
Chapter 62

When they got to the living room they had expected to meet the lion but he had sent his minion instead and Stephan wasn't surprised, it was part of the reason why the bastard had not yet died despite his numerous crimes. He was an easy man to find yet a hard man to kill, even the story that bonded him to Dawn wasn't solid enough but what did his enemies care about that, anything that involved Gonzales or belonged to him shouldn't be walking freely in the street.

"Gustavo," one of his little minions announced his name, he had a root like tattoo on his neck that Stephan was sure connected down to his body as his hand also had the tattoo.

Stephan, Travis and Matteo didn't bother to introduce themselves because they were sure that they knew them well enough, who didn't know the Klar family. They were only three but Stephan knew they were more than that and were just lurking around waiting to tears all of them heads from their body even the little smile Gustavo had on his face didn't sit well with Stephan's stomach but he reciprocated the gesture by offering him a seat.

Gustavo took his seat while the other two stood beside him, Stephan figured they were his side piece but he couldn't trust them. Their main boss might be among the ones standing and he knew how he was going to fish him out if the time for it was needed.

Stephan, Matteo and Travis who also took their seat but not on one seaters each opposite them. Gustavo opened a laptop that he was holding and placed it on the table with the monitor facing him, he pressed in some things and then twirled the laptop monitor to face Stephan as an image of a man appeared.


"I would be lying if i say i am not confused by the reason why you are here, you have not only infiltrated my security team, you have also successfully removed all my cameras and mics," the middle aged man announced. He was seated in what seemed like his office as he leaned in on his seat and took a drag from his cigar. He chuckled after finishing his statement like he had thought of something really funny.

"I think you know why we are here but you do not believe it and because you don't believe it you have decided to deem it irrelevant," Stephan replied also leaning into his chair and crossing his legs this time.

"You have seen through me, i must admit," Gonzales admitted leaning forward this time. "So tell me Stephan," he took his name like they were familiar with each other and it didn't go unnoticed by Travis and Matteo who weren't surprised. "What do you want from me?"

"I should be asking you that Gonzales," Stephan threw back his name to him, he could notice Gonzales also had that root like tattoo on his neck, was it like their group symbol or something?

"Ah," Gonzales smiled leaning back intrigued by the way Stephan was able to speak to him freely without batting an eye, he knew it was going to be hard to crack Stephan that was if he was even going to ever crack as he was a man that was hard to read. It was what Gonzales found interesting about him.

Normally he would have had them taken against their will but when he had heard something about his daughter and he wondered what that would have to do to Stephan.

"I have something of yours here," Stephan said. "Dawn," he yelled placing his hand behind him for her to come and hold it. 

Dawn had been taken aback by the call that she nearly stumbled outside, she didn't expect Stephan to know that she was lurking around and listening to them.

Stephan had sensed her smell when he had walked into the living room and he knew she was watching them, he had wanted to call his men to get her but since she was here he didn't bother with that. Instead he pretended not to be aware of anything.

Dawn walked in slowly and took Stephan's hand which he had placed behind him, he touched her hand and placed it on his shoulder tapping on it slowly.

"Who is this?" Gonzales asked but Stephan didn't miss the astonished look his eyes had given off before he was able to compose himself. It was like he had seen something he wasn't supposed to see.

"You are not a very good actor," Stephan informed him. "It seems your daughter is a twin."

"I would be lying if i say i am not confused by the reason why you are here, you have not only infiltrated my security team, you have also successfully removed all my cameras and mics," the middle aged man announced.

He was seated in what seemed like his office as he leaned in on his seat and took a drag from his cigar. He chuckled after finishing his statement like he had thought of something really funny.

"I think you know why we are here but you do not believe it and because you don't believe it you have decided to deem it irrelevant," Stephan replied also leaning into his chair and crossing his legs this time.

"What are you implying?" Gonzales questioned with a puzzled look that didn't fool Stephan, before they had arrived at Anna's house different thoughts had crossed his mind as he tried to link the possible connection between Dawn and Gonzales. The more he thought, the more he was able to figure out some links, he came to conclusion on two which was that either Dawn was a twin or the other which he hadn't yet come to accept.

He concluded on the first than the latter, he threw it to Gonzales freely and he instantly got what he need.

A reaction that he couldn't take back.

"I am guessing she is nothing like my wife," Stephan replied as Dawn turned her neck to look down at him but he seemed focused on the laptop. Had he finally lost his mind? When did she become his wife? She turned to look at Travis and Matteo but their face looked blank like what Stephan had said was genuine. Did they already plan all these ahead of time? She tried to also not look surprised since she didn't know what Stephan was up to.

If these man was really her father why had he not come  to look for her all these while? It was like she was of no relevance to him but if Stephan theory of she being a twin was true that would mean that her twin sister is currently with Gonzales.

"We should meet up, this isn't something we should be discussing over..."

"So you are accepting that i am saying the truth about your daughters?"

"Stephan," Gonzales called out with a chuckle. "You are a very smart man." Gustavo turned the laptop facing him knowing his  boss was done with his conversation.

"Get them here immediately," Gonzales ordered as the screen went blank.

Gustavo shut the laptop, handed it to the one by his left hand side and rose to his feet.


The ride to Gonzales house was a quiet one, Gustavo and his men drove forward while they all followed behind in their cars. 

"I don't trust him," Matteo confessed to Sarah. he had decided to drive the car with Sarah sitting next to him and Dawn alongside Stephan behind.

"We will be fine if we stick to the plan," Stephan replied looking outside the window as the car turned into a tunnel that lead underground. What a cunny way to hide? Was he really underground? the car drove in the dark for some while with only the reflection of the car lights illuminating the tunnel. As a low cough was heard from Dawn, Stephan stared at her but could only see her slightly, he smiled at her knowing she could see him and held on to her hand to soothe her while she placed the other to her mouth as she coughed.

"Sorry dear," Sarah said looking back even though she couldn't see anything clearly. She looked back at the road as she could see the end of the tunnel beaming with light. As they finally came out of the tunnel, they stopped behind Gustavo who stopped in front of a big golden gate.

On the top of the gate was imprinted Gonzales boldly in black, at least even a blind man would know they were stepping into his territory Sarah thought staring at the name and the little thorns sorrounding it, she wondered how they got it there.

Matteo could see Gustavo pressing something into a pad on the gate as the gate opened for them, they drove in as they followed behind.

"Stephan," Dawn muttered as Stephan turned to stare at her as shock erupted on his face. He stared at the hand she had placed on her lips that was now cover with blood that was coming out from her mouth.

"Dawn," he called out as she coughed out again, this time louder than the first. 

"What is happening to her?" Sarah asked confused at the sight of Dawn the way she was. "Poison." She yelled remembering she was a doctor and wondering why she had suddenly been on panic mode at the sight of Dawn's blood,