Only 18+
Before jumping to any life-defining decisions, Natasha preferred to become acquainted with this world a bit better. She was already familiar with the basics of human society, but had mostly focused on the culinary aspects of the tasty species on her visits. If she planned to actually become human, she needed to learn how to blend in while also feeding on them without anyone noticing. That required more exploration.
Imagining a female form for herself, Natasha split her head open like an unfolding bud. A bunch of serpentine green tentacles began to extend from the black depth of her maw. Unlike her original worm-form, those ones weren't hairy, but slippery as eels, striped algae- and dark-green, screeched and slithered through the air with boneless flexibility. At first they were only six, but exponentially multiplied with a rapid pace by branching off into new offshoots. Growing as thick as fingers, they sprouted numerous new tentacles all over themselves, not unlike a branching tree. The squealing and squidgy sounds became louder the more snake-like tendrils wiggled over the ground. In no time at all, the tiny worm had expanded into a flourishing bush of tentacles. It turned pink in its midst, resembling the color of human skin. While the color spread, the squirming mass straightened up and continued to multiply upwards into a column. Now smaller tentacles actually began to surround the thicker ones, intertwining and weaving. Some fused back together, contracted, entwined or conjoined to establish more defined shapes. In mere moments, the construct of wobbling tentacles arranged itself to the appearance of a pale, dark-haired shapely woman, clad in black latex and adorned with precious jewelry. Even though it was night, the park in which Natasha had landed wasn't completely deserted. Three people altogether, two males and a female, had witnessed her transformation from a tiny worm into a gorgeous, half-naked woman and had filmed the more than sensation-worthy occurrence with their phones. Something that wouldn't fly when Natasha intended to remain hidden. Sighing, she pointed a finger towards her first meal on Earth and willed it to extend into a tentacle.
On its way, the tentacle branched off into hundreds more which slung and coiled themselves like ropes around their prey. Being all too familiar with ensnaring the human species, Natasha quickly shoved some of her slimy extremities into their mouths so their screams wouldn't alert others of their kind. Still only using one finger, she hoisted the three of them into the air and carried them over towards her extending maw.
Headfirst the man slid in. Natasha tilted her head so his upright shape could sink vertically down into her. When he got stuck, the tentacles which comprised her belly crawled up to sling themselves around his neck and pulled him down. Moaning and growling, Serleena shook her body to squeeze the rest of the man's legs into her, with her belly already having bulged out to uncannily bloated proportions.
Natasha's species was universally considered as the most capable and powerful. With the phenomenal ability to regulate her own mass with seemingly no limits, they could spawn endless neural roots. Each of those tentacles possessed all of the abilities of a Kylothian. Each could see, smell, taste, devour, feel, multiply, move, change color or absorb through osmosis. Moreover, since Serleena had digested the Light of Zartha, her entire body had turned into an erogenous zone, with the entirety of her unlimited tentacles having practically evolved into genitals. Thus when Natasha felt the man struggling and fighting in her massive belly, unexpected orgasmic pleasures throbbed through her entire organism. His frantic fidgeting merely stimulated the tentacles enclosing him instead of doing them any harm. For Natasha those pleasuring sensations came as a welcomed surprise. Up until now, she had devoured her prey whole because she could taste them longer in her theoretical belly, but now on top of that, her food would also sexually satisfy her and bring her to orgasms. Moaning and shivering she held her puffed out belly and indulged in the unprecedented thrills. She almost forgot about the other two people which still hung above her, wrapped tightly in her wobbling tentacles, while the first prey kept jerking her off from the inside Realizing that she could relish three times the stimulation she currently received, Natasha lowered the woman down towards her head. Her red lips enclosed the woman's head full as her mouth stretched to welcome her next meal in. Slimy and squelching and alien sounds came out her maw as she was shoved and pulled in. Natasha's belly inflated to twice its bizarrely ballooned measures when the woman slid down and was squeezed into a crouched position. Instantaneously she began to hit and kick and squeeze and push against the green wall of squashy tendrils..... stay tuned 🥲