
All I Want to Do is Rest with my Firekeeper

Firekeeper is hot. Elden Ring + Dark Souls

balls_1124 · Jeux vidéo
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28 Chs

Chapter 20


Nurgal remembered the last time she'd felt that sensation, but it had been so long that she'd forgotten what it felt like. To the point where, a rift in her mind appeared, along with a spike of irritation compelling her to act a certain way. It broke the way she thought of things, throwing a cog in the usual status quo. First it was that swordsman, his fighting style practically tailored to counter her.

Moving like the flowing river rapids, he was able to evade the innumerable number of attacks that she had struck out against him, inevitably leaving her with the fate that she now resided with. A 'tch' unconsciously escaped hers lips at the memory, parts of her face melting apart, before shortly being reconstructed, if a bit malformed. The way he had shamed her will be forever etched into her memory, especially when she was so close to attaining full influence over Malenia…

However, she could only frustratedly sigh at her circumstances, shaking her head back and forth, shifting her thoughts to the little red-haired girl, the candidate she had chosen to incarnate into, Malenia. Spawn of twins Marika and Radagon, the Golden One's favorite little pawns. The first, a prisoner, and the second, an ever-loyal dog. Her hands clenched tightly, balling up as even now, the child had, and continued to, rejected her influence. Though, she was able to breach the thick barrier the empyrean had employed to protect her mind. And during which, she felt invincible, stronger than even that bastard swordsman.

But, all good things had to come to an end, and she too had to part with her mortal vessel. She simply had to bide her time, wait for the right moment to strike. Besides, it wasn't her job to do anymore, by contractual obligation, and lending off a bit of her power, she was able to attain another minion, who just so happened to be the last to defied her.

Each god embodied a concept, simple enough. But, when empowered, this becomes stronger, many more times so due to Nurgal's status as an Outer God. Beings so strong they had to abandon their physical form, else the fabric of reality itself tore from their very presence. And it was for this reason… the she sought him out in the first place, as irksome as it was for her to do so.

Like oil and water, they were antithetical to one another, never destined to get along. Most of which was her fault. But she would never admit such things out loud, else her pride as a god would be put on the line. Pushing those thoughts aside, she transfigured a piece of her arm into a goblet, a red liquid slowly filtering in from its side. In her hand, was a tall cup of wine, a less favorable drink compared to pure concentrated alcohol, but she wasn't doing it to get rid of her sobriety.

Sloshing the liquid in a circular motion, Nurgal tried to place a little more thought on her feelings, lest they got the better of her in the future. Simply put, her vassal, Dave, fundamentally went against what she stood for. He was an existence outside of her cycle by technicality; death simply could not touch him, even if the rune of death returned to the order of the Land Between. Though, there was a way to break it. Unfortunately, the process required that he do it of his own volition.

She didn't even think it was on purpose, but a product of how his world worked. Scanning through his memories, she took a long swig of her drink, where should she even start. She knew from the beginning that molding the rot with fire would be hard, but not to this extent. Without her presence, the speed at which he would recover from the rot would put those in the Fell God's cult to shame. He was a being of ash, yet, so easily and eager to kindle an ever-dying flame. Should he come into contact with the diminutive fire in the north… even she wouldn't dare think of the result…

The plan had been laid out. Now, we just needed to set it in motion.

Peering into the void, my head nodded as I checked each and every item we would need, all of them in the places they needed to be. Returning to the real world, I turned my attention towards Vestia, who was inspecting the new sword in her hand. A grimace overcame my face, the thought of potentially putting her in danger clouding my mind like an inescapable haze, only strengthened when she lifted it high and mightily in the air.

There wasn't anything wrong with her using it. However, a creeping feeling still entered my thoughts like a parasite. What if she got hurt? What would happen if her body got struck? What would happen to my unborn chi-.

""Shut up!"" The ever-irritating voice of Nurgal screeched in my ear, a small whisper of condolences following it shortly. ""If thou art willing to go through with it in the first place, then why is it only now that thou seemth to regret it? Was thine decision making clouded beyond all belief? Or dost thou regret it so soon after whole-heartedly agreeing to the plan a few minutes prior? My, my, what a shame."" My lips parted, only for nothing to come out, a click leaving as I shook my head.

"You're right," I uttered, allowing a breath to pass. "I should have more faith in those whom I hold dear. Needlessly worrying like a doting parent will give me nothing but stress, something I could use less of right now." Stepping towards my beloved, my eyes traced the sword in her hand, a glimmer blinding me for but a moment. "Sure does sting to be kind to others. Especially when those you've helped go on to die in the end either way."

My voice was expressionless, yet still held a bountiful amount of melancholy. Placing my hand over her own, I embraced her tender figure, her own digging into mine as we stared over the weapon for a bit longer. "It was a parting gift." I idly commented, her sword shining in the glimpses of sunlight. "From a friend lost to one of the lords of cinder. Really wish I could have been there for her in her final moments, but, here I am."

Emotions threatened to let spill, a slight shiver in my voice. It was my fault, after all. And I just had to accept that as fact, one I could never forget. Then again, how could I when they were etched onto the very depths of my soul. Shaking the thought away, I pulled her hand in, clutching it close to her chest. "And now, I pass it on to you… However reluctant I may be."

"Hmhmhn." She giggled, her face tilting upward to look at me, determination practically dripping from her expression. "I thank thee for this opportunity, it truly means a lot for thou to entertain such ideas of mine…"

"There's no need to thank me, as I've said in the past, you can ask anything you want, and I will accomplish any task to the best of my ability. Speaking off which, are you ready for the battle yet? Most of everything should be in order now, and I'm only waiting for you to continue."

Red colored her cheeks, Vestia's form straightened immediately as she turned to face the fog wall, her right hand on Anr- her sword, and a talisman on the other. Looking towards me with an expectant look. "Well, as thou can see. All affairs are in order, I am ready to face anything on the other side." She stated, her lips curving.

Shrugging, the Buckler shield appeared on my right arm instead of my left, while a staff manifested on my left. Glints of cyan sparks appeared before me, a spell weaving through my mind as each of them hardened into crystal, the pole lazily dropping to my side. Giving my partner an affirmative nod, she stepped through the gateway, ripples flowing throughout, as if it were disturbed water.

The view on the other side came to light, a dark rumble echoing above us. Just as Irina had said, it was indeed taken to the cemetery, or at least, we had thought so. Another one of those misbegotten was roaming around with barely a care in the world, a sword with an untold number of blades on his shoulder.

It was… built like a story monster meant to scare children, stitched together by a mystical thread, each of its parts not fitting one another. The head of a lion-like creature, with a mane of flowing red hair, and equally crimson eyes. The torso and arms of a particularly strong warrior, muscles bulging at the seams. Its legs were permanently crouched, unable to move above a certain threshold. And finally, a long green tail on its back, completing the whole package.

We could only stare at the creature in awe. Its uniqueness definitely highlighted to us due to the number of winged creatures we had to fight on the way here. But, if he was supposed to be the boss of this place, then Vestia and I had to be on guard. The beast's legs sprinted into action, taking to all fours as the massive weapon dragged against the grainy sand below, dramatically slowed by the terrain.

Raising my staff up, I casted a shield over us, Vestia moving forward and away from me, a portion of the ward wrapping around her in a bubble, out of sight, and out of mind. Grinning at the beast, several of the projectiles hovering around me shot at it, most of them missing, but the few that did find their target dealt a good amount of damage, crystal shards jutting out of the monster's sides.

Now, it was Vestia's turn to fight. I could only support her from here on out. Weaving a spell through my mind and soul, knowledge passed through my fingertips and onto my staff. The lengthy black rod shining for a brief second before transferring to the unfortunate misbegotten, blue shackles appearing on its shoulders, a weight pressing on its massive body.

"Soul Restraints."

Things had just started, and yet, she could already feel the beat of her heart pumping in her ears, loudly announcing its presence as her breath desperately tried to catch up. Step after step, Vestia could only stare in awe at the massive monstrosity, the grip on her blade tightening as she held it closer to her chest, the rhythmic rising and falling soothing her mind, her left hand raising.

Passing through the motions of chanting an incantation, energy siphoned out of her, flowing through the talisman as it shone briefly, sparks firing off at random. Tales of the past, long before her time, were recounted in her mind. The female warriors who fought in the war against the dragons, and their most precious weapon, always kept by their side. 'Lightning Arrow'

Spreading her arms outward, the grip on her right hand became awkward. Yet, she still persisted, pulling back on the electric bow string as a spear of lightning appeared in her hands, the tales of Lord Gwyn added to the formula. However, Vestia didn't have long to charge it up, as the misbegotten noticed her from the corner of his eye, widening for but a moment before sharpening to match that of a spear's tip.

He immediately entered a bull-charge, rampaging whatever stood in between the two, the sound of stone crumbling reaching her ears, her fingers releasing the string. The projectile flew into the air, faster than her senses could register, her mapping completely blind to the object.

Readying her sword, she followed suit of her previous attack, her body moving without a second thought. Dismissing her talisman into the void, both of her hands found themselves onto the handle of her blade, a snap passing through Vestia's thoughts as the air parted just above her.

In an instant, her position shifted, stepping to the side and thrusting forward, a wail echoing out of her opponent's lips, loud enough to be considered ear-piercing. Twisting the edge of her dull blade, the former fire keeper was pleasantly surprised to find out that the blunt weapon she had been gifted wasn't merely for show or for the purpose of entertaining her idea, an endearing smile finding itself on her lips. The exact opposite response to what she was about to do.

Dodging inward out of yet another swing, an audible shatter was heard throughout, a small gash spurred blood from her left forearm, her mind ignoring the pain as she once again struck at the enemy. Raising her sword up to its peak, she brought it down just as quickly, the edge of her blade bouncing off her foe's chest. A click echoed from her mouth, but, they were soon replaced with quiet coos of awe, a sickening crunch reverberating through his entire being, stunning him from his next attack.

'Victory is in sight.' She jokingly mused, rolling under her much larger adversary. Poising her weapon downward, the tip aimed for his spine, his body turning just in time for it to miss, though, barely. 'The effects of mine beloved's spell have yet to wear off. However, should I drag this battle out, he might have to help me directly.' A wave of unsightly thoughts poisoned her mind, sparks rumbling around her as the water grew restless, a talisman materializing in her hand. 'If that would be the case, then so be it. I'll take it down all the same.'

A bolt of lightning molded around her palm, a crooked rod molding to the shape of her fist. Pulling the sword out of his back, she aimed it sky-high, before impaling the chain that bound her opponent, a deafening roar bellowing from the former's core.

It was now or never, and Vestia was more than eager to deliver. Preparing yet another incantation, she was quickly cut short, literally. With the beast's speed now unhindered, there was now very little in the way of holding him back, his strength on full displayed as the massive sword crashed before her, the shock wave of the attack knocking the woman off balance.

Without a second thought, Dave jumped in to save her, only for his legs to buckle a mere meter away from her position, his body falling motionlessly to the ground, as though he were a puppet with no strings. Vestia's eyes widened, parts shock and fear. Her body tried to move, but failed, paralyzed under the impending threat. Only by throwing herself did she move out of the way of his next blow, stumbling and falling on her face, a mouthful of sand assaulting her mouth.

"This is bad…" She murmured under her breath, weakly holding her sword up, shaky in her attempt. "This is very bad!" She shouted, a trail of sweat moving down her cheek. The beast had little skill in the blade, mindlessly swinging it around like a log. However, in the face of his strength, and her similar situation, she wasn't much better. Gripping her talisman hard, her hand rose to the air, a miniature bolt growing in both length and size as it rose to the air, the cracklings booming in her ears, teeth gnashing against one another.

Her last ditch attempt. A product of her own hubris and foolishness, her ambition brought to soaring highs. And now, a woeful low. Using all of her strength, she threw it with all of her might, hope at the back of Vestia's mind, her legs moving forward… just in time for the misbegotten's next slash.

The world froze, and an eternity passed. Her life, as she knew it, flashed before her eyes, several tear drops falling down her face, a well of regret bubbling from her chest. 'If only… if only I had not joined him here. If only I had not acted out. If only… if only…" There was only so much she could take, before looking into herself, the circumstance making itself clear. The weapon was inbound, and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

Shutting off all of her senses, she waited for the strike to come, a teary expression on her face, guilt plastered all throughout.

Nothing came of it. Vestia's eyes shot open, scanning her surroundings instantly. There was no one in front of her. Nothing except a charred corpse in place of the monster she was fighting moments before, the colossal sword still in his hands. She stared in awe, before shifting her sight to what was important to her most.

Dave. He laid on the ground, flat on his chest, glass extending from his reach like a pointer. Her gaze watched the line, the firekeeper's expression tightening as soon as she reached it. His left hand torched to the shoulder, his flesh falling at the seams or burnt to a crisp, darker than tar.

Vestia's body moved on its own, running over to her companion with little regard for her own safety, her bare feet stepping on the shards of glass beneath. Flipping him onto his front, her body seared with immense pain, a wince overcoming her senses, dropping the body like a sack of bricks.

Her eyes watered once more, breathing hitching, her grip becoming slippery as moisture accumulated on her palms. "No, no, no…" Clasping his damaged arm, she held it close to her face, chanting the lines to the strongest healing miracle she could muster, light glowing beneath them. Her vision became blurry, voice a pitiful mess. She had practically slurred the last few lines, even speaking became a labor for the distraught woman.

Cusping his face, she moved his cheek to face her, eyebrows fluttering to life, he was still alive! Though she might have felt relieved, there was still the chance she could lose him. Reaching into their shared pocket space, she fished out his ever-useful estus flask, allowing him to sip on it conten-

'What was happening? This… it wasn't supposed to be this way. W-W-Why isn't this working!?'


[A/N: Sup, wouldn't it be funny if I were to not update for a week or so? Yeah, fucking hilarious. My brain is fried, and I need a break from this fic. Constant 3k word updates. Help be god. This isn't good for my brain. Anyways, I'm going to be doing the next chapter of "Fuck the Devil", then move onto yet another idea I had in mind. A worldhop fic with an adult version of abby from fate as the catalyst for what happen. Yeah, I just want a fic that's popular for once, and I'm shameless. Then again, there are fic that overshadow mine in reader count by merit of the fandoms I write for. Don't worry, I won't abandon this, and I'll make sure to update it once I get off my slump. Check out pa- t reon to see how this shit show ends btw. Copy and paste below.

Anyways, if you find anything wrong in the fic, let me know. I would love to hear your thoughts, opinions, and what I could have done in place of what is present.

Also, join discord server. I have one.: discord . gg / eTb2kPab4z

I also have a pa- tr eon at pa- t reon / balls1124 For only dollar or more, you can get access to 2 more chapters beyond the current one. That's pretty neat if I do say so myself.

With that being said, back to writing... again...]