
No More Hiding

The next morning Mia awoke alone in bed. The sheets beside her were cold so she knew that Timothy had been up for a while. Mia climbed out of bed and went straight to shower. Once she was clean and her hair dry, she pulled on a pair of stretchy wide-leg yoga pants and a long sleeve tee along with some comfortable sneakers.

Mia went into the kitchen finding pastries on the counter. Mia selected one as her cup of coffee brewed and grabbed a banana and a handful of strawberries to go with it. She sat at the breakfast bar to eat. When she finished Mia took her coffee with her to the office. Her morning sickness had been sporadic so far. This morning, she felt fine.

When Mia walked into the office both Tim and Caleb were standing behind the desk watching something on the laptop. Both men were on the phone. Tim was speaking hurriedly in a frustrated tone while Caleb was hissing quick answers to someone. Mia sat on the couch and waited for them to finish on the phone. She set her coffee cup on the table and picked up a stack of today's papers.

The front-page headlines stared out at Mia. 'Wedding touted as Event of the Year. Aide Castle the Place to be.' and 'Timothy Barrett Secretly Marries Mia Lane.' and 'Timothy Barrett Claims Heirs, Heir Apparent Documents Inside, Leaves Everything to Wife and Children.' and 'A Son and Daughter for Timothy Barrett with Heiress Wife Mia Lane, Heirs Documents Within.'

Mia slapped the papers down and looked over at the men. "How bad is the backlash?"

Tim looked at Mia. "Stock prices are fluctuating rapidly but not nearly as widely as we expected. The marriage between us helps confidence because it allies Barrett Group with Lane Group. Also, the wedding that ties the Barrett's to the Nolan's helps because Mrs. Nolan is such a fierce protector of her family's reputation. Having two heirs is helpful as well. The fluctuations are slowing since investors have seen the positive articles on Aide Castle and remember the new collaboration with Barrett Group. It has been a hectic morning but not as bad as it could have been."

Mia nodded. "Any word on how people that we know are receiving the existence of Sage?"

"I have gotten several texts and calls from my mother. Have you checked your phone?" Tim remarked.

Mia shook her head pulling out her phone. Eva had called and left a voicemail apparently Dominic was livid about the marriage, the pregnancy, and the Heir Documents being published. Jason and Nathan had both sent texts asking about the fallout this morning. She replied to both letting them know that things were beginning to stabilize and hadn't been as bad as expected because of the power of their families combined in part.

As the day wore on things improved significantly in a business sense. Caleb was finally able to leave for his meeting with the mayor. However, the calls from the press were constant. They wanted to know why Mia and Tim had hidden their marriage? Why had Mia hidden the existence of her son for all these years?

Timothy set up a press conference for six that evening and he and Mia had gone to the conference together. They told the press that they hid their marriage because they didn't want outside interference as they began their married life. Mia explained that Sage had been kept secret until the Heir Documents were published. Timothy thanked the press for giving them a chance to adjust to their lives openly. The press conference ended, and Mia ignored the questions about Nicholas.

Caleb returned about the same time as Tim and Mia. He was all smiles.

Caleb was pacing in the living room. "The mayor has granted permission for me to ask Jasmine to marry me." Mia told him that was wonderful because Jasmine was a great girl. Tim clapped his friend on the shoulder. Caleb begged Mia to help him pick a ring for Jasmine. She refused, telling him it would mean more if he picked it himself.

As the family ate dinner in the dining room, Tim told them that they should move to the estate in the next couple of days. Their lives were becoming normalized, and it was time to move home. Mia agreed with a smile.


Timothy wrapped his arms around Mia as he leaned against the kitchen island in their estate. Tim kissed his wife gently then placed a kiss on her neck behind her ear. Mia shivered at the sensation.

"Now that things are more settled, I plan to keep my arms around you all the time." Tim declared.

Mia laughed aloud. "Really? All the time?"

"Absolutely," Tim vowed pulling her mouth to his in a hungry kiss. They heard the others as they entered the kitchen. "Damn it." Tim cursed quietly.

Three people stood in the doorway awkwardly. "Forgive our intrusion but I am supposed to go over the meal plans with Mrs. Barrett." Mia nodded, waving Chef May and the kitchen staff into the room.

"I need to get this done Tim, so they can do the shopping for our meals. Can you take this box of dolls up to Ginger?" Mia told him regretfully.

"Another box of dolls, seriously?" How many dolls could one little girl have? Tim kissed Mia lightly then walked out of the kitchen.

"Where are my arms, Timothy?" Mia called to her husband. She was surprised when he walked back into the room and wrapped his arms around before kissing her soundly, not caring who was watching. Finally, Tim gave her a gentle swat on the ass and walked back out of the room.

Mia turned to Chef May who was grinning widely. Mia bent over the menus with the chef and started to put together a meal plan that would appeal to each of them plus had extras that she needed during her pregnancy. When the chef started to recognize some of the items as those that an expectant mother should eat the chef removed a few items that Mia shouldn't have, and they shared a small smile.

Tim dropped off the box of dolls with Ginger. Her room was awash of toys already. Ginger said she was organizing them but for the life of him he could not see how. He had laughed at her explanation and left her to it. Timothy didn't want any part of it. He stopped in to see Sage, his room was the exact opposite of Ginger's. The room was perfectly tidy and organized. Sage sat at a bank of computer monitors and was talking to his hacker crew. Sage waved at him, and Tim smiled back before leaving the room.

Tim walked back down the stairs marveling at how different his life was from just four months ago. He had everything he had ever wanted. Timothy had a beautiful wife, two intelligent children, and another child on the way. He had this beautiful home and a successful business, and Tim had friends worth keeping. He felt like the luckiest man alive and that scared the hell out of him because he had so much to lose.

Tim was nearly at the bottom of the stairs when his phone rang. He could see Mia in the kitchen, and she looked up at the sound. Timothy pulled his phone out and was concerned when he saw the caller. It was Grandma Laura's nurse, and they had spoken just yesterday. There had been no change in her condition. His concern must have shown on his face because suddenly Mia was there when he reached the bottom of the stairs. Timothy answered the phone.

"Hello, this Mr. Barrett." Tim said quickly.

"Mr. Barrett this is nurse Alice. I have some exciting news." The nurse exclaimed.

"Yes, what is it?" Tim inquired impatiently.

"It is Mrs. Barrett Senior, sir, she is awake and asking for you." The nurse told him. Tim felt like he was in shock and grabbed the stair banister.

"My family and I will be there right away. No one is to be notified or allowed to see her until I get there." Timothy ordered.

"Of course, sir." The nurse replied.

Timothy hung up the phone. "Grandma Laura is awake." Tim told Mia.

"I will get us, and the children packed. Caleb is in your study. He can help you with the other arrangements. Don't forget about Peyton, Angela, and our Security. How about thirty minutes before the car is brought around?" Mia fired off their needs rapidly already starting up the stairs to pack the children first.

Mia packed each of them for a week plus they each had a backpack. Ginger's held her toys and art supplies while Sage's held his computer equipment, a book, and a small container of blocks.

Mia had the children stay in the living room with their luggage. She saw Angela walking into the living room from the staff quarters area with a bag. Mia headed to her and Tim's room packing them both efficiently. Tim came in a moment later to take the luggage out to the foyer. Caleb was there with his bag as was Peyton. Caleb told Mia that Jasmine would meet them at the airport. Outside were four burly bodyguards each holding a duffel bag.

"Tim, how big is your jet?" Mia asked her husband.

"Big enough for this crew plus a few people." Tim answered pulling Mia into his arms.

"I was wondering where those arms were?" Mia told him sweetly.

Timothy kissed her softly then placed his forehead against hers. "Mia, I love you."

"I know." Mia kissed him. "I love you more."

"Not possible." Tim whispered, moving his hands to her face and kissing her deeply for a moment.

"Ewwwww..." Sage groaned making gagging noises.

"It's sweet and it makes me happy." Ginger stuck her tongue out at her brother with her hands on her hips.

Tim pulled Mia close to him as they laughed at their children's antics. Three cars pulled into the round driveway and the drivers got out to load the luggage and open car doors. Tim, Mia, Caleb, and the twins piled into the Rolls Royce. The others climbed into the seats of the two sedans.