
Chapter 69

"What? My.... She is really pregnant?" Wow, the news was overwhelming to him, the nurse had said she wanted to tell him something important but he had waved her off because he felt meeting Stephan was more important, was that what she wanted to inform him? Was she really pregnant? he leaned into his chair to understand the current situation, he couldn't even hide his emotions right now or create a blank expression, he was going to be a grand father.

He was going to be a grand father really soon, and he might have been without even knowing if non of these had not happened. He suddenly felt the need to tear up, he had not even figured out how he was going to talk to his daughter but now a grand child.

"Yes," Stephan replied. It felt like it was the first time he was admitting that he was having a child and that he wanted to let the world know about it.

"Can i see her now?" he asked regardless of the fact that he could always see her without their permission but right now his head was filled with so many thoughts.


Sarah stared at Olivia who seemed less concerned by their presence but in her own world then she stared at Dawn who seemed to be fidgeting on her bed, probably having a bad dream of some sort. She rushed to her side to put her at ease and calm her nerves by placing her hand over her warm and sweaty forehead, then slowly patting her hair down.

She could only hope she would get better soon.

"Stay strong," she muttered to her. 

She wondered what Travis had placed in her back when she decided to sit on the bed next to Dawn, she didn't want anything pricking her in the butt so she reached her hand into her back pocket, feeling something hard as she brought out a gun.

Why would Matteo give her a gun? Did these have anything to do with Olivia or maybe just her protecting herself from maybe Gonzales men?

She had barely examined it  and decided to put it back into her back pocket when something slammed her across the head as she fell on the ground staring at Olivia who had a mean smirk on her face.

When had she gotten up from her seat and gotten so close to her, Sarah thought as she tried to place her hand to the back of her head.

She suddenly felt light headed and weak, she stared at the hand she had placed at the back of her head that was now stained with her own blood.

"Oli..via," she muttered watching her go to Dawn's side. 

"Shut up," Olivia barked at her staring at Dawn once more then back at Olivia still holding the bat she had used to hit her head from the back. Olivia's blood dripped slowly from the bat to the floor. 

Sarah stared at her through her eyelash knowing Olivia was definitely up to know good with the look she currently had in her eyes, she seemed not herself, like an evil spirit had finally entered her that was making her do what she was doing and what she was about to do. She knew she couldn't talk her way out of these one, Olivia didn't care about her or even her sister Dawn. 

It was even her sister that she hated the most, how could you be so envious of your own blood? Maybe she was the one that poisoned Dawn after all and not Shannon, maybe her pretending to be weak was just an excuse not to be seen as a suspect and maybe Matteo suspected it too that was why he had handed her the gun earlier for her to protect herself but she had not be cautions about it.

She should have known better and defended herself on time, and their wasn't any bodyguard in sight, so these was a very good plan that Olivia must have thought about and decided on. She couldn't let her do these to Dawn in these current state, She had to do something and quickly.

She looked through the side and she could see her gun far off under the table, she stared back at Olivia and braced herself with all the strength she could muster. She rose to her feet and pushed Olivia on the ground then made a run for the gun, picking it on the floor and twirling around swiftly to point it at Olivia who had already miraculously stood up.

"Don't make me hurt you," Sarah begged holding the gun with both of her hands. She couldn't remember the last time she had used a gun but it didn't matter because in this situation she was definitely going to shoot Olivia without thinking about it. "She is pregnant for goodness sake." 

Olivia stared at her angrily, she had thought this through right from the onset but she didn't know the drugs would take a long time to take effect, it had been hard for her to put the drugs into the water but when Travis had left her in the room she had gotten out to see what she could do to harm Dawn, she didn't have a plan but her body was failing to rest until she achieved what was in her mind.

The desire to kill Dawn had finally consumed and over powered her thoughts and she wasn't going to back down, luckily for Dawn she was unable to locate her but she found their bags hanging by a door, she presumed the room was given to them by Anna and the body guards had come to drop their loads but Dawn and Stephan had not yet settled in.

She noticed Dawn's water bottle hooked to the side of her bag and it seemed to be filled with orange juice or something, she had instantly remembered the poison she brought just in case and quickly rushed back to her room to get it and put it into the water bottle in hopes that Dawn would drink it. She didn't even care who else might drink it, as long as Dawn would die she didn't care who else had to die as well.

The poison had decided not to take full effect till when they got here and everyone seemed to be crowding her and not giving her any space to figure her next plan, she knew no one would suspect her because Travis must have vouched for her that he had left her in the room resting but she knew sooner or later they would get to her and what would be the use of getting caught for not finishing the crime.

She stared at Sarah and turned around to stare at Dawn, these was her focus not Olivia, all she had to do was bash her head or suffocate her with the pillow and the voices in her head will let her be at peace.

"Olivia don't make me do it," she heard Sarah warning as she could also hear the cock of the gun.

"Do it," Olivia beckoned. 


Stephan nodded at Gonzales request to see Dawn as he would rather spend his time watching Dawn sleep than being in these office with Gonzales and talking about family issues.


A gunshot.


Stephan and everyone rose to their feet as they all headed back to the room where Dawn was with Gustavo leading the way.

What the hell was going on? and who was trying to kill who?

Matteo figured it was Olivia and Sarah and he could only hope nothing bad had happened to Sarah, he knew something was up with Olivia. Even though she acted weak and less concerned about the environment she seemed vigilant with her eyes which happened to be on Dawn than anyone else in the room, It would look like she was worried but Matteo knew Olivia of all people couldn't be worried about her sister and even now when there was every possibility that Dawn wasn't her biological sister.

It was the reason why he had handed Sarah the gun just incase anything was going to happen because he didn't trust Olivia.

He didn't know when his own thoughts had carried his legs as he opened the door, he also took note of something vital. His bodyguards which he had left outside where no where to be found, which would only mean that their was more to these.

The sight that beholden them when they all got in was one that Stephan had hoped not to see, Dawn was awake of some sort but was strapped in Olivia's hand as she placed a knife over her throat while Sarah had her back facing them as she point the gun Matteo had given her, warning Olivia that she would shoot again and truly she did these time not taking note of Matteo or Stephan's presence.

Olivia staggered back into the balcony as she and Dawn fell from the balcony.

"Dawn," Stephan screamed alongside Sarah who seemed like she had lost a good amount of blood, she placed her hand to the back of her head yet again and slummed to the ground.