
Chapter 70

Music recommendation - Zoe Wees - Hold me like you used to.

Olivia staggered back into the balcony as she and Dawn fell from the balcony.

"Dawn," Stephan screamed alongside Sarah who seemed like she had lost a good amount of blood, she placed her hand to the back of her head yet again and slummed to the ground.


Maya and Jake rose to their feet at the sound of something falling into the other side of the lake, they walked to the side of the lake and caught sight of two ladies struggling in the lake, one of them pushing the other into the water who looked like Maya.

The water was already turning red as it seemed one of them was injured but from the way they were struggling, Maya couldn't tell who was injured. She suspected it was her lookalike, as she seemed lifeless while the other lady tried to pin her head into the water.

The sight of someone that looked like Maya stunned Jake as he stared closely to be sure he wasn't day dreaming, did Maya have a twin sister? It was a surprising sight for him, he always believed Maya was the only child of Gonzales, it seemed he was wrong about that.

Maya knew she was going to meet her sister sooner or later even though she wasn't interested in any of it, she knew Gonzales would force her into it, she didn't want anything that reminded her of her mother.

She didn't expect that she was going to see her eventually falling from the balcony and struggling for her life right in their lake, she thought Gustavo was saying something about her being poisoned or something. She looked up at the balcony where they had both fell as she stared at her father, Stephan and two other men.

Stephan seemed outraged and in shocked, he held on to the rail of the balcony gritting his teeth at the sight of Olivia dipping Dawn's head into the water as Dawn made an effort trying to struggle, he dashed out of sight immediately.

She figured he was heading outside immediately. She was sure with that look he had on his face if he could jump through the balcony he would have done it.

"What the hell are you doing?" she asked turning around to see Jake taking off his jacket and rolling the sleeves of his shirt up.

"Saving you," he replied diving into the lake before she could open her mouth to protest. 

He swam towards the two ladies as one seemed to be overpowering the other, he reached out to the one who looked like Maya, trying to separate the ladies from each other. The one who looked like Maya looked lifeless but Jake could tell that she wasn't exactly dead but was going to die anytime soon if she stayed in the water a bit longer.

He wondered what was up with the two ladies and why the other one was at the verge of hurting the other, he pulled the lookalike closer to him struggling with the other who seemed hell bent on not letting him rescue the lookalike.

He wasn't a fan of the water and to find himself between two ladies, he had thought it would be easy but it seemed fighting inside the water wasn't as easy as it seemed.

"Argghh," he groaned placing his hand to his side, he could feel something stabbed into his stomach as his eyes widened in shock. he looked down into the water as blood bubbled up then he stared back at the lady who was about to launch for him again with the knife.

Maya stared at them struggling and she could see the other lady trying to reach Jake, it also seemed like Jake was struggling with swimming off which she clearly didn't understand why.

She sighed deeply already fed up with the little show bringing out her gun and shooting the other lady twice in the chest, she was about to fire again when she felt someone touch her shoulder.


"That's enough," he ordered as Maya lowered her hand placing her gun back into her pocket.

Gonzales stared at her outfit and reminded himself to talk about it when all these issue was resolved, how could she have dressed like these to the event. It was a good thing all these was going on at the other side of the house because he was sure his guest must have heard the gun shot and even the one Maya just fired.

"Go and keep them at ease," he ordered one of his bodyguard as he nods understanding the order and running off into the direction of the hall.

Maya watched Stephan and Travis who had been looking at her earlier pull their jacket off and roll their sleeves, jumping into the water to get to Jake, her twin and the other lady.

Stephan seemed more keen on getting Dawn, while Travis struggled to drag Olivia's body out of the water, their guards noticing these jumped in to help their boss.

After much struggle, they successfully pulled Dawn, Jake and Olivia out. They laid them on the floor side by side.

When Jake was out, Maya could finally see the knife at the side of his stomach and realized that was the reason he had been struggling in the water and had been unable to swim off successfully, her twin laid lifeless on the floor while the other lady seemed to be bleeding profusely from her chest and it seemed she was dying.

Maya rushed to Jake side, squatting down to his level without thinking of her father who was staring at her, she examined his wound and realized she had accidentally shot him in the belly when she fired at the other lady, she didn't know why but she found herself holding his bloody hand all of a sudden.

He couldn't possibly die from a stab and a bullet to his stomach right? 

He stared at her with a smirk, placing his hand to the knife to check how deep it was.

"Help me, you idiots," she yelled at the bodyguards lurking around, she didn't care if they were her father's or Stephan's. 

"Relax, i will survive," Jake muttered trying to rise to his feet as the guards around helped him up, his eyes caught Stephan's but Stephan seemed bothered by Dawn not responding to him pressing hard on her chest than his face.

Maya followed him as they helped him to walk to his car so they could get him to the hospital quickly.

Stephan added pressure, pressing and pressing harder on her chest to get out the water than was in her system.

Travis stared at Olivia as she laid on the floor, blood gushing out of her neck, he felt her pulse and he knew instantly that she was dying. He sat down on the floor next to her body as she stretched her hand, he took it in his holding it tightly. He watched her making sounds and opening and closing her mouth like she was trying to catch her breathe before it left her.

He had thought she was going to get over the toxicity that was burning inside her but it seemed he was wrong about her and what was actually going on in her head, he couldn't believe she was just going to die like that. Images of the first time he had met her came into his head, their first kiss, him leaving his girlfriend for her, her getting pregnant for him, they all started to cloud his mind.

"Tra...vis," Olivia muttered holding on to him

Travis stared at Olivia as she took her last breathe muttering his name softly, he placed his hand over her eyes shutting them closed as even her own death had shocked her as her eyes were wide opened.

Stephan on the other hand continued to add pressure on Dawn but nothing was happening, he checked her pulse as panic started to build up in him, even though he was drenched in water he found himself suddenly sweating on his forehead. the water from his wet hair dripped slowly on Dawn pale face, he stopped pressing on her chest placed his hand to cover her nose then he placed his lips on hers then went back to adding pressure to her chest.

He kept repeating the process continuously not stopping or backing down.

"Dawn," Stephan muttered like Dawn could hear him but was refusing to wake up.

Gonzales stared at the two men, Travis seemed to have accepted his fate, he could see any moment from now Stephan was going to have a break down.

He walked slowly to his side and placed his hand on his shoulder to keep him at ease.

"No," Stephan yelled jerking his hand off him and adding more pressure then kissing her.

"Stephan," Gonzales muttered. 

"No," Stephan yelled but it came out like he was in pain.