
All Jobs Transfer: Necromancer? Call Me A Natural Disaster!

Story of: All Jobs Transfer: Necromancer? Call me a natural disaster! It's a world of job change. There are ceiling professional saints, nuron angels, nightmare assassins, dragon blood warriors... There are also C-level necromancers who are as ordinary as the protagonist White Night. Until this day, Bai Ye found that his skill level did not have an upper limit? from now on Basic skills, summon skeletons (lvmax), small skeletons turn into skeleton kings, and slaughter gods with one sword. Advanced skills, Life Link (lvmax), Summoned Immortal, I Immortal. Aura skill, legion aura (lvmax), undead legion health +1,000,000%, attack +1,000,000 percent. There are also Hell Bones, Knights of Heaven's Punishment, Skeleton Dragons, Succubus, and Night Elves. C-level necromancer? Please call me a disaster of God! Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novel: "All people change: necromancer? Call me a natural disaster! 》; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · Jeux vidéo
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282 Chs

Chapter 266

Chapter 266 Take Wiseman for a fool!!

But where did Wiseman want to get, Bai Ye actually just wanted to be one step ahead of him and know what was bursting on the other side.

Wiseman looked at Faschi, this mud horse is a Naga banshee?

The advanced skills of a necromancer, with this intensity?

Is there such a strong Naga banshee?

The speed that Faschi showed just now in the sea is not even worse than himself?

That's all.

In fact, this skill, which was obtained only by selling "Golden Spirit Liquid" in White Night, "Summoning the Banshee of Naga", is exactly the skill that Wiseman has always dreamed of.

However, he is not a summoner and cannot use it.

Now I see a living Naga banshee, and it is so powerful.

Coupled with the evil face, the taboo appearance of the eyes.

Wiseman's 723 molars are really going to be crushed.

At this time, Faschi, in Wiseman's eyes, was even more attractive than Sister Mengling.

However, at this moment, Wiseman did not have time to think, and more ancient skin shrimp appeared around.

It's just that at this moment, Bai Ye, who had been rushing to perform just now, suddenly manipulated Faschi to stand next to him, obviously looking like he was watching the battle.


Wiseman was even more confused.

What does this mean?

Are you not fighting with Farke again?

It turns out that the "skill essence" that Bai Ye just picked up is a prop that can increase skill proficiency.

However, it is meant to increase skill proficiency below the full level.

It will be more attractive to those professionals who have just acquired the ultimate skill of the class.

Because normal LV90 professionals, after learning the ultimate skills of their profession, it will take a long time to brush the normal V10 full level.

With this "skill essence", it will indeed save a lot of time.

But this is of no use to Bai Ye at all.

Even the skill "Summon Bone Dragon" has long been brushed to V16 by White Night.

That white night will certainly not be thankless.

Immediately went on strike.

And the movement of Faschi killing the ancient skin shrimp just now was obviously sensed by other ancient skin shrimp.

In the face of Faschi's fear cloth strength, these ancient skins chose to go up.

So, they rushed to Wiseman, who was looking at the weakest.


Wiseman, who was still leisurely just now and has been an audience, suddenly became the protagonist?

Digging the farke?

Wiseman didn't have time to do what the hell was doing in the white night, and quickly launched an attack.

Wiseman in the sea is completely different from the clumsiness on land before.

In the face of the incoming hook and claw, cut a few arcs in the air, and easily pass the body.

It was as if he had transformed into a dancing swimming fish and used the artifact trident, leaving several blood caves on the opponent's body.

Even if several ancient skin shrimp shot together, and more than a dozen hooked claws continued to attack, Wiseman's expression was still relaxed, and while dodging, he could constantly fight back.

Soon Wiseman found the weakness of the other party, the other party's eyes and abdomen.

Although the speed of the attack cannot catch up with Faschi, after Wiseman finds the weak point, he only needs two flat aces to make an ancient skin worm shrimp lose both eyes and thus lose its combat effectiveness.

Facing the ancient skin shrimp that can only spin in place, the next thing can only wait for the arrival of death.

After successfully killing an ancient skin shrimp, Wiseman learned that something had fallen when he killed the alien beast here!

No wonder Bai Ye rushed to kill the first batch of ancient beasts before the night.


At this time, Wiseman didn't even know what props the previous batch of ancient creatures exploded?

Now it seems that Bai Ye does not need these "skill essences", so he stands aside and watches the battle.


Isn't he like a fool?

Before he was complacent, watching the white night use undead creatures to kill enemies.

At that time, Bai Ye must have regarded himself as a fool!