

So, hey! ^^;

My name is Amelia, but people call me Mel. I tend to feel things get a bit more personable and people would enjoy my work more if they knew a little more about me. I'm recently eighteen. I'm bi, and a total weirdo. As a kid I had wanted to be popular but never really fit in? And then in middle school I discovered that's because I was never meant to, and there's a label for people like me.

What I mean by total weirdo? Well, I have a lot of different hyperfixations about shit no one cares about (that's not necessarily true, people like franchises). And then I write my what-ifs about them. Fanfic, essentially.

I like a whole lotta different books, movies, shows, and video games. But I mostly write fanfic about Undertale, Omori, Dream SMP, DDLC, and MHA. So uh, yeah. Look forward to that. ^^; I understand if you don't care for that, just know that's what you're going to get.

I'll probably post some of my more in progress fics here, ones I like but need some more work. To see some of my more tidied projects, visit me at Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/NotASnaccImAMel

That's all! Sayonara!!!