
Chapter 47

Music recommendation - Adele - easy on me.

She felt her heart beating in her chest as she coughed out lightly to clear whatever tension that was brewing.

If she couldn't handle the situation, she could always just walk away.

She had barely decided on what she wanted to do or how she would go about it when the elevator door opened, she stared around the room and caught sight of Stephan and Matteo who seemed to be engrossed in some discussion. 

She walked in as she felt his eyes on hers.

Nothing had changed about him, why did she think anything wound change about him. He still had that dark look and blank expression on his face.

She opened her mouth to speak but instead she found her hand touching her chest, what was happening to her? She nearly stumbled on the floor when she felt Matteo and Stephan holding on to her.

She stared at them with faint eyes wondering when they had rushed to her quickly. 

"Dawn" she heard Stephan call out to her as she slummed into his hand slowly. This wasn't what she had in mind when she was driving here, if anyone has told her that she would have a panic attack she would have said it was a lie.

She felt like her heart would rip out of her chest any moment from now and that she would run our of breathe really soon.

"Relax," she heard Stephan as he carried her I'm his arm bridal style and laid her gently on the couch, immediately Matteo handed her a paper bag and without being told she breathed in and out of the bag continuously.

She stared at him wondering how he had gotten a paper bag so quickly, did they just have it randomly lying around incase someone had a panic attack or something. 

She stared back at Stephan and she could notice a small cut at the side of his lips as well as a small bandage on his collarbone, if he was standing up right she was sure she wouldn't have seen it but the way he was leaning in.

She wondered what he had been up to of late, even Matteo's knuckle were red. They kept staring at her as she continued to breathe into the bag.

"I will call Sarah," Matteo said bringing out his phone from his pocket and dialing Sarah's number quickly.

"Hey," he heard Sarah's voice on the second beep.

"Can you come to the office?"

"Is everything alright?"

"Dawn is having a panic attack."

"She is having a what?" He heard her yell over the phone. "I will be there shortly, just keep her stable for me." Sarah added disconnecting the call.

Dawn breathed in some more and was slowly feeling a bit relived but her head was spinning in circles and she didn't know why, was this some pregnancy symptom thing. She tried to get herself to sit upright as Stephan assisted her.

"How are you feeling?" Stephan asked staring at Dawn.

"Water," Dawn replied removing the paper bag from her mouth and coughing out lightly.

Matteo rushed to the table on cue, taking the jug filled with water he poured some into the glass close by and offered it to Dawn.

"Sarah will be here to check up on you," Matteo reassured her as she drank the water on the go.

"It's fine, the main reason I came here," Dawn said handing the glass back to Matteo as he took it from her and returned it back on the table. "Is to inform you, that I don't need your money."

What money was she talking about? Matteo wondered staring at the two of them, this was his cue to definitely leave the room. Did Stephan send her money? Why would he send her money?

"What money?"

"Don't play games with me," Dawn replied staring at him.

"Games?" Stephan chuckled.

What was funny? Why was he finding it funny? She watched him rise to his feet hands in his pockets. 

"You look hungry, what should Matteo get you?"

"Me?" Matteo questioned in disbelief, okay he was definitely going to leave this two alone. He was about to when the elevator door opened as Sarah rushed in holding a bag in her hand.

She stared at them, then at Dawn as she handed her the bag in her hand.

"Eat," she ordered staring at Dawn.

"I will eat once Stephan takes back his money," Dawn replied.

"What money?" Sarah asked perplexed.

"Same thing on my mind," Matteo confessed.

"What money is she talking about?" Sarah asked turning around to stare at Stephan.

"The two hundred dollars I sent to her," Stephan replied. Clearly there was nothing to hide as Sarah was going to ask Dawn about it if he refused to answer.

He had wanted to remain anonymous about the money but he also wanted Dawn to know he was the one who had sent it, over the weeks they had been apart he had tried to get her off his mind by drinking or getting too much workload but every time he got back home to rest he suddenly missed her warmth.

It still baffled him that this woman had these effect on him without even making a movie or an effort to reach out to him, she never for once called him or even asked about him.

He had listened in on Sarah's conversation about Dawn but not once did she mention him, did he suddenly lose his touch?

He was used to women who he had dumped in the past chasing after him for months but this woman only took a week and forgot about him.

He didn't know what prompted him to send that money but he was sure part of it had to do with his ego.

"The two hundred what?" Sarah exclaimed. "And this money is for what?"

Even Sarah had been distant since the whole incident and he didn't quite understand it, she was used to women walking in and out of his life so why did she take Dawn's own personal.

He even heard they now hanged out together, he had thought because they lived in the same house that was why they were close but he realized they had suddenly developed a bond that didn't care about distance.

"Her upkeep I suppose," Matteo chipped in sitting down on the couch already getting fed up of whatever Stephan was up to, his body still hurt from the little game they had last night. He was sure Sarah had not yet noticed if not she would have been bringing the roof down.

"And what the fuck is up with your hand?" She yelled staring at Matteo this time. "And also you?" She turned to Stephan who was also taking a seat sighing in deeply. "You both told me you were going for a business meeting."

"Babe, we are fine."

"Fine?" Sarah replied. "If you guys were planning to go and get yourself killed, you should at least give me a heads up."

"Killed?" Dawn busted out and wish she hadn't. She didn't want to seem like she cared about whatever was going on right now, really she didn't care if Stephan decided to go and die but as the father of her unborn child he didn't have the right to just go and get himself killed.

"I totally forgot to tell you that Stephan and Matteo here have been coming home with different bruises," Sarah turned to stare at Dawn. She walked up to Matteo and held his face by the jaw showing Dawn as Matteo groaned in pain. "Do you see that? He is in pain." She informed Dawn dropping his face as Matteo moves his mouth trying to shake off the pain in his jaw.

"Now i will appreciate it if you will also not try to kill yourself, by eating right this minute," Sarah said.

"I just..."

"After you eat, you can refund the money. I even have his account number." Sarah reassured her as she watched Dawn slowly opening the food she had bought on her way.

The food smelled so nice, Dawn stared at all of them who were staring right back at her.

This was really awkward, it was like they were babysitting her or something.

"I will eat this at home," Dawn said about to rise up on her feet.

"Sit your ass back there and eat," She heard Stephan order.

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

"I heard your sister is back home," Travis said while they were at the dinning. Olivia had seemed more quiet and distance since there last conversation, he was the one always bringing up conversation to get her to talk.

"And how is this my business? Is there something you are trying to say?"

"I know how bored it can be for you being here all alone," Travis said.

"Oh you do?" Olivia asked but it was more of a statement than a question.

"We could pay her a visit."


"Or you could go and spend sometime with her."

"I would enjoy stabbing my stomach than doing that."

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 

Damien had spent his days taking over the family business and continuing from where Jerome left off, taking over was easy but forgetting everything was hard.

"I don't know how true it is but the man said he was going to meet her to discuss it with her," the man said.

Damien had been involving himself with a lot of top men in the industry, after losing Dawn he decided to become more than what he once was. He knew Dawn was not a woman who was attracted by wealth but he needed the wealth regardless to at least get her attention.

One would call him crazy for chasing a woman who clearly didn't want him but when news had gotten to him that Dawn had moved out of Stephan's house and was back in her own house, he knew he still had a chance.

Even now, one of his guards brought in a man who was saying something about Dawn being associated to some wealth, he didn't quite understand it but he wanted an upper hand on the story before Stephan did.

He had paid the man a huge sum to look into the story properly and get back to him.

"I still don't understand how she is tied to the Gonzales, her father's surname is Hemlocks," Damien replied the man going through the file the man had given him. The file contained information about some Mafia boss who was looking for his daughter who happens to be Dawn according to this man.

"He obviously changed his name or maybe his wife's surname."

"The story doesn't add up, how can Dawn be his daughter but Olivia is not his daughter." 

"It will only mean that her mother probably cheated or something because if we do the DNA we can..."

"So these here isn't even certain, this is just a guess work."

"Mr Gonzales slept with Dawn's mother and..."

"I will look into it," Damien reassured him and truly he was going to look into it, all he had to do was get the DNA done. It was a long shot but he was willing to do it for Dawn's sake "Thank you for the information," Damien smiled at him. He rose to his feet and offered the man a handshake.

The man rose to his feet as well and gave Damien a handshake.

"I will be sending the balance immediately," Damien reassured him as they shook hands.

"I will appreciate that also you might want to look into her house maid, heard she is related to someone you know," the man added. 

"Someone I know?" Damien replied.
