
Chapter 2


"Not again!" cried the Doctor, cradling his injured cheek after the slap that Jackie Tyler had just given him.

"How DARE you waltz back in here after LEAVING Rose for an entire YEAR!" she screamed at him,

"Mum," interjected Rose, placing her hand on her mother's arm, "It's OK, I'm OK,"

"He left you sweetheart and he broke your heart," Jackie said, glaring at the Doctor,

"I know that. Of course I know," Rose said, recalling the past year of fear, hurt and sadness.

Beside her, the Doctor shuffled uncomfortably. He hated himself so much for doing that to Rose, his Rose.

"Look Mum, we've talked it over just now on the TARDIS before we came here. He explained it to me and I've forgiven him. I… I love him, Mum. Surely you can see that?"

Jackie looked at her daughter for a long moment before nodding. "Alright Rose. But if he EVER hurts you again, I will not be responsible for my actions."

The Doctor nodded solemnly and followed Rose out of the flat silently.

"I'm sorry," she said, "I think you've had your fair share of slaps today."

The Doctor touched Rose's cheek lightly. "I deserve them. And all the words of warning. It's great that you have such protective friends and family."

Rose nodded and took the Doctor's hand. "Come on or we'll be late."

"Where are we going?"

"I'm meeting my friends at the pub to celebrate end of exams,"

"I thought all your friends were 16 or 17, Rose…"

Rose grinned. "What the barman doesn't know can't hurt him!"

The Doctor groaned, shook his head and let himself be pulled along by Rose.

'It was OK' thought the Doctor as he surveyed his surroundings in the pub. He had thought spending an evening with a bunch of teenagers would be absolute hell but it was actually OK. All of Rose's friends had accepted him after glaring at him for a while for his treatment of Rose. He thought buying them all a drink might have helped ease that a little. Now, he was sitting on a chair with Rose on his lap, surrounded by them, joking and laughing and generally having a good time.

"I'm getting another drink," said Kirsty, "Anyone else want one?"

"Me!" said Rose, "Hold on, I'll come with you."

She wriggled off the Doctor's lap and took orders from her friends before going up to the bar with Kirsty. The Doctor watched her with a grin on his face as she chatted to the barman. Then her face changed to being thoughtful.

"Err yeah, it's over in my bag," she said, before coming back to the Doctor,

"Doctor," she wheedled, "Can I borrow the psychic paper? He wants ID and I don't have any even though I am old enough to buy alcohol!"

"Rose, the psychic paper isn't supposed to be used for that sort of thing," said the Doctor, patiently.

" Please…" she said, putting on an adorable puppy dog face,

" OK !" he sighed, fishing it out of his pocket.

"Thanks! You're the best!" she grinned and kissed him on the mouth briefly making all her watching friends hoot. The Doctor shook his head. He doubted he'd ever be able to say no to Rose Tyler ever again.

"Hey, the pool table's free!" called Lauren, another of Rose's mates, a little while later, "Who's playing?"

"I will!" said Rose, enthusiastically, "Doctor, play with me? We can play doubles."

"OK," the Doctor replied, "I like a good game of pool."

They made their way to the table where Lauren and Kirsty were setting up the balls.

"Who's splitting?" asked Kirsty,

"You can," Rose replied, grabbing a cue from the stack in the corner.

Everyone watched as Kirsty began the game by hitting the white ball into all the others.

"Perfect shot," noted the Doctor, "Go on Rose. You have first go."

"Game on!" said Lauren.

Five minutes later, Kirsty and Lauren were ahead having potted five balls compared to the Doctor and Rose's two. Rose bit her lip after fluffing another shot.

"Sorry!" she said, "I'm not very good at this."

"Don't worry," the Doctor said as Lauren took her go; luckily for them not potting any balls. "Here, let me show you my trick."

He manoeuvred her over to the pool table and put his arms around her so his hands were on top of hers. Rose breathed in and shivered at the closeness of their bodies.

"Do this," said the Doctor, moving her hands on the cue sharply. He watched as the white ball hit a red ball which slowly rolled in. "You did it!"

" We did it," corrected Rose, with a smile, "Thanks."

"Anytime," replied the Doctor, before kissing her neck and making her shiver in delight again. "Anything for you, Rose."

The group finally staggered out of the pub at just past midnight. Rose and the Doctor said goodbye to the others before finding their way back through the dark and deserted streets to the Powell Estate. Being just a little drunk, they giggled at everything and held tightly onto one another.

"An'… an' I've been taking French all year, right, and 'cause of the TARDIS translator, I've been astounding them all with my perfect Français!" sniggered Rose.

The Doctor laughed. "I never did stop the TARDIS translator did I?" he remarked.

"I thought it was a sign you was coming back," slurred Rose, "An' I was right!" She reached up and clumsily kissed the Doctor. "I like doing that!"

"I like it too," said the Doctor.

By now they had reached the Powell Estate. Rose looked at her watch. "Mum'll have gone to bed. Don't wanna wake her. Sleep in the TARDIS."

"Come on then," replied the Doctor, unlocking the TARDIS door. He pulled Rose inside. "Your bedrooms still set up like you left it. Like I said, it's only been three days for me…" He trailed off, feeling a fresh wave of guilt spread through him.

Rose took hold of his arm and he pulled her into a tight embrace. "I'm sorry," he whispered for what felt like the millionth time since they had been reunited twelve hours previously, "I'm so sorry."

"Shut up," murmured Rose, drinking in his unique scent. "Doesn't matter." She yawned suddenly. "I'm going to bed. Night Doctor."

"Night Rose," replied the Doctor, kissing her softly, "see you in the morning." He released her from his embrace and watched as she walked away.

The Doctor didn't sleep. He didn't need to sleep very much anyway but, in the past few days, after foolishly leaving Rose behind, he'd slept a lot, trying to have some time when he didn't feel guilty or heartbroken or keep seeing Rose's stricken face after telling her he was leaving. So now, here he was, sitting in the Captain's Chair in the Control room at two in the morning while Rose slept peacefully down the corridor. He frowned as he thought about what he had done to her. He'd never be able to forgive himself, putting her through all that pain. He'd only had to endure it for three days before he'd given up and found Rose as quickly as possible; she'd had to live with it for an entire year. Never again. It would destroy both of them if he did that again.

Suddenly, his ears pricked up. He could hear some moaning coming from somewhere. He stood up and paced around trying to find its source. The moans increased in volume until he suddenly heard the word "DOCTOR!" being shouted out. It was Rose, the Doctor realised. He raced down the corridor and threw open the door to her room. Rose was turning restlessly in her bed, her brow was wet with sweat and she was crying out. "No Doctor! Come back! Don't leave me!"

"Rose!" called out the Doctor, softly, "Wake up. It's me, the Doctor."

"Don't leave me!" whimpered Rose, still asleep.

The Doctor sat on her bed and shook her shoulder.

"Come on, wake up Rose. It's just a bad dream!"

"Doctor…" muttered Rose, opening her eyes, "Doctor!" She shot upwards and into his embrace. "I thought you'd left me again," she mumbled into his jacket.

"No, I'm still here. I'll stay with you for as long as you want me to."

" Forever ."

"I hope so," smiled the Doctor, kissing her head, "I promise I'll never leave you again, Rose. I love you."

"I love you too, Doctor," said Rose, listening to his hearts beat.

They stayed in that position, wrapped up in each others arms for a while longer.

"I think you better get some more sleep," said the Doctor, finally, "First day of the holidays for you tomorrow, isn't it? Busy day."

"Can't I come travelling with you again?" Rose asked her voice a little unsure.

"Rose, I can't think of anything I'd rather you do," the Doctor hastily reassured her, his relief evident on his face. "We can leave as soon as you want."

"Thanks," Rose yawned,

"I'll leave you to sleep then," said the Doctor, standing up and making for the doorway. He stopped when Rose quickly caught his hand.

"Stay with me," she pleaded, her brown eyes staring into his.

The Doctor nodded wordlessly and Rose scooted over in bed. He hesitated only for a second before climbing in beside her and gathering her up in his arms. Rose smiled at him as they lay face to face on the pillow before closing her eyes. The Doctor stared at his companion. He was lucky to have her.

In the first installment of the 'A Levels' series, "Doctor Who" takes a dramatic turn as the Doctor makes a difficult decision to leave Rose behind, much to her dismay. Their relationship is tested when he repeats this action, sparking tension and conflict. As the story unfolds, the consequences of the Doctor's choices unravel, paving the way for an emotional journey filled with twists and turns.

Welcome to my Patreon page! I'm JonSnow007, and I'm excited to have you join me on this adventure. Delving into the world of "Doctor Who," I explore the complexities of relationships and intergalactic encounters. Through my creative work, I aim to captivate audiences with thrilling narratives and thought-provoking themes. Join me as we journey through time and space, navigating the challenges of AS Levels and the mysteries of the cosmos. Let's embark on this exciting journey together!

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