
All I could ever want in DC

A weak boy wants nothing more then strength even if he is powerful all he wants is to show others there place below him. Cover not mine I can take it down and I own nothing but my oc

Armoti_Nelson · Jeux vidéo
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Chapter 14: Final act, the queens anger and slumber

Taken Queen pov

"Savathun with me...my husband has spoken its time to end this planet it sounds like he is growing bored".

Savathun "yes my queen"

Looking at my 'father' raising my hand trying to lift him but nothing happens.

Savathun "my queen you let it flow and bend it to your will. You are not a child lashing out try to get it to do what you want. Force it to do your bidding as my brothers mate you can do much more then you can every imagine"

Hearing her words I no longer let the hate control me. I felt nothing for him raising my hand again he started to float. Grabbing at his neck as I yanked back my other hand a greenish spiritual form of my father is ripped out. He's lifeless body hit the floor. Tossing the Spirit of my father to the side it's scattered in the wind.

Savathun "good my queen" she said to me as we went out of the throne room passing through the massive hall leading to the castle door. While floating pass the souls of the guards were sucked out and taken energy turned them to ash. Ramming the doors of the floating Caste open they broke off falling onto the city. Looking down at the city with the beings running and frown. 'pathetic'

End pov

Third person pov

The peaceful capital of alpha went on as it did children played and the people mingles worked ate and went about there lives not knowing the horror of what transpired in the floating castle. Until the giant doors of the Castle were broken open plummeting towards the ground at great speed destroying the buildings below. Bridges and high rises fell crushing many. Panic broke out seeing two giant feminine being came out and floated over the city.

"Ahhhhhhhhh ! Enoughhhh!!!" A Terrifying feminine voice rang through out the city as if they were compelled. Many stopped in there tracks looking at the beings.

(A.N if anyone has fought a hive boss female you know the yell they make haha)

"I am Vesme the taken queen....wife of oryx my husband has grown tired of this world parish!!" The bigger of the 2 said as she put her hands together as a yellowish green flame came from them.


One word was heard a as waves of the spiritual yellowish flame past over them. Expanding over the whole city. No one felt a thing until there souls Tour from the bodies burning up in the same yellowish green flames. Killing and Melting everything buildings and elementals alike. In only a few seconds this once lively city turned into nothing as spirits floated and scattered in the wind.

Vesme pov

Watching the city burn to nothingness I felt nothing. It was in the name of my husband. Even if it was trillions of lives I'd feel no different if he told me to. This power is amazing.

"Savathun my husband will be pleased, telling him of how you helped me im sure he will be even more so" hinting that I would get her more favor with oryx.

Savathun "thank you my queen"

Tearing the space open with the help of savathun we went back to to the throne world.

Crota/zulmak/alak "mother/queen" my three sons say to me as I go to take the newly made throne next to him.

"It is done husband" I say with my head lowered. I didn't need kneel like that of my family.

Oryx "very good my queen" tearing the space open and seeing a grey skinned bald creature step through I looked down at him ready to protect oryx even if it wasn't necessary.

"Why is this creature here oryx".

Darkseid "watch your tongue women" as he his eyes glow with a strange orangish light.

Oryx "no watch yours usax her words hold the same weight as mine" he says as he looks down over the being usax.

Oryx "go claim this world i have completed what I have set out to do. This world is yours along with this system. Zulmak/alak"

Zulmak/alak "yes father"

Oryx "you will convert this system and any other that usax has set his eyes on"

Zulmak/alak "your will" bowing to me and oryx.

Darkseid "I will make great use of them master I have more worlds to conquer I'll be going my lord" dropping to one knee.

Oryx "you have been patient young usax as I promised here" pushing the energy into usax he did not scream fletch nothing as he body absorbs it. Growing a little bigger as the scar at he's shoulder disappeared and the small amount out taken energy you could visibly see passing through he's vain and flicker in his eyes.

Darkseid "ahh thank you master I will not fail you again" let out a gasp as he breathed out Steam coming from either side of his mouth.

Oryx "go and do as you have said there will be no second chance" the space ripped open behind him.

Looking through the space watching as countless ships shot Rail cannons colliding together forming a omega like symbol before shooting down toward the planet watching as it ripped through the planet turning it into nothing but a cracked molten rock. Well the areas that hadn't been completely destroyed and turned to nothing by his queen/sons/sister.

The image changed to that of darkseid ship seeing granny goodness and dasaad looking into the world and bowing there head.

"Zulmak/alak my children do not fail me or your father understood" with Venom in my voice.

Zulmak "it will be as you will"

Alak "yes queen"

As they stand from there throne slam there weapons on the ground twice and follow behind darkseid. 'I don't like that creature'

Oryx "now then savathun you will teach my queen how to use our magic/taken energy and mold worlds to my likening....as for crota you will teach her our way...before that I have a task for you....as for me I will slumber until there's something that peaks my interest comes again"

Leaning over and caressing my face with gentleness you would not expect of him. Standing He walks comes in front of me bringing his forehead to mine.

Oryx "from now until I awake your words will be as if I said it" in a whisper as his face Morphs into something more humanoid and my helm moves back and he kisses my lips. A warm tight feeling washed over my hearts as I felt the connection between us. 'He is mine as i am his'. The lights in my eyes flash as I watch is back walk toward a space tour to his ship. From the connection I could feel is longing for strength hate for weakness the loneliness and his pain from not being as strong before even if I could not imagine it. I reach my hand out to his disappearing back.

In a whisper i say 'Oryx'.

End pov

Oryx pov

"Crota with me there is a task I would have you do" as we walk back on to my ship. My form changes back to that of my armor.

Crota "whatever it is I will not fail you"

Following behind me to the throne room. I step in as taken energy spread out through the room sucking all the light out. Sitting on the throne I look at my son. 'It's to much of a bother to deal with little things until the time of cannon happens for this universe what may feel like thousands of years to others is a few minutes for me'.

"There is a planet in a place called the Milky Way sector 2814 there is one planet with weak creatures called humans it is also inhabited by 2 species similar to them and these beings that call themselves gods. They became a nuisance for my disciple I want you go a make sure they are no longer one. Do not destroy the planet just there so called gods" I say as I place my hand on his head and transfer what I know of the universe into his mind.

Crota "it will be done father" before lifting his head and getting up.

"Know this Crota my son if you fail me it means death" I watch as he slams he is weapon on the floor and walks to the massive doors and closes them behind him.

'The galaxy will not know peace while I sleep but when I wake again...I will show them it was better if I had stayed sleeping'.

While the light in my eyes flashed and then faded into the dark energy around me.