

Alexander pov :

It's our first day and I'm very happy I don't know how I fall asleep in a strange place when I was on a business trip I stay awake for days because I can't feel safe to sleep but in this bed, it's like I'm under a spell.

and when I get up jack was in the bakery so I got after him, he was talking with Mila.

" ... Mila can you be my " I feel my heart stop I can't let him ask Mila to be his girl she is mine.

but she is not mine.

I don't care

" Jack can we talk in private," I ask with a cold voice

" Sur but I'm not moving until Mila accepts my request to be my sister "

my jealousy and the shock of her being pregnant blinded me? I forgot that he is my brother. I forgot that I am the only one who knows he is gay, I kept looking at Mila, trying to remember where I met her.

The problem is I feel that I know her, and not just that I saw her before. I have to ask her some questions to know where we met, I didn't listen to what she said to him, and before I speak, her friend interrupted me

"The witch is coming" is what he is talking about

" Who are you talking about, " Jack asks for me

" This slut who claims to be Mila's friend but she is jealous of her, I swear she is the reason for your .." Mila cut him

" Elijah shut up" who is this girl

" Hello, do you have clients "

I didn't like how she talk and her makeup oh my god, I was annoyed by her voice I hate when a woman changes her voice to look sexy and all she can is be a goat

" They are the new tenants " thank god this angel voice save my ears

" Wow, we have sexy company, I'm Jenny, Mila's best friend "

" After me "

" Oh, shut up, you bastard "

oh my god jack shiver in front of me that Jenna or jenny dig into her grave.

" Jenny, don't talk to him like that "

" Young men, do you want to go out tonight? "

Maybe in your dream

" Weren't we going to spend the night at home"

" Oh Mila, I didn't mean you to go out, how can we find you a dress who feet on your stomach? "

I swear I'm about to kill her I look at Mila and she was red I want to hug her, I don't care if she is married or had a boyfriend I don't care that I only meet her today I was cut with my thoughts when the stupid talk

" Sure, what do you think we should meet at the downtown bar? " I will kill you, my dear friend

"I will go prepare myself for the evening"

" Jack out now " when we are outside I yell at him

" Are you fucking kidding me, I was thinking that you are interested in Elijah you didn't ask Mila to be your fucking sister and you are now, like bastard going with that slut to a date, and not only that but you are thinking that I will fucking going with you "

" Hey, brother slow down all this because she was mean to Mila you are... "I didn't let him complete

" Just shut up "

" No you chut up I'm not going to that date nor you tonight we'll stay with Mila and Elijah "

" Oh my god you are so mean hhhhh"

" So that she learn to not say about my angel a bastard "

" Oh my jack finally you have the brave to claim your man I'm proud of you "

" I'm happy for you too finally your cold heart starts beating for a woman "

" A woman that can never be mine "

" Why bro you can ween her heart, or because she is pregnant you don't want another man's child "

" What are you talking about, I can't make a move on another man girl, I'm not like that "

" There is no another man "

I was smiling like an idiot when I felt a flash blinding me

"Why do you take a picture of me, and why do you look at me like this "

Then he hugged me hard

"Alex, you have not smiled since the accident and I take your picture because your mother will come back to life when she will see your smile "

I felt my eyes watering so I left him and went straight back to the house.

Jack pov :

I'm very happy to see my friend and brother smile he was so sad and cold since the accident of our father my father was the driver of Alex father for this we are friends since the birth after the death of our fathers We went through a big crisis that I managed to overcome thanks to Anna, Alex's mother, but she couldn't help Alex.

Oh I have to call her

" Mom, how are you "

" Oh, Jack, I miss you. I don't want you to stay away. Come back I'm so lost without the two of you "

" I will send you something that will make you change your opinion ".

I sent her a picture of Alex smiling. Then I heard her screaming on the phone.

" Oh my God, Jack, I'm coming right now, we'll buy that place, we'll buy the whole city "

" Stop it, not the place that makes him smile it's Mila "

" The lady who owns the bakery are you crazy "

" She is young only twenty-one. I think that in a week Alex will be in love with her "

" I want to be with you, I want to see her


" We have to let them discover their feelings on their own, in addition, there are some difficulties I can't take about them. Better to hear it from Alex at the right time ."

" Okay, Jack, how about you? Why do I feel that it's not only Alex having fun "

" Hahaha, sometimes I feel like you give birth to me. Are you sure that I am not your son?"

" Of course, you are my son, Jack. soon I will have a son and daughter-in-law? "

" Mom did Alex tell you "

" I don't need anyone to tell me about my son. I was waiting for you to tell me, but I waited too long "

"I'm sorry, I was afraid that I disappoint you "

" You can't disappoint me. I want to get to know your new friends. I won't wait for long, Jack. Tell Alex I will come anytime."

" If Alex knew that I told you, he would kill me "

" Don't worry, he knows that you can't hide anything. tell him that Georgia come home. She started calling me mom, but I told her that I don't want her to call me that

"Haha Alex will kill himself she shouldn't know where we are "

" Of course honey, I'm very happy that this bitch had no chance with Alex "

" I love you "

" I love you too "