
Art and Drama

Biology was over and we had to go to another class afterwards. I didnt really pay attention to the rest of the classes until we had art and drama. I went to art after the bell rang for another class. I went on there and waited for Kat and Adrien.

Kat came in and gave me a hug and pulled me to a chair next to her. Then Adrien came in and say on my other side. The art teacher had glass, black curly hair , and wore a patterned dress. She told us the rules and that we may get started. I began working on my art piece. I decided that I would make a drawing.

I began working on my art and Kat and Adrien were talking while I pretended to pay attention by saying 'mhm' whenever they looked at me or asked a question. I got far into my drawing and I was absent mindedly paying little attention to them whenever I heard Kat ask Adrien , " So Adrien you think Zia is cute? Would you ever date her? Hookup sometime maybe? "

I blew air past my lips making a scoffing noise and then I started coughing. Adrien looked at Kat with an open mouth since she was being so straightforward and he looked at me. Kat and Adrien were patting me on the back while I was recovering from my coughing fit.

We settled back down and Adrien was trying to answer the question. He was fidgeting his pencil and looking anywhere but at us. He cleared his throat.

"Well ... I mean she seems like a good person. She's funny, witty, saucy, has an attitude, very dramatic, kind, warm hearted, crazy, affectionate, loving, and good looking, like I mean you are really hot. But I don't think Zia is ready for this hot tamale. We just met this morning! I mean I ... I guess I would. Only if Zia likes me back though. And if she doesn't now, she will. And that's a promise Zia." He looked to me with his smoldering eyes with a wink and then the bell rung making us pack up .

We left art and me and Kat walked to drama with Adrien until we got to the doors and Adrien had to leave so he could go to gym.We walked in and took our seats in the auditorium and waited for our teacher.The dramas teachers was a guy in his thirties that looked really good for him.He had black hair ,olive skin, and blue eyes that were almost grey.

He introduced himself as Mr.Richolds. He told us that if we couldn't take improvising and coming up with lines on your own knowing that you could mess up, then we were to leave and go join gym.Half of the people left the theater. They were probs here to get out of exercise.

The rest that were left were the people that would be in class and the next big stars in Hollywood. Or at least in town. I looked around for Liam and spotted him at the top of the auditorium, behind me. I waved and he saw me. He smiled and waved back. Man, his smile sent the butterflies in my stomach go crazy.

I turned around and turned my attention to Mr.Richolds.

"Well class, we will start off this year's class by putting on a musical." The class went into a fit of cheers. "You will all have to try out for parts, but right now we will be doing a little get to know each other activity. We will all stand up and sing a snip it of the first song you know, tell us your favorite book and then play one of the characters, or imitate your favorite actor and tell us their name afterwords. Liam, let's start with you." Liam in the back, starts to smirk. "Okay sir."

Liam stood up he looked at me, his smug grin still there. He opens his mouth and he starts singing a song, and oh my goodness, it sounds like an angel possessed him and sang from Liam's soul. After he was done sing a well known pop song and Mr.Richolds picks Kat next who is sitting next to me, which means I'll most likely be next. Kat stands up and sings as well. Her voice is amazing and it sounds like a goddess gifted her with an amazing voice and looks. No wonder every time we walk in the hallways girls stare at her with jealousy and boys with lust. Once she is done Mr.Richolds spots me, which he then sports a big smile.

"Well it looks like we got a new student class, welcome to theatre. It seems you already made some friends." He nods at Kat and then chucks his head at Liam who,of course, has to open his big mouth.

"Don't worry Mr. Rich, she's with me. She a special one alright. She's mine and I plan on keeping her." He says pointedly at some jock looking kids. He really has the audacity to say that when I've only had one conversation with him.

I hear a few disappointed groans and grumbles from the jocks and Kat only chuckles.

One of the jocks speaks out and tells Liam, " I hope you know Adrien won't be happy a out this." He waves his hand between Liam and me. " He wants Zia and he'll do anything to get her, whether he has to fight his best friend or not. " Liam gets angry and his face flushes red.

"You can tell Adrien that he can stick Zia's and his relationship in his a-"

"Okay boys, you can do this after school. Well Zia, looks like you've become pretty popular around here. Now we are running out of time and we need to start auditions. Here are the parts that you can play. " Mr.Richolds passes out papers and I hear the high pitched squeal of Veronica and her gaggle of girls. "Eeeek! Omg! I so want to be the main female role, she gets to kiss the main male role. Lieeeeeauuuummm! You should so be like the male role. We would get to kiss, and we have perfect chemistry so it will look so real. Come on Le Boo! Kiss me! " She giggled in a high pitched annoying voice.

Thinking of Veronica and Liam kissing made my chest bubble with jealousy. I clenched my fist and became flushed with anger. Ugh! She annoys me so much!

"Jealous much?" I hear a voice in my ear as Liam had snuck up behind me and put his head in the crook of my neck. I felt his slither his arms around my waist, and I have a tingle feeling resonating throughout my body.

"I just don't like Veronica and her gaggle of girls." I tell him. Liam chuckles and he turns his head so our faces our mere inches away from each other . He looks into my eyes. "You know, I just love your violet eyes and your brown hair matches it so perfectly." His electric blue orbs change their line of sight to my lips and I instinctively lick them while I look at his.

I hear him moan slightly. "Oh baby, don't do that, otherwise I won't be able to resist kissing you."

He drags a hand up to my face and traces my lips. It feels like my lips are on fire. He leans closer and so do I. Wait what are you doing Zia? You just met Liam.

"Eh hem!" We turn and our noses slightly brush together making me blush at the realization of our intimate position and close proximity . Veronica is standing one row below is with her hands on her hips, glaring daggers at me.

"Liam, care to explain what your doing with this filthy piece of trash?" She then turns her head an inch to stare at Liam.

" Go away Veronica. " He seeths the at her.

"Why should I? You know I'm better than this monstrosity and that you want me, not her." She throws at him.

"Actually that has never gone through my head until now, and I think that its the biggest lie I've ever heard." He counters back.

" Whatever! I'll make you love me. I've dated all the boys including you and slept with almost all of them. " She says. Jeez, slept with almost all of them? I hope she died with all those diseases they carry.

"I dated you two years ago, Veronica! Get over it!" He practically yells.

She stomps a foot and turns on her heel. He goes back to hugging me and tells me, " She is so annoying. I only dated her because Adrien dared me to ask her out, and it's still the biggest regret of my life. I will never want her. "

Liam takes a deep breath and good over the chair next to me so he can stand in front of me. Once he's over he holds out his hand. "How about we go audition for those main roles, shall we?" I chuckle and take his hand. " Let's go. "


Liam and I auditioned for the main male and female roles, since we had to audition in partners.

After we a red out the scene with the two of us, Mr.Richolds told us that we would see who got which part tomorrow, and then the bell rang.

Liam, Kat, and I made our way out of the auditorium and into the hallways. We waited in the gym, that way we could be released for the busses.

Adrien and Liam and their gang decided that we would not be riding the bus, but we would all hop into each other's cars and go to Castle Cafe. So I told my Aunt that I was going out with some friends. We all left and I got in a car with Kat. Me and Kat buckled up and drive out of the parking lot.

"So, Chica. A busy day, was it. It seemed like I've been there for more than a week but it was only one day, can you believe it. And may I remind you of the two Romeos chasing you. So who are you gonna pick, cause you can't have both, unless you do some weird three some thing. " I look at Kat. "Kat!" She laughs. "Kidding kidding. But I'm serious,you can't have both. It's not right. So who are you gonna choose girly?" I think about it. " I honestly don't know Kat. It's only the first day! Plus I've had enough drama with art and drama. " Kat squeals. "Oh, I know! I found it so cute when Adrien was getting so flustered at my question. And don't act like I didn't see you and Mr. Big shots spooning each other.And that almost kiss. Ugh it made my heart stop. And you enjoyed it! Girl I don't know what your going to do. I'm betting Liam though, just so you know. "

I laugh. "Whatever you want Kat." So Art and Drama, this is going to be one neck of a day, and you helped cause it.

Now I have to finish it.