without any remorse.

Even as the warning klaxons went off all around them.

"Stealth time is over. They know we're here. Jean, Kurt, Kitty, free the kids. Rogue you are with me and Logan in dealing with the U-Men. We're taking out the trash." Roberto spoke.

The X-Men following his orders.

While Jean and her group began feeding the children in the cages Roberto and Rogue joined Logan in dealing with the U-Men.

As Logan continued using his claws to tear them apart Roberto dealt out deadly punches and kicks.

Not restraining his strength in the slightest.

Leading to most U-Men dying from one hit.

Meanwhile Rogue fought with all she had.

Taking out all her anger on her targets.

This continued for some time until the waves of U-Men stopped.

Them being replaced by a singular individual.

A woman with a katana and purple hair who Roberto recognized immediately.

Elizabeth "Betsy" Braddock aka Psylocke.

[Insert Image of Elizabeth Braddock) Psylocke Here]

'What the fuck is she doing here?!' Roberto thought.

He knew from the movie Psylocke was a mercenary.

But he never thought she would stooo so low as to work for the U-Men.

Then again she did become a Horseman of Apocalypse in the film.

Though before Roberto train of though could continue down it's current road he noticed the vacant expression on Psylockes' face and the collar around her neck.

'I see now. She's being controlled.' Roberto thought.

That made things much easier.

"Don't kill this new one. She's being controlled. Look at the collar around her neck." Roberto spoke.

Logan and Rogue saw it and acknowledged Robertos' words.

But just as they did a butterfly pattern appeared around Psylockes' face.

Roberto knew that meant she was about to employee her psychic powers.

So before she could he acted.

Crossing the distance to Psylocke and getting behind her Roberto performed a German suplex.

Slamming Psylocke head first into the ground.

Then before she could recover he gripped the collar around her neck and pulled.

Ripping it off easily.

This in turn caused the X-Rounder mercenary to pass out.

Seeing this Roberto got to his feet and then scooped up Psylocke in a princess carry before rejoining the others.

Jean's group having freed all those in the cages.

"Alright people, let's blow this place." Roberto spoke.

Thus his group started making their escape.


While things were progressing fast down below no one topside had any idea.

Since all was quiet.

That is until Logan contacted Storm and explained the assault teams situation.

Once this happened Storm contacted the other X-Men topside and told them what to expect.

As well as Fire.

Who had been in the air with Storm since the raid began.

Upon learning of their counterparts situation everyone was put even more on guard.

Fire in particular. Whose eyes had been constantly scanning the surroundings.

Due to this she spotted some lights heading towards the military outpost in the distance.

"Storm, we've got company." Beatriz spoke.

Taking notice of this Storm's eyes began glowing with a white light and sparks began emanating from them.

Following this the once calm night sky was suddenly filled with clouds and raging winds.


Along with lightning.

Seeing this Beatriz was amazed.

Meanwhile the U-Men in the vehicles on the ground were not.

Coming to a stop they got out of their SUV's and raised their guns up in the air towards Storm.

A big mistake.

"Lightning, heed my call!" Storm exclaimed.

After she did various lightingbolts began raining down on the U-Men below her and fire on the ground.

Hitting their vehicles and even them.

While this happened Bobby got closer and then blasted them with ice.

Freezing all of the enemies in front of him before they even had a chance to react.

Impressing Beatriz even more.

But also stirring up a murky feeling in her chest.

Though before she could ponder this feeling any longer she heard a loud explosion coming from the direction of the military outpost.

Turning her gaze in its direction she saw her brother flying out of the outposts hangar bay.

Slightly turned, he fired off shots of intense heart behind him using one hand.

Since his other hand was occupied holding an unconscious woman?

Seeing this Beatriz was confused.

But didn't have time to think on it as Logan, his team, and numerous children came running out of the hangar bay behind Roberto.

Being chased by men with guns.


"Storm, cover us!" Logan shouted over the X-Men comms.

"Understood." Storm replied. "Wind, I command you. Protect them!" Storm exclaimed.

A moment after she did raging winds began separating the U-Men in pursuit of Logan from his group.

Allowing them enough time to get off the outpost property and into the forest.

Upon seeing this Storm smiled. She then commanded lighting to literally rain down on the military outpost.

Destroying it from top to bottom.

As she did this Logan's group re-grouped with Scott and the others on the ground.

They then all headed back for the Blackbird, reaching it without incident.

Noticing this Storm stopped her lighting assault on the outpost.

She then flew towards the Blackbird, Beatriz right behind her.

As the two woman reached it and landed so did Roberto.

Who began carrying Pyslocke in both his arms again.

Entering the Blackbird, along with his sister and Storm, they got settled as it took off.

Leaving the U-Men base behind.

Having completed their raid successfully.