
Alien in the Cultivation World

We're so used to magicians, reincarnators, transmigrators and other race in the cultivation world. But what about an alien? Even better.... An evil one ?

InnocentFox · Fantaisie
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49 Chs

Body Cultivation Part 2

Fang Xuan carefully examined the book .

The first section laid out the basics of body cultivation, describing it as a way to strengthen the body, making it more resilient and powerful.

Unlike Qi cultivation, which dealt with manipulating energy, body cultivation focused on improving physical strength and endurance. 

The next part introduced breathing techniques that were unique to body cultivation. 

Unlike traditional methods used to circulate Qi, these techniques focused on a different purpose. 

He learned that proper breathing could help him recover his stamina faster.

Unlike Qi-oriented breathing techniques, which are usually practiced by cultivators, this technique could be used in everyday activities like walking or talking. 

Most cultivators don't focus on this because the traditional way were more effective and required less effort.

But for Fang Xuan, who couldn't absorbed Qi , this was perfect.

The next topic covered the actual execution.

Each exercise was designed to stretch and strengthen his muscles, improve flexibility, and make him physically stronger. . 

The routine involved doing the exercises over and over again, which would push his muscles to their limits, break them down, and then make them stronger as they healed.

If he followed this routine, his body would become bigger and more muscular, just like other body cultivators.

'I need to master the basics first before moving on to advanced techniques,'

He decided to focus on controlling his breathing first because doing the exercises would take too much time.

While trying to control his breathing, he felt an unpleasant sensation, as if he was inhaling hot air. 

He exhaled sharply, but a violent cough shook him. He bent forward, struggling to catch his breath.

It wasn't as intense as before, but it was still difficult.

'Is it because of my body's condition?' he wondered, struggling to make sense of why such a simple task remained difficult. 

'Forget it, I'll figure it out on the way' he sighed, stretching his legs and preparing to head back to his town. 

While moving, Fang Xuan concentrated on controlling his breathing, following the instructions carefully.

He took short, quick breaths in and out, working to strengthen his lungs.

Though he still struggled with the sensation, he could feel small improvements.

It was like his body was adjusting. 

'This could work!' he exclaimed

The effects were different from what the book described, but his unique constitution might be the reason for this. 

He noticed that while the breathing technique wasn't restoring his stamina as quickly as it was supposed to, it still offered some benefit. 

The fibers in his muscles were adapting to the oxygen, making him feel lighter. His speed had also increased a bit.

That wasn't all he discovered. 

As he ran at full speed, he also noticed that his sense balance had improved. 

He no longer tripped as often, and his movements felt more natural 

However, jumping from one tree to another was still beyond his reach. Such feats required Qi techniques, which he didn't have. 

After several hours, he took a break near a small stream.

He drank some water and checked the makeshift map.

He noted his position and adjusted his path to avoid any potential dangers.

The map was a simple sketch, but it provided clear directions and landmarks to guide him. 

'I'm close,' he said to himself, standing up and gazing at the sky.

'Dong Huiqing, you will pay for all your crimes,'