
Aliens And Monsters

Aliens and Monster is a science fiction story that shows a beautiful planet with the most incredible human-like creatures who also have super incredible powers. Those powers included their super strength, their ability to learn and speak new languages fluently simply by hearing someone else speak them. They also can live for two hundred years and can even live longer if they choose to. On their planet, there are no illnesses, no sadness but there is lots of happiness and there is good and evil just like on planet Earth. Scientists hoped to find such a planet and abandon Earth to live there. A planet where no one loses their loved ones and where no one gets sick or sad or upset that things ain't going their way. A happy world. Just perfect! If you want to find out more about this story, then read to the end. This is my first time writing science fiction, just trying it out but I need your support to continue. Thanks.

Mey0 · Romance
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Truly a spy for the Xylo planet saw their ship landing and immediately alerted the other soldiers but they were secretly watching them to see if they were foes or friends.

They made hand signals at themselves and moved forward. David asked his men to pretend as if they didn't see them and keep on talking loudly.

"Raise your hands." The Gents soldiers yelled as they came closer surprising David and his men.

"Goddamn Aliens also speak English," Joseph whispered.

"I said raise your hands....." Before the Gent who was speaking could finish her sentence, David shot at her in the head and the Gent dropped to the ground. The others looked down and saw blood oozing from the forehead of their fellow Gent soldier.

"Why did you do that sir, we could have talked to them," Joseph said to his boss.

"Yes, they seemed harmless. Now you have ruined everything, they will harm my daughter." Mr. Denis said to David and started sobbing.

"Both of you should stop being a bunch of wimps. We should show them who's boss now, only then can we get out of here without making a deal for our lives with them." He yelled at them and told all his men to be at attention, any movement from the Aliens shouldn't be taken lightly, they should be shot on the spot.

Although the Gent that was shot didn't die because of how strong they were, she was severely injured and was in a lot of pain.

They spoke to each other in their language and suggested not to fight until their wounded soldier was treated. After their discussion, they went down on their knees.

"Our soldier is wounded so please do not harm anyone else among us. We surrender to you."

"See, my logic is right." David Swiffer said with a smile.

They tied the Gents up and took them captive. Joseph was quite fascinated by the wounded soldier, she was very beautiful with strange long hair.

"If I wasn't here with Swiffer, I would think that I am dreaming." He thought to himself.

Mr. Denis asked the Gents a lot of questions as they led them to the GeGents'ity.