
Alexandros Peverell-Slytherin

After Harry's victory over Voldemort in the Battle of Hogwarts. Harry is stabbed in the back by the man he thought was the kindest and wisest man in the world. Puppeteering by Dumbledore, deceiving a friend, exploiting love. After death, Harry finds a beautiful rebirth. Advanced Chapters: pat reon.com/FanFictionPremium

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The end of the second year

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By evening, the company of the Black sisters, Peverell and Malfoy, and Longbottom and Greengrass, who had joined them, had reached Platform 9¾. They made their way noisily and cheerfully. Once down on the platform, the company began to look around for the adults. Longbottom was the first to find his mother.

- See you Frank, and remember what I told you about studying. There's no law against the use of magic by minors in pureblood manors, so practice, especially in spells, transfiguration, and potions. You've made good progress, but you can't stop," Alex said after everyone had said goodbye to Frank. He nodded in response, and after saying goodbye once more, he went to his mother, who was patiently waiting for him.

After Longbottom left, Peverell looked around and noticed the same white hair as his own. Calling the others to follow him, Alex headed towards Darius. He was standing away from the crowd as usual, along with Lord Black, Lord Malfoy, and to everyone's surprise Lord Greengrass.

To the surprise of the students was that Peverell Senior was dressed not in his usual clothes with a white cloak, but entirely in black with a black robe. Another surprise was that all four of them had canes in their hands.

- Welcome back my lord, my lady," the man greeted Alex and Bella with a bow. 

- Thank you, Darius," Alex replied, and Bella simply nodded.

- 'Son,' Abraxas said in his reserved way, placing a hand on Lucius' shoulder.

- Father," Malfoy Junior replied.

- Andromeda,' Orion nodded, looking at his niece.

- 'Mark,' Charles Greengrass said last, Greengrass Jr. nodded in response, silently greeting his father.

Once the greetings were over everyone began to discuss the latest news.

- My lord, I have good news and bad news, which one should I start with? - Peverell asked, looking at the young lord.

- Let's start with the bad," Alex replied.

- The case with the Potters is not progressing. Carlus Potter, the current head of the Potter family has turned out to be a stubborn sheep. It seems that they are old friends with Dumbledore, that's why he flatly refuses to even communicate with any of us and even his wife was powerless here, - said Darius with annoyance.

- Oh, the good one? - Alex asked with a dropped voice. Even though he was no longer Harry Potter, he didn't want to be on opposite sides of the barricades with his former family.

- And here's the good news," Darius said, pointing his hand at Charles Greengrass. - Lord Greengrass has agreed to support us," Alex replied, staring at the blond-haired man with shock, who only smiled at the expression on his face.

- I have the same thing," Malfoy said suddenly.

- What do you mean? - Alex didn't understand.

- The Crabbe's and the Goyles are with us, but the Crouchies are not," Malfoy's face crinkled faintly at the last word.

- Lord Malfoy, you work fast," Darius said with surprise.

- It wasn't difficult, for, even though the two families were ancient and noble, the Crabbs and Goyles had always been under the influence of the Malfoys. The three families have always stuck together, and Hogwarts is a prime example of that," Malfoy Senior replied with a smug grin.

- Let's get back to the Crouches," Lord Black, who had been silent, suggested.

- Yes, the current head of the Crouch family, Bartemius Crouch, has turned out to be a man who hates dark magic, but he also dislikes Dumbledore, so he's neutral," Cygnus Black explained.

- Perhaps we can get something through Crouch's son, Bartemius Crouch Junior," Greengrass suggested thoughtfully.

- How? Crouch Sr. is cold-blooded, stern, and stingy with emotion. The only person he shows kindness to is his wife," Darius asked in surprise.

- Let's not get ahead of ourselves, I think we should try Lord Greengrass's idea first, - Alex stopped the men, as he already had an idea. Alex had learned about Bartemius' son right after his fourth year after the Three Wizards Tournament. Barty Crouch Jr. was a gifted wizard and a brilliant student, who had managed to pass all twelve PSAs and JABs with flying colours. He loved both his father and mother, so he wanted them to notice his successes, especially from his father, but the most he could get from Bartemius was scant praise. These problems pushed him into the company of Death Eaters. From Voldemort, he saw what he had tried in vain to get from his father: respect and recognition. 

- Even Black's bloodline to the Crouches, through Casper Crouch and Charis Black, was powerless, what makes you think Crouch would listen to his son? - Abraxas asked with a sigh, looking around.

- I don't know, intuition," Lord Peverell shrugged.

- If the Potters are not all lost, then Crouchy is a real problem, since Bartemius is now the head of the Department of Magical Law and Order, and he has the entire Aurorate at his fingertips, and that's a pretty big force," Orion couldn't continue as they were interrupted.

- My lord, someone is coming," Peverell Senior interrupted Black.

- Who?" asked Alex, looking at the man.

- Augusta Longbottom and her son Frank," everyone, including Peverell, looked surprised.

- I'm sorry, - sounded from the side, looking at the source of the sound, Alex saw a young Augusta Longbottom.

- Gentlemen, Lord Peverell, Lord Black, Lord Greengrass, Lord Malfoy," the woman greeted the company.

- Lady Longbottom," everyone replied, the lords and Darius kissed the lady's hand according to etiquette, and the girls bowed in curtsy.

- 'I am glad to see you in good health Lady Longbottom. Is there anything we can help you with? - Alex asked, looking at Frank's mother, who answered without thinking:

- Yes. I wanted to thank you, Lord Peverell," everyone present looked surprised.

- For what? - Peverell asked in surprise.

- For my son, - simply answered the lady.

- What do you mean? - Alex didn't understand.

- Let's talk in private, it's not a topic that should be discussed in front of everyone, - she looked around meaningfully.

- You're right, perhaps you wouldn't mind visiting Slytherin Manor tomorrow at noon, for example," Augusta was shocked to hear about Slytherin Manor, but she managed herself quickly and nodded affirmatively. - Excellent. Darius," the keeper understood without words and handed Lady Longbottom a snake-shaped pendant. - It's a portkey, it'll work at noon tomorrow and take you straight to the main drawing room of Slytherin Manor," Longbottom nodded silently, and then said goodbye to her son and headed for the exit.

- It looks like the Longbottoms will be joining us soon," Darius said after a moment's silence, and after a few more minor points of discussion, everyone said their goodbyes and headed out.

The Peverells appeared as usual in the main drawing room of Peverell Manor. After that, everyone went about their business. Alex and Bella went to their rooms to take a shower and change their clothes, then unanimously looked for Narcissa and found her in the library, where they spent a few hours talking about everything that had happened, then the houseboy called them to dinner. After dinner, the ladies would go to their rooms, and Alex, along with Severus, would spend another hour or so talking about his little brother's progress. And this occasion was no exception.

The boy fell asleep at midnight, and he went to bed in high spirits. Narcissa had pleased him greatly by showing him mastery of Parseltongue and healing magic. Severus had made great progress in potions, which was not surprising, but he had also learned to use occlumency and showed a good knowledge of the basics of dark magic.

In addition to all this, Darius said that he would spend the summer teaching Bellatrix more in-depth, introducing her to the history and secrets of the family.

The next morning Alex woke up as usual at six in the morning, after which he cleaned himself up and went to the small dining room. When he got there, he saw a familiar sight. Darius and Severus are on the left side of the table and Bellatrix and Narcissa are on the right.

- Good morning, everyone," the head of the family greeted, sitting down at the head of the table. 

- Good morning," Bellatrix and Severus were the first to react, Narcissa smiled and nodded, and Darius nodded in his silent manner, still thinking about something.

Once breakfast was over, everyone went about their business. Darius went to attend to the business of the family, Alex and the ladies went for a walk in the garden, and his younger brother went back to his room to do his favourite thing, which was potions. As soon as the eleventh hour came, Alex and Narcissa went to Slytherin Manor to meet their guest, who was to be there in an hour.

As soon as the couple appeared in the drawing room, Jack appeared in front of them, bowed deeply, so that his nose touched the floor, and spoke:

- Welcome home master, mistress, - Alex and Narcissa equally silently, nodded.

- Jack, prepare lunch and serve it in the small dining room, we will have a guest, - the girl ordered at once.

- Yes, Mistress," the elf bowed, and then with a quiet clap he disappeared.

By noon a housekeeper appeared in the office of the head of the Slytherin family, where Alex and Narcissa were sitting, and informed about the arrival of Lady Longbottom and her son.

- Tell them we'll be right there," Alex ordered, getting up from his seat and giving his wife a hand.

- Yes, master," Jack replied with a bow

Peverell and Narcissa appeared in the main living room a couple of minutes later. The Longbottoms were standing there expectantly. Augusta, as always, was dressed in a strict, perfectly ironed black robe, with Frank standing beside her, also dressed in a blue robe, looking around curiously and excitedly. However, his mother was also burning with curiosity, despite looking around with an indifferent face.

- Lady Longbottom, Frank," with these words Alex exchanged a handshake with Longbottom Junior, then kissed his mother's hand. Narcissa also showed impeccable manners by curtsying before Augusta and extending her right hand, on which Frank imprinted a kiss. - 'Welcome to Slytherin Manor.

- Thank you," Augusta nodded.

- Meet my second wife and future Lady Slytherin, Narcissa Black," Alex introduced the girl. - Come on, the housekeepers have already set the table," with these words the Slytherin, still holding Narcissa's hand, headed towards the exit of the living room. 

The dinner passed in silence, Alex and his wife were calm and unhurriedly consumed their food according to the etiquette. Augusta and her son sat right opposite and followed their example with a little apprehension. As soon as everyone had eaten, the master of the house led everyone into the main drawing room.

- So, Lady Longbottom I'm listening to you, you wanted to talk to me for a reason," she nodded in response, after a moment of silence she said:

- If you don't mind, let's talk privately," at these words Augusta looked first at Frank, then at Narcissa.

- I have no secrets from my spouse, but if you insist, fine. Narcissa, sweetheart could you show Frank the manor? Just don't take him into the room with the portraits," Alex asked his spouse.

- Okay," the girl nodded, and then together with Longbottom left the living room.

- So, I'm listening to you, - Alex turned to Augusta, as soon as the door to the living room closed.

- First of all, I want to thank you again for Frank," the woman began.

- And once again I don't understand why you're thanking me. - Alex didn't know, though he had some guesses about it.

- You know how he was last year, - the woman did not ask, but confirmed, the guy nodded his head silently in response. - And after meeting you, he's changed. He gradually lost that shyness, uncertainty, and most importantly his fear. You were able to do what I spent years trying to do and couldn't get anywhere. I wanted him to grow up like his father, strong and strong-willed, but I couldn't get anywhere and I had lost faith that I could do it," Augusta finished, tilting her head down a little.

- He told me about it," Alex said after half a minute of silence. - Your desire to raise him into a man worthy of status is understandable, but you're not being fair to him. You see him as Frank Longbottom's heir and future head of the family, but you forget that he's also just a boy named Frank who needs attention. As far as I know, you are the acting head of the family now, since your husband passed away two years ago, and you have been working hard to keep the family in good standing. I understand from Frank's words that you believe that feelings, emotions, and attachments make us weak, so you try not to show them too much. I understand the importance and necessity of the responsibilities that have been thrust upon you but do not allow yourself to deny your son attention and care to fulfil your obligations. Frank said you've been treating him like this since he was seven. And he's already going into his third year at Hogwarts. You've already lost seven years, if you're not careful, you'll wake up one morning and realize that you've prepared a wonderful life for your heir, but it will be someone you don't know at all.

After Alex's words, Augusta froze in shock she did not expect such words from the boy, who is the same age as her son.

- I understand, but it is strange to hear such words from a man who is the same age as my son," she admitted.

- Death Talkers have their secrets. Anything else? - Peverell asked in a casual tone.

- How can I thank you? - and these words surprised, if not shocked the boy.

- Come on, I didn't do anything special, I just helped him with his potions and had a heart-to-heart talk with him. Anyone could have done that," Alex couldn't continue, as he was interrupted and answered for him.

- Exactly, anyone could have done it, but no one did it except you. Besides, you helped the heir of the family, and now the whole family is in your debt, so you can ask for anything, of course, within reason, - the woman corrected.

- Well, if you insist, I have a favour to ask of you," Augusta replied with a questioning eyebrow. - As you know, there is a power struggle going on in the country right now, between fanatics and muggle-borns, led respectively by the mysterious Dark Lord Voldemort and Albus Dumbledore," she nodded, confirming that she knew about it.

- You forgot someone else," Augusta said.

- If you mean the Ministry, I don't count them as a third party," Alex answered.

- I didn't mean the Ministry, - the woman parried.

- Who? - Now Alex was sincerely surprised, even shocked.

- The third side is the alliance of light, dark, and neutral families, led by the Malfoys and Blacks, and strangely enough, more and more pureblood families are joining them, and not only dark ones, but light and neutral ones as well. This site is already head and shoulders above Dumbledore and Voldemort combined," Augusta explained.

Hearing Longbottom's words, Alex experienced an unprecedented shock, he didn't know that their party had already gained so much strength, moreover, he didn't know that Darius with Abraxas and Orion had stopped acting in secret.

- Well, I wanted to ask you to consider my offer to join this party, - Alex coped with the shock and said.

- What do you mean? Is your clan a member of this party? - Augusta herself was now shocked.

- Actually, the Malfoys, Blacks, and Peverells founded the party. Officially the Malfoys are the heads of the party, but not officially the Peverells. I'm sorry, that's all I can say. All families that join our ranks take an unbreakable vow of silence about everything they learn, and you can only get answers to your questions if you take an unbreakable vow, and therefore join us," Peverell explained.

- In that case, the Longbottom family agrees to join your party," Augusta Longbottom said after five minutes of silence.

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