
Chapter 60

"How are you here?" Ivy asked letting go of him and staring at his face, he had a cut on his lips and at the side of his neck she could see bruises. Was he getting himself into trouble while he was in jail?

"Mister Stephan had me pulled out the moment he heard some people were trying to get me killed while i was in jail," Scar announced hugging her these time. "I have missed you so much."

 He finally noticed Sarah's presence and nodded at her, she did the same as she excused the two couples not knowing what to say. 

"Kill you?" Ivy asked touching his face.

"I am here now."

"but these is temporary." Ivy said, there was a time Stephan had also allowed them see each other, it was like Stephan was in her mind. Once she started missing her husband, it was either a car would take her to him or he would be brought to her. Either ways she was grateful to see him because she knew if not for Stephan he would have died a long time ago.

"No, it's permanently. I am a free man," Scar smiled. he had nearly lost his wit when Stephan had informed him over the phone while he was in the cell. He couldn't believe his ears till he was actually summoned by the security guards to sign some papers and get dressed.

He couldn't wait to get home to see Ivy and his little baby, he had missed them so much.

"Really," Ivy beamed and these time she planted a kiss on his cheek not caring that he currently had a cut on the side of his lips but she tried to be gently not to cause him any pain.


Stephan, Matteo, Anna, Shannon sat down on a round table in one of the office in the house, it was a small office and due to the fact that Anna had not been in the house for quite somewhile it was unkempt and messed up, they didn't have time to wait for it to get cleaned so they to sit on the balcony of the house.

The view was splendid, absolutely nothing but tall trees and snow filled ground, the wind blew with a whistling sound.

A bottle of champagne was placed in the middle with glasses next to each of them already filled with drinks only Shannon had taken a sip out of her glass and was almost down to pouring herself another drink. 

Travis had joined in on their conversation later on after he was sure Olivia was fast asleep and he had noticed something in his room which he intended to address when they were done discussing their plans.

"Well, we are currently around his territory and if I am correct he will already have his men around to find out who the hell we are," Anna informed. She had gotten this house from Gonzales some years back when they were an item but she hardly brought any of her flings here because she knew Gonzales was always well informed of things that went on around his territory.

Also the environment was mostly cold and filled with snow, it wasn't her favorite weather. Imagine her having to wear a furry coat and having to drink tea here and there or even some hot acholic drink just to keep her body temperature warm.

 Stephan and Matteo on the other hand seemed chilled in their office shirts and pants and even Travis who had joined them was wearing a round neck and blue jeans. She didn't understand how they were able to withstand the cold. 

"Once he figures it all out, he might send for us or not but since you said she is in debted to him. He will surely send for us." Anna continued.

"I am shocked that you are willing to put your life on the line for some woman who is in debted to someone else, someone who she might be fucking," Shannon busted out staring at Stephan as she took a sip from her glass. She had been wanting to say that for quite somewhile to get to Stephan, she knew how much he hated to share his woman. 

Maybe if she pressed some buttons he would start to seeing that Dawn woman some other way but after what she had said his expression didn't change, he seemed less concerned by her in put and more focused on Anna.

"I know you have a catch among his men, get him to come here," Stephan ordered staring at Anna with a blank expression. His order took her off guard as her lips opened from the shock, she had not expected him to say something like that. 

"Wh..at," she stuttered then coughed out and re positioned herself on her seat. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb with me, you were fucking Gonzales so you must have had a link," Stephan accused further and this time it was Shannon who nearly choked on her drink as she stared at Anna then at Stephan. This stupid girl, she was trying to impress Matteo but had not thought about her plan properly.

"I don't understand the nonsense you are talking about," Anna replied sounding angry and offended she stared at Matteo waiting for him to say something but he seemed like he knew something that she didn't know. "Are you just going to sit down there and watch him speak to me that way."

"Well he isn't lying and this was in the past right, so just call the fling you had to get his ass here," Shannon cut in getting an angry glare from Anna. Anna had expected her to defend her not to add salt to her injury, when she was with Matteo she had made sure she kept all her past in the past but it seemed they had gone to do their research on her before they agreed to tag along with her. 

How stupid of her to think she would never have this discussion with them. 

"Stephan," they heard someone yelling, the voice got louder alongside the foot steps as Sarah badged into the office, she was holding a device and it caught Matteo's eyes and he knew the device she was holding, he only wondered where she had gotten it from.

He sighed deeply and leaned into his seat knowing fulling well that hell was about to break lose.

The device didn't go unnoticed by Travis as well as Stephan. 

Travis had it in mind already to speak on the fact that the house was bugged but on second thought he figured that Stephan would have been aware of it but decided to keep quiet about it because his security team would have definitely been aware of it.

"This silly bitch," Sarah yelled pointing at Anna who didn't understand what the hell was going on right now. She was still recovering from what Stephan had accused her of and now this nonsense, she rose up from her seat but was placed back on her seat when Sarah have her a resounding slap that took her off balance and back on her seat.

"The fucking house is bugged, I knew she was up to no good," Sarah yelled, she had been wanting to slap Anna for quite somewhile and these was the perfect opportunity. How could she bug the house? What was she trying to gain by keeping an eyes on all of them.

"How dare you?" Anna cried out holding her cheek in confusion. Matteo signalled Sarah to come to his side of his table immediately but her eyes were not complying with him.

"Now," he barked at her as she walked to him furiously.

"How dare you?" Anna said again rising to her feet, she was about to rush to slap Sarah back when she felt a hand holding her back when she turned around she noticed it was one of Stephan's men who was holding her. When had he gotten here?

Was he lurking in the corners all along? She had even expected Shannon to defend her but instead she had this annoying smirk on her face like she was about to burst into laughter. 

The sting of the slap was still affecting her as her hand remained on her check not knowing how to by pass this idiot security and slap the hell out of Sarah, how could she just slap her like that out of the blues.

She watched Matteo tapping his lap as Sarah reluctantly sat down on his lap, he wrapped his hand around her waist and pulled her in and he whispered something into Sarah's ear which Anna could decode from his lips.


"She didn't put the bug, someone else did probably Gonzales. She is unaware of the bug," Matteo spoke out for all to hear and to sort out the issue. He and Stephan had already been informed about the bug earlier and they knew Anna wasn't that sensible to do that but if it was Shannon who had decided on the location. They knew she could do it without a blink of an eye.

"Oh," Sarah muttered.

"Oh, is that all you are going to say when you just slapped," Anna yelled.

"Please just shut up okay," Sarah replied back rolling her eyes.